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help decide a menu


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I have a bunch of Chicago family at my house for dinner tomorrow and I'm struggling with a menu. there are a total of 16 for dinner but 4 don't eat meat at all and 2 won't even eat chicken. I was toying with a rigatoni bolognese and a basil marinara spaghetti but there are a lot of meat lovers that would skew more toward steaks and onion on an open fire.


I'm really having a hard time with a decision. there will be prosicuto, salami and provolone apps as well as my chipotle-arbol salsa. I know, two different styles but I like to make my best dishes for big company. Im turning watmm, please halp.

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Barbeque, and grill corn on the cob. Also throw some Boca Burgers on the grill in addition to whatever meat is being cooked. That's what my family does.

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Guest hahathhat

I have a bunch of Chicago family at my house for dinner tomorrow and I'm struggling with a menu. there are a total of 16 for dinner but 4 don't eat meat at all and 2 won't even eat chicken. I was toying with a rigatoni bolognese and a basil marinara spaghetti but there are a lot of meat lovers that would skew more toward steaks and onion on an open fire.


I'm really having a hard time with a decision. there will be prosicuto, salami and provolone apps as well as my chipotle-arbol salsa. I know, two different styles but I like to make my best dishes for big company. Im turning watmm, please halp.

if you succumb to these byzantine culinary desires with nary a whimper, you will forever be their bitch.

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macaroni or steak damn it! that's the question


but I can go nuts with macaroni. I can make tbe family Sunday gravy and there will be more meat than if I grill.


really this does come down to the fact that at 35 years old, i can not make 1 single decision anymore* it is very discouraging







*except to day the exact opposite if my wife. she likes to argue.

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Guest hahathhat

make boring vegan shit. it will foster resentment towards the vegans and no one will be looking at you

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Why not have a meal like pasta, to which meat can be added. Then cook meat, and also cook some tofu/hard boiled eggs. Let them serve themselves what they want.

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I have a bunch of Chicago family at my house for dinner tomorrow and I'm struggling with a menu. there are a total of 16 for dinner but 4 don't eat meat at all and 2 won't even eat chicken. I was toying with a rigatoni bolognese and a basil marinara spaghetti but there are a lot of meat lovers that would skew more toward steaks and onion on an open fire.


I'm really having a hard time with a decision. there will be prosicuto, salami and provolone apps as well as my chipotle-arbol salsa. I know, two different styles but I like to make my best dishes for big company. Im turning watmm, please halp.


you are the host.

considering you had the curtosuty to post on the forums -and -may -eventually tell us what kind of crossroads all this buildup entails . , ,,..

you are the host. they of all these people should be the ones to have a 3lb weight on their chest knowing deep besides theyre guilty for putting any sort of 'requirements' on being a guest.

playing host is the utmost compliment - as it is perceived that you are at the stage in your life where you can invite the people who matter most to you and give thanks to them in regards of your craft. you can show them what you work hard for that makes your special.



open the door with extended arms and welcoming smile. whether on if the ingrediants are outside of their damn tastes, the effort you display for such people will be obvious. you are spending your passion and craft, and as such ; your time. presentation is always going to be everything. and as is a chilled bottle of wine to decay what you seemed to be stressed about. the evening will go by before you know it. make it count -

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summon the heavenly meat portal and let the sirloin of justice slam down the roofs of all the vegetarian's cars as a warning to their heathenous nature and let the burning oil of their vehicles singe the godly meat to a perfectly bloody medium rare.


all will be forgiven.

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summon the heavenly meat portal and let the sirloin of justice slam down the roofs of all the vegetarian's cars as a warning to their heathenous nature and let the burning oil of their vehicles singe the godly meat to a perfectly bloody medium rare.


all will be forgiven.




make sure you include some lion burritos.

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