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oslo terror thread

Guest yikes

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clint manshell did the solaris soundtrack right?

no, that's cliff martinez


edit; do the typos mean something

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I can’t possibly imagine how my state of mind will be during the time of the operation, though. It will be during a steroid cycle and on top of that; during an ephedrine rush, which will increase my aggressiveness, physical performance and mental focus with at least 50-60% but possibly up to 100%. In addition, I will put my iPod on max volume as a tool to suppress fear if needed. I might just put Lux Aeterna by Clint Mansell on repeat as it is an incredibly powerful song.


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Guest rumbo

His manifesto is up on torrent sites. Its very strange. Even detailing uniforms and chest medals for his proposed "Knights Templar" organisation.


The very last photo in the document is this strange addition...wtf?


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After a night sleep I woke up with a sickening realization that I fell for his biggest trick by reading through that 1500 page document he worked 9 years on: the bombing and the shooting might have been not much more than a marketing trick to draw attention to his work. In his mind I wouldn't be surprised he has already won. His acts have made his manifesto a part of history. Sick.

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Unabomber was arguably the same. Yeah, he'll end up a footnote in history, that doesn't bother me, history will eventually ends up steamrollering everything into a gray paste of irrelevancy.

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Unabomber was arguably the same. Yeah, he'll end up a footnote in history, that doesn't bother me, history will eventually ends up steamrollering everything into a gray paste of irrelevancy.

So true.


What bothers me - and this comes from someone living in Holland dealing with the whole Wilders movement - is that there is a sense of acceptance to be awfully biased. Like it shows you have the balls to stand for your beliefs no matter what, and that's a good thing. It's worrying. And the only thing that will save us, is exactly the gray paste of irrelevancy you mention. Which, when thinking about the casualties, feels like having reached a new level of cynicism. Again. It's hard to not get too cynical.

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as i might have mentioned here earlier, Im obsessed with FOX news and talk radio...i was watching FOX News and they were all amazed that this bombing came from "one of their own"....i shit you not



I bet they tried to make him out to be Mexican for as long as they possibly could.

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My guess: This guy is a highly intelligent but completely un-empathetical human being. I figure he spent a good while thinking about how to draw the biggest media attention towards him and cause the worst type of damage. Youth camp must have seemed ideal to him. Either he wanted to make sure some future press statement of his will gain the largest possible view count in order to get his political ideas out there and "reach" as many people as he can - that is, if he even is politically motivated - OR, which to me is just as likely, it was very much about the act itself and the entire background, manifesto etc is just a big hoax.


Seems like a lot of the manifest is a direct copy of the unabombers manifest.


quote from wikipedia: The manifesto plagiarize substantial parts of the Unabomber manifesto with slightly altered passages. The alterations consists mainly of exchanging the words "leftists" for "cultural Marxists", and "black people" for "muslims"


Anyone else noticed this - they showed his facebook profile on TV (assuming it is not fake) and he had listed Dexter as one of his favorite tv shows. There's an episode from season 2 (2007) where Dexter pulls a bunch of garbage off the net and copy-pastes the "Bay Harbor Butcher"'s manifesto in order to keep the police busy. He calls it "presto-manifesto" and he even mentions the Unabomber in some other episode. I'm thinking this motherfucker is screwing with everybody. He plays the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack on his ipod whilst killing people - How cliche can it get? No way this is his actual thoughts.





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his movie choices are a bit interesting - Gladiator, 300, Dogville. First two are violent stories of one man/small army against the man/overwhelming force. Of course lots of people liked both (maybe he just has a hard on for ancient Greece and Rome), so it's not really that noteworthy. But Dogville does end with an entire town being butchered. Weird thing about that choice is the film is clearly a condemnation of small-town mentality, while "conservatives" tend to praise the "common folk." But then it's pretty clear this guy is a shitty "conservative."


Anyway, kinda supports the "one man against the system and willing to kill whomever gets in his way" mindset. Otherwise its all pretty vanilla, even his book choices are just Philosophy 101.

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its interesting that you brought up the Ancient Rome/Greece worship...a lot of conservatives in this area have a completely irrational love for all things Sparta. Sparta was the greatest civilization on earth, but the Nazis were the worst.



very eerie similarities

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