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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Yeah, we've had about 10 days of 30+ degree weather with overnight minimums of at least 20...


Oh man, my dad's going to have a fun time coping with that. My parent's are going to be in your neck of the woods for about two months, and they are woefully unprepared for the heat. Here's hoping they don't get heat stroke!


It's cold and wet where I am.

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she's very annoying but quite hot, perfect candidate for an angry hate-wank


whatever she is amazing.


do you like her music?


I've never listened. I like her wierdness/cuteness and physical attributes.

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Yeah, we've had about 10 days of 30+ degree weather with overnight minimums of at least 20, and it's making me tired, unmotivated and depressed. I've forgotten what winter is like. I hope it gets cold as fuck this year so I can point and laugh at all those summer loving douchebags while they shiver in their inadequate clothing.

i am angry now
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Got my new laptop, but all my music is split between my old laptop and my external harddrive like 17,000 songs worth. It's gonna be a pain in the ass to get them into the library on this new one... I do have everything on my ipod though. Anyone know a good program that let's you extract mp3s from an ipod into a library? (I don't get why they don't just let you do this anyway, stupid DRM)

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Got my new laptop, but all my music is split between my old laptop and my external harddrive like 17,000 songs worth. It's gonna be a pain in the ass to get them into the library on this new one... I do have everything on my ipod though. Anyone know a good program that let's you extract mp3s from an ipod into a library? (I don't get why they don't just let you do this anyway, stupid DRM)

If you enable show hidden files and folders you can copy and paste the files straight off your ipod to a PC. They are in a hideen folder on your iPod. The files will be named with 4 letters like XJCP or ICOK but they will all have the appropriate tags and show up correctly in your favorite music player. Also You can get foobar for free and try the ipod manager. http://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_dop

Edited by ZiggomaticV17
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I bought a laser pointer for my cat and it's now her MOSTEST FAVOURITIST FING EVARRR!1!!


Except I'm now a bit bored of constantly leading her around the flat with it. But if I stop she sits and stares at me, occasionally glancing at the pointer and back at me.


Go way kitty, wanna internet.

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gf's mom bought plane tickets for the gf's bratty little sister and brother (21 and 17 y/o's, respectively) to come stay at our apartment for a week. without asking either one of us. :cerious:

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gf's mom bought plane tickets for the gf's bratty little sister and brother (21 and 17 y/o's, respectively) to come stay at our apartment for a week. without asking either one of us. :cerious:

That's extremely fucked imo

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gf's mom bought plane tickets for the gf's bratty little sister and brother (21 and 17 y/o's, respectively) to come stay at our apartment for a week. without asking either one of us. :cerious:


Way not cool of her. There has to be some practical solution to this FWP.

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gf's mom bought plane tickets for the gf's bratty little sister and brother (21 and 17 y/o's, respectively) to come stay at our apartment for a week. without asking either one of us. :cerious:

WTF, seriously? That's some huge bullshit there... Revenge of some sort is called for I'd think. If my gf's mom did that for my gf's brother and sister there'd definitely be some heated word exchange at very least.

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Move out. Ahh if only you could actually do that. We can dream.


Yeah, we've had about 10 days of 30+ degree weather with overnight minimums of at least 20, and it's making me tired, unmotivated and depressed. I've forgotten what winter is like. I hope it gets cold as fuck this year so I can point and laugh at all those summer loving douchebags while they shiver in their inadequate clothing.

i am angry now



I'm with modey, too much summer can get fucked. He's lucky down there, when it gets hot it's a dry heat. But mostly it's not that hot.

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Yeah, I think it's over now. I stepped out of work to a nice 24 degrees and a cold wind. Fucking awesome. I don't mind hot days *too* much, but when it's 30 degrees at midnight and I wake up from patchy sleep with my pillow covered in sweat for the sixth night in a row, I tend to go a bit insane.

You're right delet. I could never live in Brisbane. Even those few days when I visited were ridiculous!

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Guest Sprigg

gf's mom bought plane tickets for the gf's bratty little sister and brother (21 and 17 y/o's, respectively) to come stay at our apartment for a week. without asking either one of us. :cerious:

That's fucked. Just be an ass and say no?


Fwp: ran out of cold water in the shower, fell down the only set of hard stairs in my house (others are carpeted) and I left my coffee at home.

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lol, I kinda tried to be an ass and just say no. It didn't work. Then I felt bad.


At least now I don't feel too bad, having read a message board full of introverts' reactions. In fact I feel much better, even though I'm still going to have to put up with a week of drunken midwestern teenager in my apartment. Maybe her brother is into music, he's actually a cool kid and is into some of the same stuff I was at 17. But the last time I saw the sister, I had tried to take her around town - she was a giant bitch everywhere we went, so eventually I went home, listened to spoken word albums and straight up stopped entertaining her. I even bought a bottle of liquor I knew she wouldn't drink. She got so bored that she left. Maybe that'll work again.

Edited by luke viia
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gf's mom bought plane tickets for the gf's bratty little sister and brother (21 and 17 y/o's, respectively) to come stay at our apartment for a week. without asking either one of us. :cerious:


That's so incredibly disrespectful for her to do that to you!


But yeah, I'm with everyone else: get drunk and weird er' out with some like... I don't know, what's weird these days? Autechre? Play her RDJ - Milkman that should make her feel awkward.


Theres just something about in-laws and ironic situations involving lactating federal service people's wives that don't mix properly.



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Sounds like the lil' bro is a decent human being. Yeah, find a benign way that will make the bitchy sis not want to stick around.

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