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the American Debt

Guest the anonymous forumite

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liberals are getting dominated and shut down like little bitches. just like, 'Whoop whoop!' "hoot and holler" and the democrat is on the ground getting his ass penetrated by some big fat hillbilly Republican 'OWNED'

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all economies function as a debt, its been happening for hundreds of years and is all good as long as more people are born cos the world and its resources are infinite.....er....hang on....its just a big ball isn't it? :mellow:

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convince a tea party to kill obama by poising his tea


and there is links tea party is to republicans


then a blog will report it was republicans to kill obama


and then the blog become president

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i think black people should get 1.4x of a vote cuz to making up for when they got only 3/5 when they were slaves

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that's a good idea, this is also good:



(no strings attached, which is exactly my thoughts, there should never be strings attached to whether or not it is raised, it's that fucking simple because it absolutely needs to happen. The budgetary stuff and the revenue stuff should be done on a completely different bill.)

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

we need to switch to a parliamentary/funkadelic system, cut defense spending way down and stop policing the world, reform campaign finance, end corporate personhood, tax churches, legalize all drugs, start an ambitious program to become the world leader in education, and explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.

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At this point the problem is more about politics than about the debt. An example is the first 10 minutes from the latest White House briefing. It looks like "politics" is blocking ANY bill. The strategy seems to be: do NOT allow the president to sign any bill whatsoever. Especially bills that might actually help the dire conditions the US is in.


As mentioned many times: it's a game of chicken. And it's not about the country. It's about power.


The debt is not the issue. It's about political will. If you look at the graph that's posted in this thread it's clear that it takes 3 to 4 decisions to solve this problem. Look at those friggin tax cuts...


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too late to edit:

But the whole point about the White House briefing was Ray Lahood. A Republican which would make me a fan of republicans again. (if only...)

Although he didn't want to explicitly answer questions about his point of view on the whole debt-issue, there's plenty of information between the lines. It starts with a "C" and it ends with "oncessions", and how certain "forces" don't want to make them.

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Guest theSun

i just hope as many americans are nauseated over this as i am.


but i feel like corporate news is successfully making this another red vs blue battle where no one can possibly be empathetic to the other side.

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i just hope as many americans are nauseated over this as i am.


but i feel like corporate news is successfully making this another red vs blue battle where no one can possibly be empathetic to the other side.


Of course they will. As long as they can pit americans against americans is as long as the corporations behind the news and media outlets can do pretty much whatever they want to the country. This won't change until shit really hits the fan. Then MAYBE people will start to realize what is really going on.

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Guest theSun

i just hope as many americans are nauseated over this as i am.


but i feel like corporate news is successfully making this another red vs blue battle where no one can possibly be empathetic to the other side.


Of course they will. As long as they can pit americans against americans is as long as the corporations behind the news and media outlets can do pretty much whatever they want to the country. This won't change until shit really hits the fan. Then MAYBE people will start to realize what is really going on.


there's too many meetings behind closed doors for anyone but the privileged few to really know what's going on. they control the infrastructure, they control the information.


i really don't see any way out of the idiocracy storyline unless there's some incredible massacre or complete economic collapse followed by armed revolution.


even then, it would likely be squashed by those with the capital for tech.

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we need to switch to a parliamentary/funkadelic system, cut defense spending way down and stop policing the world, reform campaign finance, end corporate personhood, tax churches, legalize all drugs, start an ambitious program to become the world leader in education, and explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.


I'd be down with that...except for the legalizing all drugs parts.

i know i know, I'm a crusty old reactionary but I don't think that drugs like crystal meth, pcp and crack should be legalized.

Also you need to add on a bunch of reforms like patent law reform (which is outdated and unsuited for modern IP issues), stronger regulation of big pharmaceutical, labeling for food products (like in Japan and Korea, even China has labeling for GMOs for fuck's sake), and a bunch more that I'd be able to think about if I wasn't so goddamned hungover tonight.

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we need to switch to a parliamentary/funkadelic system, cut defense spending way down and stop policing the world, reform campaign finance, end corporate personhood, tax churches, legalize all drugs, start an ambitious program to become the world leader in education, and explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.


+1 billion


edit: Ok, yeah, I'd agree w/Chen that maybe legalizing all drugs might not be the best policy - but, ffs, legalize week and tax it and you'd probably be able to take care of 1/4 of the deficit right there.

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Guest Sprigg

we need to switch to a parliamentary/funkadelic system, cut defense spending way down and stop policing the world, reform campaign finance, end corporate personhood, tax churches, legalize all drugs, start an ambitious program to become the world leader in education, and explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.




i just hope as many americans are nauseated over this as i am. but i feel like corporate news is successfully making this another red vs blue battle where no one can possibly be empathetic to the other side.
Of course they will. As long as they can pit americans against americans is as long as the corporations behind the news and media outlets can do pretty much whatever they want to the country. This won't change until shit really hits the fan. Then MAYBE people will start to realize what is really going on.


Sadly, yeah. The partisan government system we have going on and peoples' blind allegiances to the two parties, combined with most people only voting for what's best for them as individuals rather than what's best for the country... things won't really change because nobody wants to be inconvenienced by higher taxes or whatever, and most people I've talked to think 'government is always corrupt so why bother trying to change it?'

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we need to switch to a parliamentary/funkadelic system, cut defense spending way down and stop policing the world, reform campaign finance, end corporate personhood, tax churches, legalize all drugs, start an ambitious program to become the world leader in education, and explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.


abolishing private prisons is another important one


I'd be down with that...except for the legalizing all drugs parts.

i know i know, I'm a crusty old reactionary but I don't think that drugs like crystal meth, pcp and crack should be legalized.


the practical argument for legalizing possession is pretty strong (easier to use treatment to reduce demand). Full legalization is hard to sell to Americans because they've isolated from most of the violence prohibition causes and don't know the effects of prohibition when they see it (patients getting acetaminophen poisoning, heroin users overdosing, etc.)

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Heroin i would be fine with legalizing. Drugs like PCP, crack, crystal meth I believe would increase the strain on the medical resources more. I'd probably go with decriminalization for possession though.

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Guest Al Hounos

this whole debt ceiling debacle hurts more than any of obama's other horrible capitulations to the right.




every country has its problems, but the US doesn't even have a functioning government with which to even attempt to fix its myriad problems.


the US is a sinking ship and i want off.



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I like how Obama ended up being pretty much a Republican after all the talk about "hope and change". What a milquetoast spineless politician he turned out to be. Hopefully the independents will have a hard think if it's worth giving their votes to Obama again. The Democratic Party is an absolutely worthless disorganized mess.


Am I imagining things or have the Democrats moved farther right trying to entice moderate Republicans who might not like that their party has been invaded by crazy Tea party people?

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Guest rumbo

US is very close to losing it's AAA credit rating, and will cost an extra $100 billion each year in interest payments.

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