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Amy Winehouse dead.

Guest Mirezzi

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It's been a full weekend. Oslo shooting. Winehouse passing. Tour de France (cycling sub forum!). New releases on SKAM. Possible new Plaid?


Wait, was this a logical progression? I guess not.


Edit: this post just fell flat on its face after your edit.


AG, I'm sure at least one will survive.

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Out of the 38 people in my rehab group, only 2 of us remain in recovery. 13 are dead.


Edit: 14 people are dead, I forgot to include Amy lol.


damn bro. good for you, that speaks volumes.

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Guest Mirezzi

haha awesome :)


yes we have a 3 week old girl and she wails.

Congrats to you and the missus, man! I missed the "post-" in your post-pregnant comment.


We are gonna have to start a WATMM Dads subforum.

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Guest Iain C

"bitch had it coming" :facepalm:



i am by no means a fan but…...



you guys are assholes-FACT



I agree. I even liked a few of her songs. Like this one:



i fucking love that song


it's incredible. she wrote it as well, which is always worthy of respect for a big-name singer (not that there's anything wrong with singing other people's songs, too).


Also, very thoughtful and sensitive posts from George, much respect to you as always.

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you guys are assholes-FACT

Her friend's and family would be very stupid to read any random forum's thread about her being dead-FACT

So who cares?

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I don't want to tell me mum about this. She loved her.


She has an amazing voice and great talent, a huge shame. She was also kinda hot under all the, erm, crack. Condolences to friends & fam.

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ive been learning all about the The Dap-Kings and the Daptone studio. big reason for the sound of back to


Mark Ronson apparently has a rep in the music biz for taking credit for other people's hard work and not paying up

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Guest hahathhat
you guys are assholes-FACT

it's annoying people expect me to give a shit about some dead celebrity. it only gets more annoying every time i hear, "Did you know [celebrity] died?"


the other part of it is that, yes, i am a bit of an asshole.

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Guest theSun
you guys are assholes-FACT

it's annoying people expect me to give a shit about some dead celebrity. it only gets more annoying every time i hear, "Did you know [celebrity] died?"


the other part of it is that, yes, i am a bit of an asshole.


celebrity culture strikes again.


clearly amy winehouse is a more important person than the 100 or so people killed in car wrecks yesterday.

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you guys are assholes-FACT

it's annoying people expect me to give a shit about some dead celebrity. it only gets more annoying every time i hear, "Did you know [celebrity] died?"


the other part of it is that, yes, i am a bit of an asshole.


celebrity culture strikes again.


clearly amy winehouse is a more important person than the 100 or so people killed in car wrecks yesterday.

how did you come to that conclusion? As far as I know, nobody's mocking the 100 or so people killed in car wrecks yesterday.

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Guest theSun
you guys are assholes-FACT

it's annoying people expect me to give a shit about some dead celebrity. it only gets more annoying every time i hear, "Did you know [celebrity] died?"


the other part of it is that, yes, i am a bit of an asshole.


celebrity culture strikes again.


clearly amy winehouse is a more important person than the 100 or so people killed in car wrecks yesterday.

how did you come to that conclusion? As far as I know, nobody's mocking the 100 or so people killed in car wrecks yesterday.


because if those people were worth remembering our news would have told us so lolol

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i dont think it's a matter of one's life being worth more than another's, it's more of a matter of one person's life intersecting with more people's lives than another's due to the simple fact that they entertained millions of people. a lot of people develop a one-way personal connection to a celebrity if said celebrity makes them smile on a regular basis. a celebrity or entertainer touches in one way or another a lot of lives, and when they die, those that were entertained by the celebrity have something in common to talk about with each other. celebrity death is one way that people understand / discuss their own finiteness in a semi-relaxed and healthy way. that's on the one hand. on the other hand, yes people are obsessed with celebrities, especially when they die.

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