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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I brought cabbage rolls I made into work today. But right at the end of the shift, I dropped the entire batch on the floor upon taking it out of the fridge and shattered my brand new casserole dish that I bought only four days ago.

Good thing most of the rolls managed to stay on the aluminum foil. But when I buy a replacement dish I'll make damn sure it's some kind of metal, and not ceramic or glass.

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I brought cabbage rolls I made into work today. But right at the end of the shift, I dropped the entire batch on the floor upon taking it out of the fridge and shattered my brand new casserole dish that I bought only four days ago.


Good thing most of the rolls managed to stay on the aluminum foil. But when I buy a replacement dish I'll make damn sure it's some kind of metal, and not ceramic or glass.

Then you can't microwave it tho.
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internet been out since friday. they'll be by tomorrow morning to fix it which means i'll have to wake up 1.5 hours earlier than usual because window of arrival is 8-10


i'm thinking that 2017 is a year i want to end already because it has sucked hard for the last few months especially... though w/some significant ups .. but mostly sucked but i know it's only a psychological thing ti wish for the year to be over and life will continue to suck for the time being well through the new year. 


i could make a list fuck you 2017 events but then i'd have to read it. 

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internet been out since friday. they'll be by tomorrow morning to fix it which means i'll have to wake up 1.5 hours earlier than usual because window of arrival is 8-10


i'm thinking that 2017 is a year i want to end already because it has sucked hard for the last few months especially... though w/some significant ups .. but mostly sucked but i know it's only a psychological thing ti wish for the year to be over and life will continue to suck for the time being well through the new year. 


i could make a list fuck you 2017 events but then i'd have to read it. 

Next year will hold much of the same political BS we've had to cope with for the last ten months. But there is some cause for hope come early next November.


I just hope to have a different job by April.

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it something you can do @ home


firefox home button moves from right upper browser page to opposite side on the left


is this some subliminal fuck you to alt-right fuckos? either way dunce here cant integrate into cortex every time yet

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As a halfway decent albeit limited drummer I can relate.  I definitely enjoy playing but it's frustrating to reckon with limitations in ability, like, I keep good time, bring interesting/complementary rhythmic ideas to the table, etc. but am totally undone by a fundamental, immutable limits to my dexterity. Sure if I had hours on end to practice (which I don't) I could bluk up on the muscle memory & whatnot but the returns are diminishing as fuck. 

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