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I just ruined the planet

Fred McGriff

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Earlier in the current 24 hr cycle (I use this terminology because it's 2:30 AM and I'm trying to avoid ambiguity. If I say last night it could mean two nights ago), I had pad thai for dinner. I decided to water my front lawn while eating pad thai, so I turned on the sprinkler. Just now I went to get a drink of water and realized that the sprinkler was still on. So I basically watered my front lawn for 6 hours, depleting all of the earth's resources in the process. More importantly, my water bill is going to be quadruple or something obscene like that. What's the best way to atone for hate crimes against earth? Plant a tree? not bathe for a month? never flush again? not bathe or flush for a month then flush yourself down the toilet? I hate myself.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

The water isn't lost yet, it takes hours to filter through the soil. If we assume half an hour per metre and you've watered for 6 hours you only need to dig a well 12m deep, and add 1m for every half hour you are digging. Then simply pump the water back up into all of the cups and bowls and tubs and buckets you own and telephone the water company to return it in the morning. No problem.

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Guest Enter a new display name

It must explain why the level of the river near my house is 3 meters lower than usual. :(

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What were you thinking!?


6 hours equals 5,3 trees, btw. If I were you, I'd choose one of those fast growing kinds. By the time the Sumalis can actually get back on their feet again, you're being covered by just enough trees to save you.


Good luck with saving your ass, you ignoramus.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

i was wondering why my water levels were low this morning.. thanks a lot mcgriff! :wacko:

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32 spotted owls just dropped dead in front of my apartment. In its final moments, one of them managed to scrawl in the dust of the sidewalk: "none moar watterr." I've been weeping for the last 30 minutes.

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Guest theSun

off topic, but how illegal is it to hook up a "pirate hose" to your neighbor's faucet during odd hours of the night?


it's only a little illegal like stealing a grape or running over a family of ducks

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fact: i actually have one of those toilets that has separate poop and pee flushes to conserve water. so the earth and i have a history together and can probably recover from this setback.


The owls-- oh man, the owls! They're... they're waking up! They're ok! Oh, thank jeziz they're ok.

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fact: i actually have one of those toilets that has separate poop and pee flushes to conserve water. so the earth and i have a history together and can probably recover from this setback.


so what. i bet u get confused and press the wrong button some times.

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