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no internet


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all day no internet until about 1/2 an hour ago. it really makes you realize how dependent you are of it when you don't have it. i was like, let's just see... oh yeah no internet. wel, i have to check, .. oh no internet.


so i played lots of solitaire and barely won any.


i did other non computer stuff of course, but shit son, i'm glad to be back online



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i dont know. if i forget my phone, it is immediate panic and then it's like, fuck, this is awesome. i remember the days of no cell phones. i'd like to go back to that.



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Guest rumbo

I still have a shitty Nokia bar phone. It receives calls and has an alarm, which is all I need. I'm not really interested in a smart phone also being able to tune a guitar.

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Guest hahathhat

the fuck sort of trick house is that? do they have to deal with a lot of jehovah's witnesses or something? why is there a trapdoor above the front door?

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Guest rumbo

The internet should be a basic human right. Like air and water. Unlimited and free. If it goes down, your ISP gets sent to the fucking Hague.

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