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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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she's a lovely 22yr old red head who can't stop smiling. i would defs bang the sheila, but that's neither here nor there :)



All that matters is if she is into afxs or not?


TBH the orphanage scene here is an atrocity and one of the most corrupt industries in one of the most corrupt countries in the world but I don't bother young girls with the trufacts, in fact I don't bother them at all anymore.


/puts down pipe


/puts on slippers

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So is second world actually a thing then? I've only ever heard anyone mention first and third worlds up until now. I've always wondered about this mysterious second world no one speaks of.



I queued for six hours for my new copy of Syro, but by the time I got to the front it was past midnight and my ration ticket had expired - SWP


I just finished my shit-hot new acid EP, but the Union of IDM Composers censored the tracks - SWP


My 808 was seized by the police on suspicion of being an aid to espionage - SWP


Granted leave from the military to go to a jungle gig, but on the drive my Trabant blew a gasket - SWP - But I was able to fashion a new one out of some six-pack rings and two paperclips - Second-world Success!

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So is second world actually a thing then? I've only ever heard anyone mention first and third worlds up until now. I've always wondered about this mysterious second world no one speaks of.



I queued for six hours for my new copy of Syro, but by the time I got to the front it was past midnight and my ration ticket had expired - SWP


I just finished my shit-hot new acid EP, but the Union of IDM Composers censored the tracks - SWP


My 808 was seized by the police on suspicion of being an aid to espionage - SWP


Granted leave from the military to go to a jungle gig, but on the drive my Trabant blew a gasket - SWP - But I was able to fashion a new one out of some six-pack rings and two paperclips - Second-world Success!



Second World was used to refer to former Soviet bloc nations. It's very much out of of fashion now old chap.

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I'm trying to empty my kitchen for moving out and there's so much to eat.


Make food, give to homeless.



Ain't much homeless people where I live. I've only seen one in the entire town in the last fifteen years living here.


But I have a couple of weeks to eat all of it. Problem is that it's mostly pasta and rice and it's getting boring. FWP.

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Haha, thanks for the second world input guys.


If you can force yourself to (as when I'm depressed I seriously lack any motivation), try and exercise.


This will kickstart a ton of healthy hormones and hopefully make you feel a bit better. Then try and keep the momentum going.



feel better!


Good advice for sure, much appreciated! But instead of exercizing I've been working on new song demos for my band -finished two today! I also finally got around to submitting our music for this band of the month radio thing that we've put off for ages. So today's been a success, and getting all that shit done felt pretty good. I shall try to keep this momentum going, as advised! :beer:

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I have been invited to accompany a girl on her farewell trip down the coast. we will both be riding bikes. the route is sweet and the destination is Jervis Bay, a beautiful place out in the country that I have always wanted to visit. she is bringing a tent and is expecting me to camp out with her for the night. she's not super-attractive like but she is cool and fun to be around.


however, I have a prior engagement on the same day, a houseparty that I was invited to by a friend who I rarely see. quite a few other friends/people are expected to rock up, a sizeable number of attractive females included. they will all be wearing shorts (that's the theme of the party). there will be bums.


I'm trying to decide who to fob off. my initial plan was to ride to Jervis Bay and then come back in time to rock up to the party late. but I will likely get laid if I stay in tha Bay. however I'm not really attracted to this girl so it wouldn't matter if I didn't. but I like her. and I don't function so well around heaps of people and I have rarely ever formed a connection with anybody in such an environment, soooo... if I missed the party, I might not be missing anything. except hanging with my friend, and some beer and nice bums. also my friend would likely introduce me to one of her single girlfriends if I asked.


dunno, mayne.

Edited by usagi
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go to the bay. take chiko rolls and eat them while riding bikes


be fashionably late for the party, always a good move


everyone wins



edit: oh wait camping. forget the party

Edited by modey
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The place I use to buy a sandwich from everyday just divided the size of their sandwiches by two but still sell them at the same price. I don't know if they wanted to do that since they look like nice and honest people but fuck that, I'm not going there anymore. Found another place that sells cheap and long sandwiches but they really are meh. :(

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I have been invited to accompany a girl on her farewell trip down the coast. we will both be riding bikes. the route is sweet and the destination is Jervis Bay, a beautiful place out in the country that I have always wanted to visit. she is bringing a tent and is expecting me to camp out with her for the night. she's not super-attractive like but she is cool and fun to be around.


however, I have a prior engagement on the same day, a houseparty that I was invited to by a friend who I rarely see. quite a few other friends/people are expected to rock up, a sizeable number of attractive females included. they will all be wearing shorts (that's the theme of the party). there will be bums.


I'm trying to decide who to fob off. my initial plan was to ride to Jervis Bay and then come back in time to rock up to the party late. but I will likely get laid if I stay in tha Bay. however I'm not really attracted to this girl so it wouldn't matter if I didn't. but I like her. and I don't function so well around heaps of people and I have rarely ever formed a connection with anybody in such an environment, soooo... if I missed the party, I might not be missing anything. except hanging with my friend, and some beer and nice bums. also my friend would likely introduce me to one of her single girlfriends if I asked.


dunno, mayne.


i'd just tell her that you can't camp out with her due to a prior arrangement but are totally up for spending the day with her.


go and cycle with her during the day then go to the party in the evening.


simple no? :shrug:

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I have been invited to accompany a girl on her farewell trip down the coast. we will both be riding bikes. the route is sweet and the destination is Jervis Bay, a beautiful place out in the country that I have always wanted to visit. she is bringing a tent and is expecting me to camp out with her for the night. she's not super-attractive like but she is cool and fun to be around.


however, I have a prior engagement on the same day, a houseparty that I was invited to by a friend who I rarely see. quite a few other friends/people are expected to rock up, a sizeable number of attractive females included. they will all be wearing shorts (that's the theme of the party). there will be bums.


I'm trying to decide who to fob off. my initial plan was to ride to Jervis Bay and then come back in time to rock up to the party late. but I will likely get laid if I stay in tha Bay. however I'm not really attracted to this girl so it wouldn't matter if I didn't. but I like her. and I don't function so well around heaps of people and I have rarely ever formed a connection with anybody in such an environment, soooo... if I missed the party, I might not be missing anything. except hanging with my friend, and some beer and nice bums. also my friend would likely introduce me to one of her single girlfriends if I asked.


dunno, mayne.


i'd just tell her that you can't camp out with her due to a prior arrangement but are totally up for spending the day with her.


go and cycle with her during the day then go to the party in the evening.


simple no? :shrug:


This. Who said you couldn't get laid by day anyway ? :emotawesomepm9:

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I have been invited to accompany a girl on her farewell trip down the coast. we will both be riding bikes. the route is sweet and the destination is Jervis Bay, a beautiful place out in the country that I have always wanted to visit. she is bringing a tent and is expecting me to camp out with her for the night. she's not super-attractive like but she is cool and fun to be around.


however, I have a prior engagement on the same day, a houseparty that I was invited to by a friend who I rarely see. quite a few other friends/people are expected to rock up, a sizeable number of attractive females included. they will all be wearing shorts (that's the theme of the party). there will be bums.


I'm trying to decide who to fob off. my initial plan was to ride to Jervis Bay and then come back in time to rock up to the party late. but I will likely get laid if I stay in tha Bay. however I'm not really attracted to this girl so it wouldn't matter if I didn't. but I like her. and I don't function so well around heaps of people and I have rarely ever formed a connection with anybody in such an environment, soooo... if I missed the party, I might not be missing anything. except hanging with my friend, and some beer and nice bums. also my friend would likely introduce me to one of her single girlfriends if I asked.


dunno, mayne.


i'd just tell her that you can't camp out with her due to a prior arrangement but are totally up for spending the day with her.


go and cycle with her during the day then go to the party in the evening.


simple no? :shrug:


This. Who said you couldn't get laid by day anyway ? :emotawesomepm9:



What kind of disgusting freak has sex in the daylight when you can see the other person's.... peepee?1?!

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fwp: i feel bad for calling in to work sick when i could have gone in, miserable though i may have been. now i've got some built-in protestant guilt crap going on and feel like i need to spend the day working from home. :dry:

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New tenants moved in below us. They have a yappy dog. Presumably they go to work around 7am, because that's when the terror screams begin (courtesy of yappy dog). The first morning it happened was bone chilling. My gf woke me to say it sounded like a woman was being tortured in the apartment below us. I was genuinely freaked out, because that pretty well summed up the sounds I was hearing. Eventually the lack of consonant sounds led me to the conclusion it was not human, but for a while there I thought we were being privvy to either some really extreme S&M shit or I don't even wanna know. But yeah... antichrist dog it must be. Yesterday the screeches lasted until late in the afternoon. Today they subsided a lot quicker, possibly thanks to an angry neighbor who retaliated by banging loudly on the walls... might've scared the dog into silence. The banging is what woke me up today, twice. I think I was finally getting used to tuning the dog out, but angry neighbors who make the walls tremble are harder to ignore.


Also, my cat's a total wreck during these periods. He either cowers in a corner or hides in a cupboard until the terror screams stop. He won't even come out for food! It pains me to see him so pathetic.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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Once I thought the neighboring room in a hotel had a dog in there, but after careful listening I decided they were just having sex. Such weird yelping sounds.


FWP: My upstairs neighbor used to play an accordion but now he's switched to something else. It sounds like a some sort of an organ or something. I can hear like stomping sounds and some organ like music.

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Guest fiznuthian

New tenants moved in below us. They have a yappy dog. Presumably they go to work around 7am, because that's when the terror screams begin (courtesy of yappy dog). The first morning it happened was bone chilling. My gf woke me to say it sounded like a woman was being tortured in the apartment below us. I was genuinely freaked out, because that pretty well summed up the sounds I was hearing. Eventually the lack of consonant sounds led me to the conclusion it was not human, but for a while there I thought we were being privvy to either some really extreme S&M shit or I don't even wanna know. But yeah... antichrist dog it must be. Yesterday the screeches lasted until late in the afternoon. Today they subsided a lot quicker, possibly thanks to an angry neighbor who retaliated by banging loudly on the walls... might've scared the dog into silence. The banging is what woke me up today, twice. I think I was finally getting used to tuning the dog out, but angry neighbors who make the walls tremble are harder to ignore.


Also, my cat's a total wreck during these periods. He either cowers in a corner or hides in a cupboard until the terror screams stop. He won't even come out for food! It pains me to see him so pathetic.


I love (some, but not all types of) dogs, but oh my god little toy yappy dogs drive me absolutely insane. I know exactly the scream you're talking about. haha

That torturous scream makes me wonder what the dog is actually experiencing.. some kind of horrific existence maybe.

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Once I thought the neighboring room in a hotel had a dog in there, but after careful listening I decided they were just having sex. Such weird yelping sounds.


Haha, well our experience was sort of the reverse of that. Kinky sex was presumed (with slim chance of someone actually being tortured) until we concluded the yelps were of dog origin.



...yappy dog...


I love (some, but not all types of) dogs, but oh my god little toy yappy dogs drive me absolutely insane. I know exactly the scream you're talking about. haha

That torturous scream makes me wonder what the dog is actually experiencing.. some kind of horrific existence maybe.



Yeah, it really sounds like it's going through sheer hell for hours on end, like a torment I couldn't even begin to imagine.

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fwp: i feel bad for calling in to work sick when i could have gone in, miserable though i may have been. now i've got some built-in protestant guilt crap going on and feel like i need to spend the day working from home. :dry:


I do this as well. Then I justify it by realizing that the U.S. has some of the worst (lack of) vacation and sick-day laws in the developed world.

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Once I thought the neighboring room in a hotel had a dog in there, but after careful listening I decided they were just having sex.


Maybe it was both.




the dog had probably tapped out by the time you plucked up the courage to put your ear to the wall for a decent listen to quell your curiosity.


rover - "i'm done bob, plough this bitch".

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