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Yeah don't kill me but I feel like getting into a MMORPG just for shits and giggles.


Are there any good MMORPGs (mac compatible) out there? I heard WOW is pretty fun to play but I'm not sure how much it costs each month. Anyone know? Their website is awful and has no real details on costing.


Any other good MMORPGs out there that are playable on a Mac?(my Mac is fast)


Thanks lol

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Guest disparaissant

when i played it was 15 bucks a month. i would have heard if they raised it (i live with two complete and utter addicts) so it's either the same or cheaper.

it is like crack though, it really is. deciding to never play again was one of my better choices.

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Guest disparaissant

well let's be fair here, a decent crack habit is a lot more than 15 bucks a month. but i mean if you can keep it under some semblance of control, it will be a much better use of your time.

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game is free to play up to level 20 now. Should be enough to decide if it is for you or not.



It isn't as addicting as everyone makes it out to be, unless you are easily swindled. The minute you find your self crunching numbers, and only crunching numbers, it is the time to quit. Any one who refutes this is a basement dwelling neckbeard with too many first world problems.

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Guest Pennywise

Forsaken World is free to play on steam. Have a look, you might like it. I don't want to get addicted to these games so I stay well away.

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Forsaken World is free to play on steam. Have a look, you might like it. I don't want to get addicted to these games so I stay well away.


so is spiral knights.

i am addicted.

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game is free to play up to level 20 now. Should be enough to decide if it is for you or not.



It isn't as addicting as everyone makes it out to be, unless you are easily swindled. The minute you find your self crunching numbers, and only crunching numbers, it is the time to quit. Any one who refutes this is a basement dwelling neckbeard with too many first world problems.

This. I got to level 8 and then pretty much got bored.

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Guest disparaissant

game is free to play up to level 20 now. Should be enough to decide if it is for you or not.



It isn't as addicting as everyone makes it out to be, unless you are easily swindled. The minute you find your self crunching numbers, and only crunching numbers, it is the time to quit. Any one who refutes this is a basement dwelling neckbeard with too many first world problems.

for the first bit: not entirely true (levelling blows, the quests are repetetive and sucky, and it's just a stepping stone,) the most fun i had was at higher levels, mostly just doing battlegrounds*. and a lot of people really love raiding. but that ties into


second bit: totally agreed. and raiding involves a lot of crunching numbers. so basically, if you decide you want to seriously raid, quit. just quit.


*though the most fun i ever had in a battleground was as a level 19 rogue so...

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Guest theSun

game is free to play up to level 20 now. Should be enough to decide if it is for you or not.



It isn't as addicting as everyone makes it out to be, unless you are easily swindled. The minute you find your self crunching numbers, and only crunching numbers, it is the time to quit. Any one who refutes this is a basement dwelling neckbeard with too many first world problems.


having gone from casual to raider to casual to pvper to casual again i'd say you're right. you just cross over into an area where it becomes too competitive and time consuming.


that said, i had way more fun being a raider at 60 than i did trying to get into serious pvp at 80.


but leveling is still really fun. i might go back and level another toon, but i'm a little burned out from taking my 2nd mage up to 78 or something. (my other mage was my main at 60, she's long gone :( )


barely play now though. it's great fun if you play with a good group of people and even better with RL friends

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I would say that if you like the pvp aspect of these games, but can't take the level grind, check out a Moba game (maybe League of Legends. That is free). LoL is basically just a rip off of DotA (Defense of the Ancients, mod for Warcraft 3).. Heroes of New Earth being even more of a direct rip. Basically, the game has a similar look and feel of Blizzards design. Very similar game play (Some strategy, mostly pvp, tower defense type game). The thing to be wary of is the community. You will get flamed a lot for doing poorly, so you will invest a bit of time in getting good. Other wise, worth checking if you are keen. Again, it is free..though they will get you when it comes to buying in game items w/ real money.





In defense of WoW... i did enjoy playing with IRL friends..always good to have a crew you know to just go and prowl around looking for fights. But I also enjoyed Warhammer Online as well. I eventually just get bored and stop paying for my account. They are time sinks, in the end. Just stop playing when it isn't fun any more.


If you do play, go Horde. You are fail if you do otherwise.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah the only reason i played is because my 3 roommates and most of my irl friends played. and we were all in the same guild. and it was cool because of that. but now all of us have quit except for two of my roommates and they are sad, sad people.


and yes, horde all the way. when you boil it down, the alliance is a bunch of white supremacists.

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Guest theSun

i should say that level grinding doing 5mans and BGs is fun, questing notsomuch.


but they made most quests stupid ez so

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man, thank god i'm not a nerd.


that being said, i'm also very impressionable—i think "dumb child" would be a good analogy—so thank god i don't have friends that play WoW and convince me to join.

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It actually decreases Grey Matter in your brain.


However, FPS games do the opposite. :)

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Guest Pennywise

I swear minecraft has improved my memory a little bit. When I started playing I would get lost all the time, now I'm like 'oh I remember that pond from an hour ago, I got to go that way. It sounds like bullshit and it probably is.

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I swear minecraft has improved my memory a little bit. When I started playing I would get lost all the time, now I'm like 'oh I remember that pond from an hour ago, I got to go that way. It sounds like bullshit and it probably is.


This sounds like a perfect time tooo!!!


Conduct a study!

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Guest Sprigg

WoW isn't nearly as much fun as I remember it. Fired it up the other day, turned it off after a few hours. If it were free, I'd enjoy it. But I don't really think it's worth the $15/month plus shelling out the $40 or whatever for each expansion every two years. I could invest that money in far better things, like music equipment or food.


I also don't understand the addiction aspect. It's the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and it just gets boring.

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I play WoW and have done for many years now...dred to think what I've laid out. I've got lvl 85 chars in both horde and alliance and a load of lower-level alts in both factions. it's an enjoyable escape for me, but I don't take it too seriously - I'm not a hardcore raider. my 85 tauren enh shaman is pretty kick-ass though saying that...


WoW is by far the best mmorpg imo. give the free trial a go perhaps...


edit: I play on a 2007 macbook, runs fine in low settings...

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I'm a hardcore PVP'er who does rated battlegrounds and arenas. I can't stand the repetitive nature of dungeons and quests so I choose not to do it. I love doing some regular bg's and duals for fun when I'm drunk.


I don't find pvp to be repetitive at all, every real life person on the other side of the screen plays differently, and it turns into a game where I'm trying to anticipate/get them to blow all 20 something cooldowns they have, all while killing them in the process. Its like high speed chess.


It still gives me adrenaline kicks to this day when I do something like win a 1 vs 2 in rated arenas or capture a flag after fighting my way through a dozen or so alliance. I usually have to get up and walk/pace around and cool off for a bit. Thats the good shit.


*slaps arm with fingers to ripen vein*

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Guest theSun

yeah when i did arenas for a while at 70 and more at 80 it was a serious adrenaline rush.


being in the 1st guild on the server to down ragnaros was pretty fucking great though. that was almost offset by the terrible wipes on vael and chromaggus in bwl tho

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Guest underscore

40 man raids were so awful and so awesome at the same time. the idea of having to get 39 other people together with no life to sit at their computer for a few hours at a time is pretty lol. not to mention ventrilo was always entertaining as fuck.

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