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My friends play LOTRO, gave it a whirl with my antique machine, had to go with very low details, played a few quests but never got into it. Downloaded it again for my newer machine and played it with most bells and whistles for about 10 mins, didn't play it for a few months and I just deleted it from eating up space. Can't be bothered with that shit. I am great at procrastinating already.

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Guest Sprigg

Does anyone know any interesting older or smaller offline RPG's? When I can't make music and don't know what to do I like to play games but I don't want to get addicted. And my internet is really slow so I can't download 20gb or so.


Lord of the Rings Online. Just started it this morning, and if you're into Tolkien's middle-earth, you'd probably dig it. If not, you may or may not like it. It doesn't seem to be quite as hardcore as WoW and the community is generally pretty friendly and helpful(though it varies by server from what I've read). Within twenty minutes I was running around noob areas with a group doing noob quests and generally looking incompetent while the others rushed off, but they always came back to provide backup when I needed it.


I'm a big Tolkien fan but this is 6,8GB :( It would take me about a week to download it. And it looks dangerously addicting. I'll check Baldur's Gate today if I'll find where to download it.


:( suck man. It's good fun from the couple hours I've put into it, that's too bad. Everything I've read says the lore is canon (or close) to the lore in Tolkien's writings, too. It's probably as addicting as WoW is... it looks like it's essentially a WoW clone skinned with LotR... so if you're afraid of addiction to the game I'd still clear.


I also wasn't aware that anyone made a Baldur's Gate MMO. When did that happen??

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Guest hahathhat

yeah i knew that guy. i totalled owned him with my twink spriest.

didn't know you rolled that way, bro.

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Okay so I haven't read all of this thread cause the ingame-talk bores me to death, however


i live with two hardcore wow addicts who neglect their kid to play the fucking game.


here's my little story:


In school we had this "trust-teacher"-thing, a teacher you could go talk to when you got something bothering you. Naturally, I never went to them (as if I'd be talking about my troubles with a teacher), but one of them was a teacher of mine on some other course. So after the course one day, she stops me going out the door and is like "You gotta help me, I need to find out what a level 60 choractor is" - and I'm like "You mean a CHARACTER?" and she says "Ha, I KNEW you were playing World of Warcraft! So what is it?". That made me mad as I would never even think about playing WoW, so I tell her "Why do you assume that out of all people it is me who plays that game? Just cause I said FPS didn't cause that Erfurth-guy to shoot his teachers? Yeah I'm quite fond of SOME video games but not that one, I think it's pretty dull". She says: "Yes but, you see, I need to know what a level 60 character is, as one of my students - I can't say who it is, obviously - came to talk to me, he is on the verge of depression because his level 60 character got deleted" ... :rolleyes:


She didn't tell me who it was, but I knew it right away: It was a guy who used to be a quasi-friend of mine, then he started playing this game. First he just started being late for class more often, then he'd miss some days entirely, eventually he'd not show up at all for weeks, until he changed school. I'd still chat with his brother on icq once in a while. Last thing I had heard was that their father canceled the guy's Warcraft-subscription, but somehow the guy figured out a way of running it over his father's credit card without him noticing - for a while at least. So one day, the brother messages me, saying "yo dude I'm just writing you this cause I need to share this with someone: my dad just found out that [name of guy] had him pay for his WoW subscription for months - dad just called 911!" - and I'm like "why would he call the police over that?" - "Because [guy] is now standing in the kitchen, holding a knife, threatening to kill himself if dad won't keep paying for his subscription!":facepalm:




So yeah, I'm not saying this will happen to you if you start playing WoW - you would need to be the type of person who quickly gets addicted to stuff - but the question is: Would you like to pay monthly for wasting your time with a repetitive boring piece of shit game that doesn't even have nice looking graphics or anything else to compensate for the time you spent playing it? For me, the answer was easy. :sup:

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Got to level 12 so far. It is getting more and more fun.


My question is: once you reach level 85, or wtv the highest level is, all there is to do is raiding right? So basically once you reach that level, does one just keep playing that with that char and messing around, or does one start all over again with a diff. char?

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In LoL, being a good troll, you only stop raiding after reaching the level of "maturity". Most players keep on raiding the rest of their lives, btw. And after you're done, there is no start-over. It's done.

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Got to level 12 so far. It is getting more and more fun.


My question is: once you reach level 85, or wtv the highest level is, all there is to do is raiding right? So basically once you reach that level, does one just keep playing that with that char and messing around, or does one start all over again with a diff. char?


go pvp, it's the best part of wow. battlegrounds (when properly organized) and arena..raiding will get boring quickly, pvp is ever challenging.

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Guest disparaissant

i dunno last i heard there were queues for battlegrounds. look for that lol. though you will probably not have much fun at level 12...

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Guest theSun

Got to level 12 so far. It is getting more and more fun.


My question is: once you reach level 85, or wtv the highest level is, all there is to do is raiding right? So basically once you reach that level, does one just keep playing that with that char and messing around, or does one start all over again with a diff. char?


go pvp, it's the best part of wow. battlegrounds (when properly organized) and arena..raiding will get boring quickly, pvp is ever challenging.


depends what you like, but you can basically


do heroics to get geared for raids, raid

do 5mans/heroics pugs casually

do bgs/rated bgs

do arenas

do fun achievements

work up your professions for cool mounts

ride around on a fucking dragon


a lot of aspects of endgame are really cool. it's a little demoralizing once you hit 85 because you're like "wow i made it" then you see all the ridiculously geared 85s that will always be way better than you. Of course those are the people that live upstairs from dispairriisssaint and don't do anything else in their lives...

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Guest theSun

How do I switch my char into pvp?


Can I still join guilds and do raids in pvp?


I know nothing


a "raid" can just technically be a group of 5+ people, but when people say "i raid" they mean that they do endgame pve, not pvp. you can do some world pvp in raids, but we'll save talk of that for later.


there are large BGs though, AB opens up at 20, which is 15vs15. AV opens at 50 if i remember right, which is 40vs40. WG opens up at 75, which is XvsX depending on how many people are on the server, it can be an awful lot. you get to drive tanks and shit too. so there's really a lot to do pvpwise

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Guest disparaissant

dude no they have really shitty gear

for the most part they just play on RP servers and have like 15 lvl 85 toons

they don't even raid

makes it even weirder

i'll go upstairs and one will be in the auction house doing shit and the other will be standing in her underwear in the middle of an empty battleground with 15 other people. talking. they don't even do like... actual fighting. they just stand around and talk. and type "/roll." for hours, and hours, and hours. and they take it utterly seriously.

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Guest theSun

dude no they have really shitty gear

for the most part they just play on RP servers and have like 15 lvl 85 toons

they don't even raid

makes it even weirder

i'll go upstairs and one will be in the auction house doing shit and the other will be standing in her underwear in the middle of an empty battleground with 15 other people. talking. they don't even do like... actual fighting. they just stand around and talk. and type "/roll." for hours, and hours, and hours. and they take it utterly seriously.


at least when i was obsessed i was the best geared mage on my server - and i knew my wowtheory too. i don't know what's sadder; that these doods play hours with little purpose, or that i still think my method of play is somehow more legitimate.



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Guest rumbo

I only discovered the term "toon" a few weeks ago. It is a abbreviation of "cartoon" right? Why is this used to describe an avatar? How did it become part of the MMO lexicon?

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So should I do PVP then? Will I still have quests to do?

How do I switch my level 13 char (now in pve) to a pvp realm?




dude, relax. don't worry about anything except questing for now...all your questions will answer themselves in time. WoW is a huge game with many ways to play. don't rush things or worry about other stuff atm, level up your character and work out some of the game lore, some of the reasons things are the way they are etc...

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So should I do PVP then? Will I still have quests to do?

How do I switch my level 13 char (now in pve) to a pvp realm?




you don't have to switch to a pvp realm to do pvp. pve realms have plenty of pvp stuff too (arenas, battlegrounds), but it's nothing you should really bother with at lvl13 i think. have you even been to ironforge or stormwind yet? anyway, the only difference between a pvp and pve realm is that in a pvp realm you can jump non suspecting members of the opposite faction outside of the battlegrounds (also get jumped in the middle of questing, which is really fucking annoying). you can fight horde outside of the battlegrounds on a pve realm aswell, but both of you has to have pvp mode activated.

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Guest theSun

here's the thing - pvp brackets go like this - 10-19, 20-29, 30-39 and so on. it's a good idea to pvp when you're higher within the bracket, and a bad idea to pvp at 10/20/30. it will be hard because you want to try out new shit at those levels, but there are "twinks" in low level bgs that you will know because you have no hope of killing them ever. maybe if you have 2 regular 19s you can kill a 19 twink, but at 10-15 you would be 1-2 shotted from 40 yards away by any hunter with a bit of gear. and the rogues will just kill you then disappear.


edit -tldr version - queue for warsong (bg[pvp]) at 18

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Thanks a lot for clearing that up. I thought you could only do battlegrounds in pvp servers is all.


I will concentrate on levelling up my character!




Also for payment, its $20 activation then $15 after that right? Their website is awful, doesn't disclose any payment information until I put my credit card in.

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dunno how much it is in canada, but I pay about £23 every 3 months...don't recall there being an activation charge when I first started but that was WoW vanilla...

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