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some of these quotes are just .."Julian Assange is a cyber terrorist in wartime, he's guilty of sabotage, espionage, crimes against humanity".


are all of these people just a bunch of far right nutjobs or do they in any way represent the general opinion of assange in the us?

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Guest theSun

a bunch of far right nut jerbs - but it's a larger portion of the population than you'd expect from such garbage

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Guest disparaissant

a bunch of far right nut jerbs - but it's a larger portion of the population than you'd expect from such garbage

yeah i mean there's far more right wing nut jobs than there should be but for the most part they're just really REALLY fucking vocal. go read any comments section on literally any website that posts news stories. or youtube. it's fucking ridiculous. thor failed to perform as expected in the box office? BLAME OBAMA!

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Guest theSun

yeah there may not be more of them, but they are sure yelling louder than the rest of us - with or without corporate halp



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Guest disparaissant

yeah but even if it's not overt corporate help, they've bought into years of propaganda and are now just fucking idiotic idiot idiotheads


like seriously i work a shit job and everyone i know there is just as bad off as i am, some people worse. and me and two other people there are the only left-leaning people. period. all these fucktards are like OBAMA'S FUCKING THIS COUNTRY UP, NO TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH NO GODDAMN COMMUNIST HEALTHCARES or whatever and it's like you're not rich and we don't get healthcare what the fuck is wrong with you? they've bought into it so hard that they are arguing against their own best interests and they're happy to do it.


it's like steinbeck said, america doesn't have poor people. it just has embarrassed millionaires. drives me mad!

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Guest theSun

Who still cares about Julian Assange?


these fucking crazy people who are still butthurt


disp is right, people are arguing directly against their own interests.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah ftr i don't give a fig about assange, as far as i can tell he is at best a massive fucking tool and at worst a creepy rapist type but overall wikileaks has done some good. he may have had something to do with it, may not have. either way, it doesn't really change my opinion of him. i hear hitler was a sensitive man.

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Guest theSun

yeah ftr i don't give a fig about assange, as far as i can tell he is at best a massive fucking tool and at worst a creepy rapist type but overall wikileaks has done some good. he may have had something to do with it, may not have. either way, it doesn't really change my opinion of him. i hear hitler was a sensitive man.


it's just fucked that people are so vehement about that shit. like, come on.


the death tax debacle is a good example of people fighting for shit that doesn't affect them at all

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There is some legitimate reasons to be mad about Assange, especially if you are American. Yeah he exposed some things to the public that was pretty embarrassing for the government, but he also exposed a bunch of non sense. I don't think the leaks did more good then bad in regards to the sum total.


There are many Americans who are truly patriotic, despite how much logic thinking they may or may not possess. Without getting into some moral ambiguity he did attempt to deface the American government. That alone can provoke people.


On a side note I think the guy is a bum. He tries to play it off like he's Lulzsec's chief hacker supreme when really he's just a tin foil hat wearing data miner. If someone took all my private documents and spread them out on the internet I'd want their head on a stick as well.

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Guest theSun

didn't he say that he's just drawing attention to himself so that other wikileakers aren't boned by the gubmint?

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In my experience, everyone's all like, "I dunno, didn't he give away U.S. secrets or something". I usually reply with a shrug.

I don't think anything happened as a result, so :shrug:


disparaissant i love your avatar

Me too.

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yeah but even if it's not overt corporate help, they've bought into years of propaganda and are now just fucking idiotic idiot idiotheads


like seriously i work a shit job and everyone i know there is just as bad off as i am, some people worse. and me and two other people there are the only left-leaning people. period. all these fucktards are like OBAMA'S FUCKING THIS COUNTRY UP, NO TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH NO GODDAMN COMMUNIST HEALTHCARES or whatever and it's like you're not rich and we don't get healthcare what the frig is wrong with you? they've bought into it so hard that they are arguing against their own best interests and they're happy to do it.


it's like steinbeck said, america doesn't have poor people. it just has embarrassed millionaires. drives me mad!


fixed, dont be rude.

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There is some legitimate reasons to be mad about Assange, especially if you are American. Yeah he exposed some things to the public that was pretty embarrassing for the government, but he also exposed a bunch of non sense. I don't think the leaks did more good then bad in regards to the sum total.


There are many Americans who are truly patriotic, despite how much logic thinking they may or may not possess. Without getting into some moral ambiguity he did attempt to deface the American government. That alone can provoke people.


On a side note I think the guy is a bum. He tries to play it off like he's Lulzsec's chief hacker supreme when really he's just a tin foil hat wearing data miner. If someone took all my private documents and spread them out on the internet I'd want their head on a stick as well.


Here's the difference: no one gives a fuck about your private documents (except corporations and the government) because you're not responsible for running the country. Me, I want to know what the fuck governments are up to. I want to know that the government is contracting security work to corporations that are buying kids for sex slaves so that we can hold those people accountable.

I think the leaks did more good than bad - but of course with the popular culture of 24/7 news, barely anyone cares about wikileaks and so their effectiveness is virtually nil. same with lulzsec. you ask any random person on the street if they've even heard of lulzsec - i'd be willing ot bet 70% or greater have never heard of them.

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There is some legitimate reasons to be mad about Assange, especially if you are American. Yeah he exposed some things to the public that was pretty embarrassing for the government, but he also exposed a bunch of non sense. I don't think the leaks did more good then bad in regards to the sum total.


There are many Americans who are truly patriotic, despite how much logic thinking they may or may not possess. Without getting into some moral ambiguity he did attempt to deface the American government. That alone can provoke people.


On a side note I think the guy is a bum. He tries to play it off like he's Lulzsec's chief hacker supreme when really he's just a tin foil hat wearing data miner. If someone took all my private documents and spread them out on the internet I'd want their head on a stick as well.


Here's the difference: no one gives a fuck about your private documents (except corporations and the government) because you're not responsible for running the country. Me, I want to know what the fuck governments are up to. I want to know that the government is contracting security work to corporations that are buying kids for sex slaves so that we can hold those people accountable.

I think the leaks did more good than bad - but of course with the popular culture of 24/7 news, barely anyone cares about wikileaks and so their effectiveness is virtually nil. same with lulzsec. you ask any random person on the street if they've even heard of lulzsec - i'd be willing ot bet 70% or greater have never heard of them.


wait lol how is Assange a tin foil hat wearer again? I love it when people throw around that term because especially in this case it makes zero fucking sense


i guess people have forgotten that Julian Assange doesn't do any of the data mining himself he has a network of whistleblowers, but yeah those goddam tin foil hat wearing whistleblowers of corruption, i want their heads on a stick! *raises pitchfork and torch*

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