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fuck man

Guest fiznuthian

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Guest fiznuthian

I've encountered far, far, far more shitty asshole drivers than shitty asshole cyclists. Sure, there are some cunts around, but i don't hate em. I dislike the cunts in one tonne pick up trucks that honk at you for crossing the street in a cross walk when you are walking to work at 7.30am in the pissing rain. How you can have the nerve to sit in your climate controlled, warm, dry, comfy vehicle, drinking your god damned latte and honk at me because you are going to be 3 seconds later for what ever the fuck you are going to, i don't know. Fuck those people.


that shit is awful.


too bad everyone doesn't have to work to reach a destination.

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Guest hahathhat

bikers are friggn annoying, stay on the sidewalk idiots you are slow and taking up the road and people are trying to drive on the road which is what its for. you are also causing people anxiety because they have to focus on not hitting you

focusing on not hitting things is what a car driver should be doing at all times.

and the problem with cyclists is they take no responsibility.

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scary thing happened yesterday, i was driving with my mom and a young girl biked right in front of us. it was a 4 way stop and she must have been on the side walk so we didn't see her. we see her , slam on he breaks when she's about 1 meter away from the car. we stop about a foot away from her. she doesn't even flinch,, just keeps going her casual speed. we could have fucked her up . what a dumb bitch.

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scary thing happened yesterday, i was driving with my mom and a young girl biked right in front of us. it was a 4 way stop and she must have been on the side walk so we didn't see her. we see her , slam on he breaks when she's about 1 meter away from the car. we stop about a foot away from her. she doesn't even flinch,, just keeps going her casual speed. we could have fucked her up . what a dumb bitch.


You were going to run a stop sign? I'm confused.

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scary thing happened yesterday, i was driving with my mom and a young girl biked right in front of us. it was a 4 way stop and she must have been on the side walk so we didn't see her. we see her , slam on he breaks when she's about 1 meter away from the car. we stop about a foot away from her. she doesn't even flinch,, just keeps going her casual speed. we could have fucked her up . what a dumb bitch.


You were going to run a stop sign? I'm confused.


we weren't going to run it no, but she did drive right in front of us, close to the stop. totally the bikers fault


edit: to clarify more, she came off of the sidewalk which is before the stop.


so i'm thinking there are bad car drivers and bad bikers. bad bikers have the ability to really hurt themselves though.

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