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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Jesus christ... I feel for you guys.


Move to Canada guys, WATMM party in Calgary. We can get wasted on whisky mixed with maple syrup, fall down stairs, get hurt real bad..... and not pay for the hospital visit. =)

Edited by StephenG
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Guest fiznuthian

Jesus christ... I feel for you guys.


Move to Canada guys, WATMM party in Calgary. We can get wasted on whisky mixed with maple syrup, fall down stairs, get hurt real bad..... and not pay for the hospital visit. =)



Stephen can you gay marry me into Canadian citizenship? Platonic, but not on paper?

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surfing the internet is starting to feel claustrophobic (and im online just for 2-3 hours a day), i cant imagine being online for more than 5 hours anymore (the thought of it scares me)


there really should be a study on how being online affects the brain (im sure the reason these studies dont happen is because people would be in denial)


life is going to get really weird i think

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Jesus christ... I feel for you guys.


Move to Canada guys, WATMM party in Calgary. We can get wasted on whisky mixed with maple syrup, fall down stairs, get hurt real bad..... and not pay for the hospital visit. =)



Stephen can you gay marry me into Canadian citizenship? Platonic, but not on paper?



For you... I can do that.


surfing the internet is starting to feel claustrophobic (and im online just for 2-3 hours a day), i cant imagine being online for more than 5 hours anymore (the thought of it scares me)


there really should be a study on how being online affects the brain (im sure the reason these studies dont happen is because people would be in denial)


life is going to get really weird i think


There are lots of studies. I wrote a few dissertations on it a year ago; part of my "Digital Intermediated Communication" course.

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interesting, ill do some goggling (lol)


it feels to me that people are okay with the fact that in the future everyone will turn into the fat guy from wall-e, like the thought of being online ALL the time and connected to the machine is exciting to people (similar to how will/i/am gets excited about technology), they are cool witht he fact that the future will be like a sci-fi story (correct me if im wrong but arent most sci-fi stories a warning about technology rather than a glorification?)

Edited by Deer
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Guest fiznuthian

Facebook absolutely destroys my sense of self..

I'm a well intentioned human that tries to be compassionate and helpful, and I think to some extent I can be intelligent and clever in modest doses..In that regard i'm fond of who I have become. But when I browse Facebook and see people's interesting lives I wonder: the fuck have I done in my life?


Just adding this to your comments about the internet and our brain.

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by the way im not against technology or the internet (in fact i think the internet important tool to send us into the next level), just a thought that popped into my head after realizing how surfing the internet is affecting my brian

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Jesus christ... I feel for you guys.


Move to Canada guys, WATMM party in Calgary. We can get wasted on whisky mixed with maple syrup, fall down stairs, get hurt real bad..... and not pay for the hospital visit. =)


Stephen can you gay marry me into Canadian citizenship? Platonic, but not on paper?

For you... I can do that.

surfing the internet is starting to feel claustrophobic (and im online just for 2-3 hours a day), i cant imagine being online for more than 5 hours anymore (the thought of it scares me)


there really should be a study on how being online affects the brain (im sure the reason these studies dont happen is because people would be in denial)


life is going to get really weird i think

There are lots of studies. I wrote a few dissertations on it a year ago; part of my "Digital Intermediated Communication" course.

A few papers or essays. Unless you are holding several doctoral degrees? ;)


Also fiz: people tend to portray only the best side of themselves on Facebook, rarely do we see people bare their souls regarding mental health issues, relationship worries, money problems etc etc.

Facebook is a way for people to craft their public persona, so naturally they want to be as bling as possible. Would be interesting to compare profiles of single people vs married people in terms of info provided.

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Jesus christ... I feel for you guys.


Move to Canada guys, WATMM party in Calgary. We can get wasted on whisky mixed with maple syrup, fall down stairs, get hurt real bad..... and not pay for the hospital visit. =)


Stephen can you gay marry me into Canadian citizenship? Platonic, but not on paper?

For you... I can do that.

surfing the internet is starting to feel claustrophobic (and im online just for 2-3 hours a day), i cant imagine being online for more than 5 hours anymore (the thought of it scares me)


there really should be a study on how being online affects the brain (im sure the reason these studies dont happen is because people would be in denial)


life is going to get really weird i think

There are lots of studies. I wrote a few dissertations on it a year ago; part of my "Digital Intermediated Communication" course.

A few papers or essays. Unless you are holding several doctoral degrees?



what? =S


Edit: oh, you're nitpicking on the word "dissertation". Whatever lol that's what my professor called them and they are 20+ pages each.


But no, I don't hold multiple doctorates. It really just means long, focused, quality essay.


Sorry I will edit my terminology in the future to say "long, focused, quality essay" lol.

Edited by StephenG
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Just got home after a twelve hour shift overseeing my shop's stock take. It's 2am and I'm due back at work at 8am.

These particular stock counters were absolutely fucking awful as well.

On the plus side, my taxi driver didn't have a pen to write me a receipt so gave me blank one, so at least I can claim back a few extra quid from petty cash for my trouble.

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Yes, yes it is nitpicking.


dissertation (ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃən)

1. (Education) a written thesis, often based on original research, usually required for a higher degree
2. a formal discourse

ˌdisserˈtational adj ˌdisserˈtationist n

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Usually required for a higher degree. A thesis (dissertation) usually has chapters, is based on original research, and usually is reviewed by committee.




Sorry, but as someone vaguely involved in academia, calling papers "dissertations" is a disservice to people who actually write dissertations.


Also, "long, focused, quality essay" is pretty subjective. ;)

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fwp: stepheng is hurt like a canadian and won't be quiet



*expects serious and patronizing reply on the unnecessary rudeness of this post*

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You know, I'll hide my comments, fine. But quite frankly you going on to the internet to squabble about your definition of "dissertation" and how I can't use it because I only have a bachelors degree and you have your masters comes off as extremely elitist. And calling serious academic work "a disservice to people who actually write dissertations" just makes you look like a cunt.

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fwp: my feet smell and i have no bacteria spray to eat my ammonia. fml.

I had this problem until I did a candida cleanse. My feet don't stink anymore I took some homeopathic drops or something, quite a few years ago.
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interesting. to be fair my feet stink because i worked in boots + wool socks all day like a dumbass, and i'm watmming instead of taking a shower, but i will look into this candida cleanse, for great health.

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interesting. to be fair my feet stink because i worked in boots + wool socks all day like a dumbass, and i'm watmming instead of taking a shower, but i will look into this candida cleanse, for great health.


careful though... This is probably all coincidence but the stinky feet stopped, as well as ADD symptoms, but I developed my alcohol withdrawal seizures at the same time. I don't know if I was just making better choices or if the drops and inherent bodily changes gave me a seizure condition
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You know, I'll hide my comments, fine. But quite frankly you going on to the internet to squabble about your definition of "dissertation" and how I can't use it because I only have a bachelors degree and you have your masters comes off as extremely elitist. And calling serious academic work "a disservice to people who actually write dissertations" just makes you look like a cunt.


Did I say your work wasn't serious?

I haven't written a dissertation, nor do I plan to, because I'm not going on to pursue a Ph. D.


I would say at a minimum you're looking at 30 single spaced pages in 12 point Times New Roman, for a thesis (dissertation) at the bachelor's level.


I will attach an example of a dissertation for a Ph.D. It was written by one of my instructors who was in the last year of his Ph.D, it's really interesting, if you happen to like Meiji era Japan history. Perhaps it will serve to show why I think using the word dissertation incorrectly is a disservice. Perhaps not, maybe I'll just come off as more of a cunt.


Sorry, I just think that words have meaning (while some meanings are fluid, I would argue this particular word is not fluid in its meaning), so it's important to use them correctly.

It would be like conflating fission with fusion. Similar, but not the same.


edit: also, my feet do not stink, but my armpits have been giving off a particularly foul odor lately. Maybe it's my body trying to excise all the poison from cigarettes.


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Anti-foot-stink=soak your feet in a bath of vinegar.


Well, and wash them with soap regularly. I sometimes dream of how beautiful my feet would be, if I cared for them as much as my hands... One can only dream.

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I bought a diary, and wrote it in there, and STILL forgot I have training today, fucking idiot ughhh why can't I ever remember anything

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