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the American Debt

Guest the anonymous forumite

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but whats scaryer, a snake, or a snake who paints himself like a candy cane and hids in ur christmas tree. obamas a candy cane painted snake

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Guest tronicphace

Putting politics aside for a sec, devaluing the dollar is definitely a lesser evil than defaulting on US debt. So I definitely think QE3 is a possibility.

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that is an awesome article and it addresses something that Ive been telling people for quite a while.


the rich have the right to what they earned, certainly. without a doubt. but this is a failure of morality and ethics. Carnegie was a ruthless businessman, and yet one of the largest philanthropists of all time. if you ever get a chance to read his publication Gospel of Wealth, I implore you to do so.


He saw himself as ethically justifying (evening out) the balance by donating gigantic sums of his money to public funds. If you're net worth is 500 million dollars, then why would a higher income tax that cost you not even a tenth of that matter? why does ten million matter to you?


its an ethical problem, and its sickening, quite frankly. If I was made a billionaire by a country's business policy, I'd be damned sure to support them in anyway they ask. It's called calling in a favor.


The problem though is that it shouldn't be mandatory, the rich should logically bind themselves to the ethical standards they had when they were poor or middle class...help those that helped you...help those that never received help, help those so that they can help others.


But people don't work like that it seems.

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Guest theSun

i think what warren is saying is good and all, but it's a symptom of a bigger problem. until the entire tax system is abolished and made anew, wealth disparity will continue to grow.


consumption tax ftw

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Consumption tax is ridiculous - that tax hurts poor people way more than it does rich people. Tax incomes properly and eliminate loopholes.

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Guest theSun

Consumption tax is ridiculous - that tax hurts poor people way more than it does rich people. Tax incomes properly and eliminate loopholes.


how does it hurt poor people exactly? consumption tax promotes saving and discourages unnecessary spending. put low taxes on essentials like food/water and higher taxes on everything else. gov't assistance can still be in place because we live in an entitlement-ridden society.


abolish social security because we all know no one under 40 is going to see a dime of that paid back. raise taxes elsewhere.

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Consumption tax is ridiculous - that tax hurts poor people way more than it does rich people. Tax incomes properly and eliminate loopholes.


how does it hurt poor people exactly? consumption tax promotes saving and discourages unnecessary spending. put low taxes on essentials like food/water and higher taxes on everything else. gov't assistance can still be in place because we live in an entitlement-ridden society.


abolish social security because we all know no one under 40 is going to see a dime of that paid back. raise taxes elsewhere.


i certainly agree with the social security part.


these old fucks that complain about the younger generation ruining the country can fucking live the rest of their bitter days without it. they don't seem to mind their children and grand-children working in a world without retirement as long as we pay for them to age.

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lets acquire that software that predicts where crimes may likely take place, and setup a watmm bank robbing syndicate to rob banks in unlikely areas... and distribute the money amongst ourselves before the economy collapses

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Consumption tax is ridiculous - that tax hurts poor people way more than it does rich people. Tax incomes properly and eliminate loopholes.


how does it hurt poor people exactly? consumption tax promotes saving and discourages unnecessary spending. put low taxes on essentials like food/water and higher taxes on everything else. gov't assistance can still be in place because we live in an entitlement-ridden society.


abolish social security because we all know no one under 40 is going to see a dime of that paid back. raise taxes elsewhere.


So poor people should have to incur a bigger penalty relative to their income to say...watch TV? Own a car? Take a vacation? Maybe some sorts of fruits are a luxury? Or poor people should just go without? They're poor goddamn it.

You don't want savings to increase too much - especially if you're not taxing income - how else do you propose the government earn revenue to pay for the goods/services it provides? Especially since the US is not a manufacturing nation.

Increase income taxes on the rich and increase corporate taxes.

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