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A remix, sort of


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Haven't made an amen track in 11 years, so please indulge me - I know the amen is sabre-like in its tooth-length, so if it isn't up your beat street, sorry.


But what better way to pay homage to that dusty old chestnut, than by desecrating one of my favourite Kraftwerk tunes, "Ohm Sweet Ohm" - at 207bpm.


Actually, I think it's quite charming, and hopefully you will too. Harsh criticism makes me cry, so if you didn't like it, I'll paypal you 20p or something, just don't be mean! It was only done for a mixtape..




Love to you all!


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is this ripped from cassette or sumptin'?


No, it's straight from the sequencer.. I don't much like the amen when it sounds like it's stabbing you in the neck, much prefer the soggy tissue pulled from a toilet pan sound.


As for the 20p, well, you obviously didn't read the small print!

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Guest mushroom

You're pretty much playing the Amen straight on, with little variation. I haven't heard the Kraftwerk original, but it sounds pretty fun.

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