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Calc II

Guest Marc O

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I had a great teacher for Calc I-- a Brazillian fella who would drop Simpsons references every 30 seconds, and I got something like a 112% average. And then a few months later for Cal II I had a Chinese fella who couldn't speak any recognizable English, and fuck me if I broke a C in that class. It was the worst thing that every happened to me aside from all the loved ones dying and that time in 3rd grade when I accidentally peed on the schoolbus or the time in 3rd grade where I showed that girl I liked my weewee (on the schoolbus) and she laughed at me and told her mom who was the bus driver.


In conclusion: 3rd grade is a time of exploration that should be cherished.

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or the time in 3rd grade where I showed that girl I liked my weewee


This works as an adult, but you have to make sure she likes you first.

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or the time in 3rd grade where I showed that girl I liked my weewee


This works as an adult, but you have to make sure she likes you first.


I'm pretty sure she liked me first, but I had the misfortune of being a 3rd grader with a 3rd grade weewee.

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tell her that if she buys the one you want it will grant you access to clac II with all the samrt asians adding that extra bit of oomph your records records need for get into good college

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

my calc II teacher would sweat under his tits.


my calc 2 teacher in college was a really great guy and a great teacher; i sucked at it and still did really well and felt really confident in the material due in large part to his being such a good teacher. respek. :braindance:

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or the time in 3rd grade where I showed that girl I liked my weewee


This works as an adult, but you have to make sure she likes you first.


I'm pretty sure she liked me first, but I had the misfortune of being a 3rd grader with a 3rd grade weewee.


Get back on that yellow bus and try, try, try again.

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