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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I kinda hate my girlfriend's cat, that thing is not right... I mean I know cat's can be weird, but this thing is autistic or something... Plus I think the damn thing peed somewhere in the living room this morning and I can't seem to find out where. I'm making my gf track it down and clean it when she gets home (it's her cat and she agrees it's her responsibility and not mine, cause she knows I don't like the damn thing). In the meanwhile I'm hiding out in the bedroom away from the smell.... Ok, detraction from the first statement, there is no kinda I fucking hate this cat. If I didn't love my gf so much I wouldn't put up with it, fortunately she's kinda getting kinda pissed at the damn thing being such a shithead lately too,I'm subtley seeing if I can use this to eventually coax her to get rid of it eventually.

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that "my boss tells me everything I listen to is bullshit noise" thread makes me self conscious of what I listen to in public -- btw logon rock witch by aphex gives you weird looks on buses, it starts very suddenly so I'm always a bit scared when shuffle is turned on

i think thats so much fun though, playing something that makes heads turn. seeing peoples reactions can be pretty enjoyable. for me, i love to see the reactions i get for Squarepusher's Steinbolt. most people just think its noise so they give me this look of "what the fuck are you listening to?!"


next time play something thats really out there, then when people start giving you looks just give them a deadpan stare. youll probably scare them off the bus. lol


i don't even understand this. are you playing music on a cellphone? get some fucking earbuds.

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Guest Frankie5fingers



that "my boss tells me everything I listen to is bullshit noise" thread makes me self conscious of what I listen to in public -- btw logon rock witch by aphex gives you weird looks on buses, it starts very suddenly so I'm always a bit scared when shuffle is turned on

i think thats so much fun though, playing something that makes heads turn. seeing peoples reactions can be pretty enjoyable. for me, i love to see the reactions i get for Squarepusher's Steinbolt. most people just think its noise so they give me this look of "what the fuck are you listening to?!"


next time play something thats really out there, then when people start giving you looks just give them a deadpan stare. youll probably scare them off the bus. lol


i don't even understand this. are you playing music on a cellphone? get some fucking earbuds.

who the fuck plays music on a cellphone? i play it outta my laptop. and its not cause i dont have buds, its cause i personally enjoy pissing people off with loud music.

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I listen to mp3s on my cell phone. With headphones. I'm sure they leak a fair bit, but I'm always happy to include the people around me. It's always fun trying to identify what other people on the bus are listening to, so I encourage the use of leaky headphones.

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that "my boss tells me everything I listen to is bullshit noise" thread makes me self conscious of what I listen to in public -- btw logon rock witch by aphex gives you weird looks on buses, it starts very suddenly so I'm always a bit scared when shuffle is turned on

i think thats so much fun though, playing something that makes heads turn. seeing peoples reactions can be pretty enjoyable. for me, i love to see the reactions i get for Squarepusher's Steinbolt. most people just think its noise so they give me this look of "what the fuck are you listening to?!"


next time play something thats really out there, then when people start giving you looks just give them a deadpan stare. youll probably scare them off the bus. lol


i don't even understand this. are you playing music on a cellphone? get some fucking earbuds.

who the fuck plays music on a cellphone? i play it outta my laptop. and its not cause i dont have buds, its cause i personally enjoy pissing people off with loud music.


I just wanted to point out that most smart phones double up as an mp3 player and have built in audio playback software... =/


iphones.. blackberries... samsung galaxy... etc...


But yeah when I got the headphones cranked off my cell phone music people give me the stink eye



Edited by StephenG
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Guest Frankie5fingers

but why, it sucks your battery dry. i guess im part of the dying breed where i want my phone to do one damn thing. make a call.

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A big metal light fixture just fucking fell from my ceiling and is currently dangling from a chain about three feet from the ground. Also, there was a fucking drive by shooting outside my girlfriend's work last night while she was working. 5 or 6 shots in all. She is unscathed, but a bouncer who was outside the club next door got shot in the leg. Why? Because one of the girls who was with the drive by posse passed out earlier in the club, so they were asked to leave. Evidently they didn't appreciate that. Anyway... very close call. I don't recall there ever being another drive by shooting in my city before. Fucked up.

fucked up indeed. this stuff doesn't happen here. glad to hear f is ok.

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lol i live in the fourth world not the first world! (or whatever they call it)


its way better you get to shoot more stuff and be way more careless lol

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my best friends are all getting married and no one invites me, wtf dudes...


why would this be?


a) they automatically assumed you're coming.

b) they're having a small family-only wedding.

c) they forgot.

d) they don't like you.

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my best friends are all getting married and no one invites me, wtf dudes...


why would this be?


a) they automatically assumed you're coming.

b) they're having a small family-only wedding.

c) they forgot.

d) they don't like you.

is that supposed to make me feel better? :emotawesomepm9:


a) no they didn't...

b) no they didn't...

c) probably, still, maybe not so best friends after all...

d) well they sure know how to trick me...

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my best friends are all getting married and no one invites me, wtf dudes...


why would this be?


a) they automatically assumed you're coming.

b) they're having a small family-only wedding.

c) they forgot.

d) they don't like you.

is that supposed to make me feel better? :emotawesomepm9:


a) no they didn't...

b) no they didn't...

c) probably, still, maybe not so best friends after all...

d) well they sure know how to trick me...


it was meant as an easy process of elimination... they forgot. probably have a lot to organize. as a best friend it's easy for you to laugh about it, forgive them and forget it. no?

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my best friends are all getting married and no one invites me, wtf dudes...


why would this be?


a) they automatically assumed you're coming.

b) they're having a small family-only wedding.

c) they forgot.

d) they don't like you.

is that supposed to make me feel better? :emotawesomepm9:


a) no they didn't...

b) no they didn't...

c) probably, still, maybe not so best friends after all...

d) well they sure know how to trick me...


it was meant as an easy process of elimination... they forgot. probably have a lot to organize. as a best friend it's easy for you to laugh about it, forgive them and forget it. no?

you're definitely not seeing the big picture from where you stand... it's ok...


thanks for the comforting words!

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