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red eye removal help


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Photoshop Tutorial Rap


(covers red eye removal and other techniques. Advice is accurate)






Oh, my eyes are red, how am I supposed to put my photos on facebook?


Yo, I hear you got a problem


Yo I’m CMYKilla, I’m here to answer your prayers,

So import that shitty photo, open up a new layer.


When it comes to red eyes, I know just the fix

Back your ass up and let me channel mix


You know that R G B are the colors we’re slidin’

Now knock that Red back till’ the sucker be hidin’


Set our hues, green and blue up to fifty percent

Now we're through, let's review our color adjustment.

Hey what’s wrong with my picture? You made it all grey!


Crop that tongue, motherfucker, listen what I say.


Select your layer mask, now we’re on the right track

Whip that paint bucket out, fill it up with black.


HOLD UP here’s a tip for adobe elite

If you want a quick fill, press ALT DELETE


But it looks just the same!


Yo, shut up, fool!

No talkin’ while I’m shoppin’, that’s my number one rule


Now get yourself a brush, make it soft and white

and dab away that red till it looks all right.

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