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anthony bourdain is a total badass


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this is well worth watching.


the vid



the questions

[1] What did you intend 'No Reservations' to be, and how has that intention changed over the years.

[2] As a well-known ex-user of many different drugs, what is your most interesting/profound/dangerous drug experience?

[3] Your reverence to the cultures you visit is apparent. Has there been a culture that has been exceedingly difficult to adapt to, or to a way of life and eating that lay at extreme odds to your own?

[4] What country do you think is the most misunderstood by Americans?

[5] What are your favorite off the shelf junk foods? Your guilty over-processed pleasures.

[6] Did anything crazy happen while filming No Reservations that couldn't be aired? Any good stories?

[7] Who is Anthony really? You mock the Food Network and loath the culture that it has created around food, yet you appear as special guest Judge on multiple Top Chefs. You despise "Foodies", yet you are one of the main inspirations for a new generation of "Foodies". Is there an internal struggle? Are you ever on the verge of saying "fuck this", and opening a restaurant under a pseudonym (so the food, not your name, speaks for itself), where no one is allowed in the kitchen, and sous-chefs sign a non-disclosure form? Do you still have the passion to develop and experiment with new recipes?

[8] As an American, I feel that we as a country are too often culturally isolated to understand how small this world really is and how, on whole, humanity has a lot more in common than we have in difference. As explored in your show, food is often at the center of a cultures identity. Let's say you were given the chance to have every American sample three dishes of your choosing. What three dishes would you pick to try and spark an interest in expanding our horizons.

[9] In your rare moments at home, what do you cook?

[10] When travelling, what is the best way to get to the real food and local culinary culture, not just the chain restaurants and restaurants that primarily cater to tourists. What kind of research should one do ahead of time to find the best finds?

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man, i just started watching no reservations a week or two ago—i am in love with it. i'm no food connoisseur, and i fucking hate the word "foodie" (like, do i go around saying i'm a "music connoisseur"? no, fuck that), so bourdain is the nice fuck-it-i'm-smoking-and-drinking attitude i've been looking for in my travel shows. and the whole food-as-gateway-to-culture idea for a travel show couldn't have been done better than with him. hell yeah, r*****

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man, i just started watching no reservations a week or two ago—i am in love with it. i'm no food connoisseur, and i fucking hate the word "foodie" (like, do i go around saying i'm a "music connoisseur"? no, fuck that), so bourdain is the nice fuck-it-i'm-smoking-and-drinking attitude i've been looking for in my travel shows. and the whole food-as-gateway-to-culture idea for a travel show couldn't have been done better than with him. hell yeah, r*****


he's the anti-ramsay as regards 'foodie' (i hate that term too, even though i am sorta one, i guess). no artifice, no persona.


awww shit, it's reporting the video as private for me now? and seems like i'm not the only one according to ***dit.

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"video is private" well, there goes that.


there are a lot of people complaining a lot about it. should have a mirror soonish with a bit of luck

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I used to watch this guy all the time, and I think I got sort of burnt out on him. he's definitely got a way with words.

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so, tell me about this video. What did he say? Im a big fan. Im a pro cook 2. He is the only tv cook that accurately explained what its like to cook on the line in his NYC steak special with Repert


He recently did a Charlie Rose interview too

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I used to watch this guy all the time, and I think I got sort of burnt out on him. he's definitely got a way with words.


I agree with this. For me it's that he sometimes can be grating, when he's trying to sound literate. In intro's and introspection and the like. Just shut up an eat that damn food. Also, it's annoying when you can tell that he really wants to be accepted by this or that person representing a culture. So he becomes the overeager little suck about things. Also, when they have contrived 'fuck the producer' bits and the like. They also bite.


Overall he's a nice kid though, whom i hold no ill-will towards. It's just his television that kinda annoys me a little.


I think i prefer Andrew Zimmern's more relaxed style, these days.

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I love how he always rips on the food network and rachael ray. he is definitely a man's man. he can be a little too arrogant at times for me but I guess he has earned it, he has had quite a life.

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I used to watch this guy all the time, and I think I got sort of burnt out on him. he's definitely got a way with words.


I agree with this. For me it's that he sometimes can be grating, when he's trying to sound literate. In intro's and introspection and the like. Just shut up an eat that damn food. Also, it's annoying when you can tell that he really wants to be accepted by this or that person representing a culture. So he becomes the overeager little suck about things. Also, when they have contrived 'fuck the producer' bits and the like. They also bite.


Overall he's a nice kid though, whom i hold no ill-will towards. It's just his television that kinda annoys me a little.


I think i prefer Andrew Zimmern's more relaxed style, these days.



literate? you think the man doesn't read books?


also, i dunno about you visiting a foreign country for the first time, but I usually go out of my way to not act like Karl Pilkington.

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To the first point, you know what i mean don't ya. On the second point, maybe what i was talking about was too subtle for you to notice.



no. i dont know what you mean. for someone you hold no "ill-will" towards, claiming that someone is acting like they are literate is pretty insulting.



the second point, yes. it was incredibly subtle, and I apologize for not picking up on it.

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