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These are the things I can do without

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Guest disparaissant

chronic and unending depression


i think if i did without that i could do with most anything

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Endless procrastination

Having to work a shit job to pay the bills


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chronic and unending depression


i think if i did without that i could do with most anything


: (


cats. everyone please let those things die out.




I don't know about Scotland but there are roughly 140 million cats in the united states (76 million registered pet cats and another estimated 70 million stray/ferals). They breed like mad when left to their own devices so if you want them to go away, best to start trapping and neutering/spaying.

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chronic and unending depression


i think if i did without that i could do with most anything


: (


cats. everyone please let those things die out.




I don't know about Scotland but there are roughly 140 million cats in the united states (76 million registered pet cats and another estimated 70 million stray/ferals). They breed like mad when left to their own devices so if you want them to go away, best to start trapping and neutering/spaying.


there's something like 10 million pet cats and 2 million strays in the UK according to a quick google. scottish wild cats are very rare now, thought to become extinct in the next 5 years. i'd like the domestic cat to go the same way. cats can fuck right off.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

A fun way to deal with cats is to kick them really hard, try to get them over parked cars if you need a challenge; it's harder than it looks. This is an activity you can do with kids.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Sweat glands.


actually you couldn't really do without those. :cisfor:

You could just pant like a dog. Large tongues are evolutionary selected for already, this is probably the future.

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