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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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i was just riding my exercise bike. my solid metal exercise bike and the body of it snapped off the bottom. i could have really hurt myself but i'm just pissed that this happened cause i ride it every day for fitness and now i have to try and find another one.

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I start a new job tomorrow but I didn't get any of the health/hobby shit done that I'd planned to when I was unemployed, even though I was unemployed for 3.5 mos.

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just went through a 4-5 hour deep periodontal cleaning and my gums are friggin enraged. can't smoke weed coz that will increase the rage. they let me wear headphones while they were working, which was nice - but the first thing that came on while there's a bunch of sharp objects in my mouth is an old mr. velcro fastener album, mostly a bunch of vocoded electro tracks about the superiority of robots. i told the dentist i needed to sit up for a second, made like i was drooling, but really was just undoing the psychological setting of robot music asserting its dominance over organic life while there was a host of very sharp little mechanical pieces in my mouth. four tet was a much better choice. craving a burrito, but can't have one until i can feel my mouth again (tried with a sandwich for lunch and just about bit my tongue off. "drunk tongue" is what it feels like, like it just falls over in the way of the teeth and gets smashed). think they went through 7 full needles of anesthetic, and i wasn't even asking for it. no nitrous though, just feel like a boxer.


tl;dr i have to bake my weed cuz some dentists paid me to have my molars brushed with barbed wire.


not really a fwp, they paid me $200, but still, my mouth hurts, i can't talk, and i got the need to complain at somebody. gumraeg

I think listening to robotic music is extremely fitting for dental work. I had an hour-long session where they put in a filling while I listened to Tri Repetae. Felt so future

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I took my bike to Evans for a service and they told me to expect a call today with an estimate.


When they didn't call I called in to the branch I went into, they said they would call back...


...and didn't. Now I have no idea what's going on and if the repair is worth the money.



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Testing out album art for three different noise releases I've done over the last few months, and while I like some of it, I don't trust my own instincts when it comes to visual design. Fonts are especially baffling to me. If I like or dislike something to do with music composition/production I know exactly why and can give good reasons for it, but when it comes to visual design that stuff's all kind of vague.

"That looks ugly." "Why does that look ugly?" "Because it looks ugly."

I'd really like to get to a point where I can trust my own sensibilities for visual composition the same way I can for music... or at least closer to that point.

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Testing out album art for three different noise releases I've done over the last few months, and while I like some of it, I don't trust my own instincts when it comes to visual design. Fonts are especially baffling to me. If I like or dislike something to do with music composition/production I know exactly why and can give good reasons for it, but when it comes to visual design that stuff's all kind of vague.

"That looks ugly." "Why does that look ugly?" "Because it looks ugly."

I'd really like to get to a point where I can trust my own sensibilities for visual composition the same way I can for music... or at least closer to that point.


I would love to see what you have in mind for the covers?

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Cool, thanks for the interest. I'll get it a bit closer to completion and then send you a preview. My current dilemma is that I used a pretty big image and did all the text etc. with the image at that huge size, and now I'm thinking it should be closer to a CD cover in size. I'm not sure how to reduce the size without it effecting the quality significantly.... know if there's an easy way?

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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Mixing every day with Traktor, two Technics 1200 mk2s, and my roommate's collection of classic garage & dubstep vinyl.


Every day I wish they were CDJs or a digital controller instead.

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Mixing every day with Traktor, two Technics 1200 mk2s, and my roommate's collection of classic garage & dubstep vinyl.


Every day I wish they were CDJs or a digital controller instead.


why? if you don't mind me asking...

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I used image size with the "bicubic sharper (best for reduction)" option selected. Intuitively I would think taking a big image and making it smaller wouldn't effect the quality if the program's intelligently designed, but I'm usually mistaken about these things. Anyway, I resized all the images individually and redid the text to minimize quality loss as much as possible. I don't really know what the standard is for digital album "covers" or if there is one... so I've got a version that's 4.75 inches, like a CD, and one that's over 16 inches (the original huge ass version I did). It was a pain in the ass figuring everything out, but worth it for the experience. I need to get more adept with this sort of thing, so fixing my own amateur mistakes is probably a good experience in the end. I'll hopefully learn more by fucking things up.

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Mixing every day with Traktor, two Technics 1200 mk2s, and my roommate's collection of classic garage & dubstep vinyl.


Every day I wish they were CDJs or a digital controller instead.


why? if you don't mind me asking...



Because when spinning digitally, I can line up the tunes and get them in phrase in 8 bars or less, then spend the rest of the mix focusing on doing interesting things blending the songs using EQs and filters, which I find to be the really fun aspect of DJing. When spinning with vinyl, I find it to be about 10% that fun stuff and 90% constantly adjusting the tracks to avoid a trainwreck, which is not fun and actually can be quite stressful.


I'll openly admit that it's because I learned to mix on digital and am not very experienced with vinyl but...I still don't like it. It seems totally ass backwards to me to be using this ancient tech in 2013 to control digital tracks on a computer.


[edit] The FWP aspect of it is that it's all really nice gear and a great record collection that I get to use for free and none of it's mine.

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I used image size with the "bicubic sharper (best for reduction)" option selected. Intuitively I would think taking a big image and making it smaller wouldn't effect the quality if the program's intelligently designed, but I'm usually mistaken about these things. Anyway, I resized all the images individually and redid the text to minimize quality loss as much as possible. I don't really know what the standard is for digital album "covers" or if there is one... so I've got a version that's 4.75 inches, like a CD, and one that's over 16 inches (the original huge ass version I did). It was a pain in the ass figuring everything out, but worth it for the experience. I need to get more adept with this sort of thing, so fixing my own amateur mistakes is probably a good experience in the end. I'll hopefully learn more by fucking things up.

If you're using Photoshop, then you shouldn't run into any problems at all if it's a huge file. Just make sure you flatten the layers before resizing. In fact, if you resize down from a large, flattened image the text will probably look better due to the way it's rendered in Photoshop.


Also, it's good to keep the artwork as high-res as possible, in case you ever make a physical copy and need to get it printed. In the image size dialog box you can set the DPI to 300 (for print) or 72 (for screen) and keep the image dimensions the same (I use 121mm square for CD artwork). This will change the pixel dimensions accordingly.


Oh, another thing, if you're getting the artwork ready for Bandcamp, you don't need to resize down, the image uploader has a rather good auto-resize feature.

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A) you could try meditation;

B) the girls who make you nervous, in my experience, are the ones who you're physically attracted to but not really compatible with. I tend to feel really comfortable with the women I end up sleeping with/being with (most of the sex I have is in serious relationships). So, just say hey and be cordial, enjoy the visual experience of hotness, and wait until someone who makes you feel OK with yourself comes along :flower:

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Hmm, interesting point. I can definitely say that's been why I've lost my shit over girls in the past. In this case though it's because I've managed to actually go on a date with a girl (and made plans for a second date) but something in my mind keeps trying to tell me that I'll fuck it up or that I've already fucked it up; and from there it's just a downward spiral until I end up sabotaging my own happiness.

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