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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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was gone from work for a little over a week and upon my return there is so much bullshit done incorrectly that I have to fix -- e.g. just found an accounting error of over fifteen THOUSAND dollars -- that I am tempted to quit on the spot. jfc. didn't realize I was the only thing holding this place together. and one of my bosses literally did the exact opposite of what I requested before I left and has agreed to pay thousands of $$ for inventory we don't even have room for

:cerious: :cerious: :cerious: :cerious:

Edited by luke viia
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5 hours ago, luke viia said:

was gone from work for a little over a week and upon my return there is so much bullshit done incorrectly that I have to fix -- e.g. just found an accounting error of over fifteen THOUSAND dollars -- that I am tempted to quit on the spot. jfc. didn't realize I was the only thing holding this place together. and one of my bosses literally did the exact opposite of what I requested before I left and has agreed to pay thousands of $$ for inventory we don't even have room for

:cerious: :cerious: :cerious: :cerious:

ask for a raise asap. 

my FWP is basically being mad at stupid drivers (always in BMW) who have no idea of their surroundings and so they do "crazy ivan" style u-turns in the middle of the street right in front me when i'm on my bike and i get set off for a while in stupid rage at stupid people. 

on my street which is a wide street. room for cars parked on both sides and still room for cars to drive in both directions. was coming back from a bike ride and due in front of me in a BMW creeping along like he's looking for something then he pulls right like he's going to park on the curb on the right side of the street.. practically pulls into a spot behind a car already parked (no turn signal of course) then he immediately whips left and cranks the steering wheel to do a u-turn and park on the opposite side of the street. all w/o looking and w/o any turn signals (why do bmws even have turn signals.. fucking never use them) and i'm right there in the road so i wave my arms and tell him to look first next time.. he mumbles something and goes about his business. I wish i'd said "a fucking turn signal is a beautiful thing" or something.. but whatever.. was half a block from my door. 

fuckn cars. harumph. 

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On 8/10/2022 at 10:19 AM, zero said:

well you obviously aren't threatening enough. start using some jedi mind tricks and make him bend to your will. don't you know how to do that man?

so, after a while, I got fed up and I started giving him the silent treatment, not even that actually, I gave him the monosyllabic treatment, basically just yes, no, yo, morning, cya... he ended up coming to me asking if everything was alright between us and I told him I would talk directly with his supervisor to which he then replied "but TimJ, you can talk directly with me" to which I then replied, "I dont feel like it..."

2 days after that he asked to move cabins and now I live alone in a 2 persons cabin... I'm an awful person... ?

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The handle broke off of my bathroom sink faucet this morning while the water was still running. I was panicking for a minute because I couldn't shut the water off. But then I just pressed down as hard as possible on the metal frame where the handle used to be and managed to finally close it.

Not too concerned about buying a replacement, so long as it's an easy fix. But I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've had this happen.

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1 hour ago, ambermonke said:

The handle broke off of my bathroom sink faucet this morning while the water was still running. I was panicking for a minute because I couldn't shut the water off. But then I just pressed down as hard as possible on the metal frame where the handle used to be and managed to finally close it.

Not too concerned about buying a replacement, so long as it's an easy fix. But I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've had this happen.

there should be another 'main' faucet below the sink or close to where you have your home water counter/meter... but I guess you already know that... if not, I'll give one of my burgers...

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my cellphone carrier is pretty good, it's Mexican, called Bait, I have 3 months unlimited for 28 bucks... works in LA and in Mexico so it's all I need... but there's that FAIR USE Policy, don't know how it's called in English, so I have 20Gb 4g full speed and after that my speed goes down to 3g or 2g, something like that... but this decay only happened in the states so I called customer service...

my complaint is that I called customer service and they're so ignorant that they kept insisting that my phone wasn't compatible with their sim card (you can check this on their site using your cellphone's IMEI), even after I tell them that I've been using it for ages on this phone...

I ended buying a new sim card and obviously as I thought it's working fine like before... these customer service people could as well be internet bots...


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1 hour ago, cruising for burgers said:

there should be another 'main' faucet below the sink or close to where you have your home water counter/meter... but I guess you already know that... if not, I'll give one of my burgers...

You mean like a shutoff valve? I was already able to shut the faucet off directly. But I won't use it again until I replace the handle.

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On 9/1/2022 at 3:04 PM, ignatius said:

ask for a raise asap.

this is good advice

but... I just put in my two weeks notice :cisfor: FEELS GOOD

(I had to fight for my last raise 1.5 years ago, and it was peanuts when they eventually agreed - I even made a graph showing that inflation had been outpacing my pay raises for over three years. dorky, but it worked lol)

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new sfwp: I'm a renter, and someone just crashed their car on the long driveway leading to my house (nobody was hurt) by letting it roll down a hill and into the bushes, where it slowly stopped. Apparently these people got out of the vehicle for some reason, and it wasn't in park. big brain time. By the time I saw what had happened, 2 officers were already working with the vehicle owner, who was hysterical (shouting "I DONT DESERVE THIS" and other such lamentations, despite seemingly being in no physical or legal trouble whatsoever). So I tell the cops that I need to call the property owners, can they tell me what happened, etc. "Car slid backwards, there's no damage" he says. The car hasn't been moved; how could they tell there's no damage to the property? So I call my landlord. "Have them call me," he says. So I go back to the officer, hand him the number of the property owner, and he tells me he's not calling anyone and that he won't be telling me anything either. WTF is this? Cops show up to remove a car from private property, and refuse to contact the property owners??

tbf I'm leaving out a few details bc sensitive, but yeah. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. When I called my LL back I told him "I'm not sure it's wise for me to go play investigative journalist..." and he agreed, adding "I don't want you handcuffed on the ground. I'll call them instead." what a fucking country. acab. 

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daily sfwp 2.0 and 2.5

got new tires this morning. problem 2.0: that's expensive, and I just quit my damn job. problem 2.5: while the shop was working on it, a guy came out and warned me that one of the lug nuts might break off. I said okay, well you can't really stop now, thanks for the warning. indeed, they busted a nut on that tire. so now I'm out here driving with a busted nut, and I was warned that if just one more nut busts, I'm in danger ?

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I have been working on memorizing a spoken passage that I wrote for my next live performance and it has put me in a weird mood today.  I wrote the most negative and upsetting cynical rant that I could think of and have now been repeating it to myself on a loop all day long.  I feel dirty.

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  • 2 months later...
13 hours ago, ignatius said:

i think the pharmacies/docs should switch from arm and just inject into the ass cheek. 

I do this every night with your son

12 hours ago, milkface said:

Broke as fuck rn

Cya in the 2nDD world homie 

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apartment hunting suuuucks

just got back from checking out the best lead i had, and turns out that it's A) probably not available anymore even though it isn't even publicly advertised, B) has no laundry access, C) is maybe 220sqft total, D) is directly across the street from an abandoned school with a shit ton of broken windows, a big prison-style fence, and graffiti all over it including the words "cum on me" directly visible from the place i'd be renting. $1000/month

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10 hours ago, Squee said:

Also, everyone is either watching TikTok shit or listening to music on their phone and playing that crap out loud. What is wrong with people?

dude. so at my subsistence level part time job people do this and it's fucking annoying. like 3 people listening on things on their phones and in multiple languages.. then also in multiple languages talking like no one else is around and it doesn't matter because no one understands them etc.. then other people speaking in a different language talk over those people and it's all kind of amazing and i wish i knew what everyone was saying because i'm curious how they'd overlap.. but w/tiktok shit going off in the middle of it it kind of ruins the jazz-like conversation aspect of it for my brain. 

still, the dude playing an imam reading/singing the quran as it's done.. was pretty cool sounding as the guy had a really perfect lyrical voice/quality to it. no idea what was being said of course but it was relaxing especially w/what else was happening around the space i was in. 

edit: my fwp.. car battery keeps dying because i don't drive enough. 

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10 minutes ago, ignatius said:

dude. so at my subsistence level part time job people do this and it's fucking annoying. like 3 people listening on things on their phones and in multiple languages.. then also in multiple languages talking like no one else is around and it doesn't matter because no one understands them etc.. then other people speaking in a different language talk over those people and it's all kind of amazing and i wish i knew what everyone was saying because i'm curious how they'd overlap.. but w/tiktok shit going off in the middle of it it kind of ruins the jazz-like conversation aspect of it for my brain. 

still, the dude playing an imam reading/singing the quran as it's done.. was pretty cool sounding as the guy had a really perfect lyrical voice/quality to it. no idea what was being said of course but it was relaxing especially w/what else was happening around the space i was in. 

That sounds exactly like what I experienced today.
Just add a kid walking around coughing and sneezing everywhere and his mother walking behind him asking, "Where are you going? Where are you going? What do you see?"

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freezing rain them some snow then freezing rain.. so, ice dams in the gutters. spent a few hours in the cold rain on a ladder clearing ice dams in the gutters. there's a covered patio in the back. the person who built the roof over it didn't properly seal it where it meets the siding.. so when the water isn't going where it's supposed to go (the gutters) because of ice dams in the gutters.. it backs up and pours down the siding.. which wouldn't be a problem except for the length of the header attached to the roof that covers the patio. some amount of water got in there and tripped a breaker so a few lights and plugs aren't working in the back of the house which is where my bedroom is. 

i broke up all the ice on the patio roof and cleared the ice dams so the water is going where it's supposed to. the breaker won't reset though. have to wait a while for it to dry out. this means the moisture in the wall is probably causing other problems. there's no leaks into the house anywhere but i imagine there's mold that's gonna happen. Also, need to wait for it to be dry enough for the breaker not to trip. 

so, that means my summer house project $$$$ has emerged and i get to figure out how to seal behind a thing already built.. which means i'll have to take part of it apart, hire someone to do parts of it most likely and i'm annoyed to fuck even thinking about it... also annoyed because i was cold af for a while and on an ice up mostly flat part of the patio roof in the rain and wind shoveling blocks of ice that formed over the gutters and built up under the gutters between the roof and the gutters and my back is tired, i'm tired. i'm annoyed. 

fwp af though.  only one breaker tripped which is good. no other water issues in relation to the gutters. usually if they're blocked the water just spills over onto the ground. 

i could go on but i've said too much. 

merry xmas. 

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