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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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give them back the same track minus the vocals and call it a dub.


I don't like the music either. The only thing I like is the kick.


- Vocode the new melody/chords using vocal track

Yeah just transform the vocals


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I've been asked to do a remix for someone. It's a vocal track and I hate the vocals. I don't know what to do?

Don't do it?



Nah, I'll do something. Hopefully I'll be able to improve the original.

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I've been asked to do a remix for someone. It's a vocal track and I hate the vocals. I don't know what to do?

Don't do it?

Nah, I'll do something. Hopefully I'll be able to improve the original.

Add reverb. 100% wet.
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taking another job on half time as a dish washer. it's dirty work, and not everyone appreciates you, at the bottom of the food chain,. i don't mind it that much, but when it gets busy fffffffffffffffffffff

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Summoned for jury duty.


Are you officially chosen?  When I was summoned I was one among what seemed like more than 100 people.  They call people up at random from that group and then the defendant and prosecutor accept or veto who they want or don't want.  They had chosen the 12 before my name was called.  It was a pretty boring waste of an afternoon.  I was actually hoping I would get selected because it would have been interesting to see a court case first hand.  Plus I could tell the accused was guilty as fuck just by looking at him.  :emotawesomepm9:

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Summoned for jury duty.


Are you officially chosen?  When I was summoned I was one among what seemed like more than 100 people.  They call people up at random from that group and then the defendant and prosecutor accept or veto who they want or don't want.  They had chosen the 12 before my name was called.  It was a pretty boring waste of an afternoon.  I was actually hoping I would get selected because it would have been interesting to see a court case first hand.  Plus I could tell the accused was guilty as fuck just by looking at him.  :emotawesomepm9:


No, just received my letter, which I will be sending off tomorrow to confirm it. Hopefully I do my two weeks and go back to work but a coworker recently spent four months off work on a massive trial and I fear the same happening. Especially as I have two weddings at the end of June and would be horrified to find out it causes problems.



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I need to complete an internship as a final requirement for my degree, the internship period of this semester technically starts on Monday, but I haven't landed one yet. I know I'm not the only one in my class that hasn't lined one up yet (at least I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one :unsure: ), but it's still kinda stressing. Both places I've had an interview for at this point have passed on me. A few of my classmates have already accepted full-time positions...

However, I've been trying to remind myself that even last year not all the seniors had their internships completed in the semester-window and still graduated, and the few of my classmates that have accepted positions came into the program with some previous experience, which I didn't have. I also have about 8 pending applications, some of which are also for full-time positions... I think I'm just extra anxious because this is my second degree focus I've had and I REALLY want to end up doing what I went to school for this time, unlike last time. :catcry:

Edited by ghOsty
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So my parking garage is tiny (seriously seems like the design must break some sort of law) and I got pretty much trapped this morning. In my attempt to get out I rubbed against a cement pillar and put a huge fuck off dent in the side of my truck. I don't think this is gonna be a cheap repair. :facepalm:

Edited by luke viia
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what's the degree? I'm a bit envious that you're at the end, I've only just started (also my second go at it).


Graphic Design

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taking another job on half time as a dish washer. it's dirty work, and not everyone appreciates you, at the bottom of the food chain,. i don't mind it that much, but when it gets busy fffffffffffffffffffff


i'm so slow at my job. today was rough, trying to keep up all day and dealing with one (two) asshole employees

the only thing that kept me sane at the end of the day was one of the kitchen managers complimenting me at the end of the night.

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taking another job on half time as a dish washer. it's dirty work, and not everyone appreciates you, at the bottom of the food chain,. i don't mind it that much, but when it gets busy fffffffffffffffffffff

i'm so slow at my job. today was rough, trying to keep up all day and dealing with one (two) asshole employees

the only thing that kept me sane at the end of the day was one of the kitchen managers complimenting me at the end of the night.

It's nice to get compliments like that, it's always surprising how much they can matter.

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taking another job on half time as a dish washer. it's dirty work, and not everyone appreciates you, at the bottom of the food chain,. i don't mind it that much, but when it gets busy fffffffffffffffffffff

i'm so slow at my job. today was rough, trying to keep up all day and dealing with one (two) asshole employees

the only thing that kept me sane at the end of the day was one of the kitchen managers complimenting me at the end of the night.

It's nice to get compliments like that, it's always surprising how much they can matter.



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I've been asked to do a remix for someone. It's a vocal track and I hate the vocals. I don't know what to do?



I was asked to do something similar and just ended up rewriting most of the music. This track was originally just a singer with a banjo:



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i like to bike commute. don't mind the rain. hate putting on the rain gear then taking it off when i get to work. 


today it rained on my way to work... then was kind of nice spring cloudy sunny all day then an hour before i go home it poured cats and dogs.. then i get suited up to ride home and it mostly stops raining. 

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taking another job on half time as a dish washer. it's dirty work, and not everyone appreciates you, at the bottom of the food chain,. i don't mind it that much, but when it gets busy fffffffffffffffffffff

i'm so slow at my job. today was rough, trying to keep up all day and dealing with one (two) asshole employees

the only thing that kept me sane at the end of the day was one of the kitchen managers complimenting me at the end of the night.

It's nice to get compliments like that, it's always surprising how much they can matter.


totally. I went thru about a half year without hearing a single thank you from the management and owners at my work and it stung (probably more than it should've...i'm no snowflake). in the last month or two I've gotten some recognition and it made me so much more willing to work hard like I should. kinda wild that niceties have such a profound effect sometimes

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^ it works the other way as well. I had someone who I trained and supported every day for 12 months who hardly ever said thanks after I saved her ass on multiple occasions. I mean, you could say that it's an obligation of mine to do that as her direct boss, and yes it is, but saying thank you is just polite.


she also had/has a massive ego and is a complete princess, so this behaviour just tied in to a picture of her character I was gradually developing. she doesn't work in my team anymore and was surprised to realise I was giving her a cold shoulder now that I don't have to deal with her shit.

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Got up at 4 am to drive my girlfriend to the airport. It's now 7 am and I can't decide if I should go back to sleep... just for an hour.



you're supposed to stop for donuts on the way home. 

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