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the American Debt

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Guest theSun

i can't decide if obama is in cahoots with the repubs or if the dems are simply not as good at combative politics.

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So an increase on the debt ceiling, reduction in spending (probably no cuts to military spending though) but no goddamned taxes? Hey America - you need to increase your revenue. You're not gonna put a dent in that deficit without revenue!

And full on lol at tea party representatives saying they're not going to sign the bill.

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i can't decide if obama is in cahoots with the repubs or if the dems are simply not as good at combative politics.


The former is a result of the latter.

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So an increase on the debt ceiling, reduction in spending (probably no cuts to military spending though) but no goddamned taxes? Hey America - you need to increase your revenue. You're not gonna put a dent in that deficit without revenue!

And full on lol at tea party representatives saying they're not going to sign the bill.


Increasing taxes would KILL ALL THE JOBS!!!!!!!!!!1111111

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Guest Al Hounos

didn't you all hear? increasing revenue is off the table. you're going to have to be more creative than that.



anyway, after this mess, i will not be voting for obama in the primaries. if he is the candidate, i will waste my vote on a third party. (likely Green) i hated the idiots that did this in 2000 and got Bush elected, but enough is enough. either a real progressive choice or death. in fact, maybe i'll just vote republican. go ahead and expedite the fall of rome.

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I'm already off but then I did the dumbest thing and started an outsourcing studio. I should have started a luxury goods importing company like some folks I know. Right country, wrong sector. Pretty soon I'll have to switch around and outsource from China to US...

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Yeah, Obama should not get any votes from the independents. Vote 3rd party, it won't do shit, but if they get more votes than usual maybe the main parties will wake up (lol, yeah right, they have the corporate dicks so far up their asses they are practically their spines). The accelerationist stance might the way to go to wake up the general populace that they are getting robbed blind.


I have a feeling that the global economy will need to take another devastating dive before people will finally realize the endemic faults of capitalism.

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endemic faults in "free" market capitalism - sure. Capitalism itself as a theory is pretty good. the trick is finding that balance of capitalist economic policy combined with socialist ummm social policy, and making sure regulation is good. Canada used to be this way, but Harper's government is another one with the corporate dicks for spines (love that quote btw).

Lumpy - give me another year or so, we'll export luxury goods to Korea from China.


Also - patternoverlap - you should print that up in the largest font you can and go plaster florida's capitol building with it.

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the aftermath


So, if I can believe Sharpton, the lack of tax-raises for the rich is compensated with keeping obamacare and some other stuff? OK, this might make some sense.


edit: watch the clip. it's not in the text

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Also - patternoverlap - you should print that up in the largest font you can and go plaster florida's capitol building with it.


Dude don't even get me started on Rick fucking Scott. Worst governor in the country.

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the US is a sinking ship and i want off.


Right here baby. This country is being run by criminals. Make no mistake, this is class warfare, and the republican party has long since been bought by the rich to do their bidding. Meanwhile the poor and middle classes are too sedated on their reality tv and playstations to realize how royally we are getting fucked.

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the aftermath


So, if I can believe Sharpton, the lack of tax-raises for the rich is compensated with keeping obamacare and some other stuff? OK, this might make some sense.


edit: watch the clip. it's not in the text


Naw: http://www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2011/08/debt-ceiling-deal


republicans won this hands down. not the tea partiers (Jon Stewart ripped on them good and proper yesterday on the daily Show), but the republicans.

Cuts alone don't do the job. - hell the debt ceiling increase is about equal to the cuts proposed.

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the aftermath


So, if I can believe Sharpton, the lack of tax-raises for the rich is compensated with keeping obamacare and some other stuff? OK, this might make some sense.


edit: watch the clip. it's not in the text


Naw: http://www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2011/08/debt-ceiling-deal


republicans won this hands down. not the tea partiers (Jon Stewart ripped on them good and proper yesterday on the daily Show), but the republicans.

Cuts alone don't do the job. - hell the debt ceiling increase is about equal to the cuts proposed.

I find it hard to believe there isn't some deal which could explain the lack of tax-raises for the rich. I don't buy the "democrats/obama believe in trickle-down economy" for a second. There must have been something at stake which didn't justify the necessary tax-raise. And that something wasn't the default (because the debt-ceiling could have been raised regardless of the senate/congress, if my understanding is correct).

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obama is a f*ck tard


obamas worse then bush cuz hes a deciet


what dont you understand? its simple


can you eligable to vote in the US?

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