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Events that would be incredibly scary and incredibly funny

Fred McGriff

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So I'm trying to compile a list of things that could happen to me that I would find both terrifying and intensely funny at the same time. The only thing I can come up with right now is being chased by an ostrich. Any additional insight would be appreciated.

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when your riding on a video cam that shots fire then something flys at you and you need to jump of it then theres a camera shooting fire balls at u

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having maynard sexually assaulting you while eating a double down and reciting the lyrics to hooker with a penis



edit: and a goat cooking pho in the background?

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So I'm trying to compile a list of things that could happen to me that I would find both terrifying and intensely funny at the same time. The only thing I can come up with right now is being chased by an ostrich. Any additional insight would be appreciated.


I think if the ostrich was ending up doing this to you:




It would add to the funny and scary part of the chase.


Edit: sorry, had to edit. Found something better.

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Guest uptown devil

having maynard sexually assaulting you while eating a double down and reciting the lyrics to hooker with a penis



edit: and a goat cooking pho in the background?

are you implying that you would resist maynard's sexual advances?

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Guest uptown devil

So I'm trying to compile a list of things that could happen to me that I would find both terrifying and intensely funny at the same time. The only thing I can come up with right now is being chased by an ostrich. Any additional insight would be appreciated.


I think if the ostrich was ending up doing this to you:




It would add to the funny and scary part of the chase.

what a magnificent cock!



also, the video you posted before the edit deserves reposting.

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Three overweight women masturbating an elephant for artificial insemination in your backyard when you get home from work. Your wife pulls in the driveway 2 minutes later and sees you there, thinking you organized the whole event.





Then she gives you a hug and a kiss thanks you for remembering your anniversary.





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Guest rumbo

Being attacked and incapacitated by a giant wild boar. The boar then proceeds to eat your legs slowly and stops when he's full, leaving you there without legs but still alive. After the boar wakes up from a snooze, he positions himself carefully and pushes out a large bog before wandering off. With no means to find help, to just sit there re-shaping the boar's poo back into some semblance of your legs, while sobbing.

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Finding your wife in bed with another man, realising only afterwards that it was with denis leary and she wasn't fucking him but strangling him and he is now dead.

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Getting caught in quicksand, even though everyone around you can walk over the sand normally, and all think you're playing a prank on them because c'mon, quicksand isn't real.

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