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the American Debt

Guest the anonymous forumite

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Guest Al Hounos

the republican decision? there is no republican decision. unless 'end duh gubbermint' is a decision.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

Isn't it a decision such as, "let's fuck Obama" without thinking about the Country's interest ?

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Guest theSun

true, but it leads to the question of what to do next without completely destroying first world life as we know it.


you can also say the problem is completely within the us gubmint for being easily bought and compounding this short sighted approach to economics. but how to fix? there's lots of problems and not many solutions

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It's going to take some hard and ugly decisions for sure. I don't have any real solutions to offer other than the usual commy liberal socialist rhetoric so I'll just speculate that the government is probably going to have to collapse before we can really do anything besides string together quick fixes/patches on a flawed system.

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Been quite a lot of coverage on these matters here in the UK. It was yesterday lunchtime on the beeb they were interviewing a guy (I think he was from Oregon), and in the end of it he basically said he didnt care because he was moving to Oxfordshire UK next week :emotawesomepm9:

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I'm no expert on economics, but I like Peter Schiff. He was the guy that predicted the crash in 2008 at least two years beforehand when everyone was calling him an idiot.




The video talks about raising the debt ceiling.

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First of all, no, the republicans are not doing this nicely or sanely. It is not normal hold the debt ceiling hostage on a president unless you are trying to screw him over as a political move, it doesn't help anything at all. Obviously the debt is a huge problem, but to sacrifice social services without increasing revenue AT ALL is a total fuck you to the middle and lower class. The republicans, if they actually cared, would just pass the debt ceiling increase without reforming anything at this point, but they still want to hold it hostage and make ridiculous cuts. The president does have the constitutional ability to ignore the imposed debt limit guideline, in this case I wouldn't be surprised if he actually goes through with it if no agreement is reached by the deadline, but the republicans will use that against him during elections as well. We simply need no jack taxes up across the board and cut military spending and such. It would be really stupid to cut programs that help those in poverty. This is completely a political move, nobody really wins if the republicans get their way, it will just make Obama look bad. Even McCain is starting to raise a fuss against Boener's plan.

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to put this in another way, the republicans are basically saying "hey obama, check out this bill that totally fucks everything that makes you a democrat". Obama says, "Hell no, I'll veto the shit out of that bill". They respond, "Oh wait, this bill also raises the debt ceiling, which you need, in order to operate most government entities at all for any extended period of time". Obama: "oh fuck, you realize this doesn't help you at all and will fuck us all in the ass, this simply does not work, I'm still going to veto it". republicans: "well that sucks for you, because if you veto it, then that means it is YOUR fault that debt ceiling didn't get raised because you vetoed the only bill that made it through congress, even though it flys in the face of everything you stand for. The country's spending abilities are going to be fucked for a little while, which sucks for everyone, but at least you won't be re-elected because you fucked everything up by vetoing a vital bill". And the republicans win.

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Every side of the issue has a valid point, but they are misleading in how to combat it.




Republicans-cut funding.


well fucking DUH.....but the Military expenses are close to 30% of our entire budget....we start ending god knows how many of these wars now, thats a HUGE improvement. Also, social security and other bennies make up about 20-22%...thats a large chunk....how much of it is going ot be available to us, the younger generation that has poured our hard earned money into it? Start phasing Social Security out altogether...i know there is opposition to this but i think it basically comes down to your personal ethics....



if any of this was actually beneficial to the people, wed raise the national sales tax, cut all benefits across the board, slash military spending at least a quarter, if not a third, and MAYBE that will give us enough room to keep income taxes/other taxes relatively the same.



but none of this will happen. none of it.


we are witnessing a possible collapse of capitalism, but i wouldnt be so brash as to welcome that...its more likely there is something far darker on the horizon.



Think about it, Im not a fan of Obama by a long shot, but hes going to be made to look like the modern-day Herbert Hoover, allowing Republicans and extremist Republicans to gain yet more ground in the long-term minds of the voters.


Democrats claim benefits and equality for all, but with the Republican debts from Bush and Reagan, they can't deliver. So a lot of center-Dems start moving more and more towards the Tea Party and Republicans. Republicans claim temporary tax cuts in one direction for lower-middle class, permanent tax cuts for the upper class and corporations, and an aura of "protection" from outside enemies. They have played a ruthless Machiavellian strategy for the past few decades, and it is finally coming to fruition.


The ultimate goal, and im not saying this as if its some widespread well known conspiracy, is that citizens are becoming more divided in politics, but now politics is made to influence all walks of life. History, Science, Religion, Economics, Entertainment, all of these things are becoming divisive camps of propaganda.


If someone honestly believed that, given the way the US is heading with partisan politics and self-affirming but obliquely worthless propaganda, wasnt headed for a civil war in 50 years, I'd say they were absolutely batshit.


How does this get fixed? That's always the hardest part of the equation...honestly Im not sure if it can be, without a hell of a lot of suffering in the foreseeable future.


but then again im a pessimist, so, :diablo:


to put this in another way, the republicans are basically saying "hey obama, check out this bill that totally fucks everything that makes you a democrat". Obama says, "Hell no, I'll veto the shit out of that bill". They respond, "Oh wait, this bill also raises the debt ceiling, which you need, in order to operate most government entities at all for any extended period of time". Obama: "oh fuck, you realize this doesn't help you at all and will fuck us all in the ass, this simply does not work, I'm still going to veto it". republicans: "well that sucks for you, because if you veto it, then that means it is YOUR fault that debt ceiling didn't get raised because you vetoed the only bill that made it through congress, even though it flys in the face of everything you stand for. The country's spending abilities are going to be fucked for a little while, which sucks for everyone, but at least you won't be re-elected because you fucked everything up by vetoing a vital bill". And the republicans win.



pretty much, yes. and thats the intention. Republicans have played it far better than Dems in terms of grand strategies...they nominate weak candidates for the presidency knowing that the real decision makers are forced into their cabinet.

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also, lets not forget another vital point:



American labor is DEAD. All the corporations are moving overseas, and yet still reaping our monetary contributions to the gov't through tax loopholes and exemptions, all the while claiming the ironically pathetic cry of being the real "patriots"....






they are leaving the fucking country to save a couple mil on salaries



maybe Chen can chime in on this point, but would it not make sense to increase the fuck out of tariffs and start encouraging our own home businesses to compete in a domestic market, then once back up to speed, cut tariffs down to a reasonable level and expand worldwide? im not very well educated when it comes to economics.



i think what really at the heart of it is causing these problems is the refusal of the American spirit to accept that they are no longer "no.1".....we can still be an incredibly powerful country, but we need to focus on doing it economically rather than importing everything from everywhere our corporate masters are fleeing to, putting a "Made in America" sticker on it to make ourselves feel better, and bombing the fuck out of everyone that isn't Christian.


i mean for fucks sake, we have one of the largest breadbasket/agricultural areas in the hemisphere, we have tons of industrial infrastructure....we just sold it all for a couple more pennies to a bunch of wolves that could sweet-talk.

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Practicing import substitution (which is what raising tariffs and promoting American industry essentially is) actually leads to a situation where once the tariffs are lifted American corps are less competitive because they haven't been forced to compete with other firms on a global market. It would also be against a whole bunch of WTO treaties/agreements.

Offshoring is a natural result of laissez-faire capitalism.


capitalism is a good system, as long as it's regulated. neo-classicist economists can take their refusal to permit government intervention and shove it up their collective asses.


But chen go now, chen busy studying for final.

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Guest hahathhat

It's a manufactured "crisis" just to implement austerity measures and further destroy the middle class.

paranoid. requires too much cooperation and foresight.


Isn't it a decision such as, "let's fuck Obama" without thinking about the Country's interest ?

realistic. they're probably thinking it'll kill support for obama when voting old farts don't get their social security checks in august.


well fucking DUH.....but the Military expenses are close to 30% of our entire budget....we start ending god knows how many of these wars now, thats a HUGE improvement.

cut the military's budget 5% and pay for health care + social security.

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It's a manufactured "crisis" just to implement austerity measures and further destroy the middle class.

paranoid. requires too much cooperation and foresight.


Isn't it a decision such as, "let's fuck Obama" without thinking about the Country's interest ?

realistic. they're probably thinking it'll kill support for obama when voting old farts don't get their social security checks in august.


well fucking DUH.....but the Military expenses are close to 30% of our entire budget....we start ending god knows how many of these wars now, thats a HUGE improvement.

cut the military's budget 5% and pay for health care + social security.



oddly enough, the military budget doesn't make up as much of the budget as you might think.



compared to social security/entitlements, its about ten or fifteen percent more.

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