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Fox Orders 13-episode sequel to Carl Sagan's "Cosmos."

Guest disparaissant

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Maybe Seth realizes he's a hack who got lucky, and he's accumulated wealth by churning out increasingly uninspired reworkings of his first show, fully aware that he was engaging in a soulless cash-grab, and now he feels like he can finally do something actually useful and productive with his accumulated wealth and power? And from here on out he'll use what he's got to produce good things that wouldn't get produced otherwise? And maybe he wiretapped Rupert's phone and knows where the bodies are buried?


If not, this will suck.

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Maybe Seth realizes he's a hack who got lucky, and he's accumulated wealth by churning out increasingly uninspired reworkings of his first show, fully aware that he was engaging in a soulless cash-grab, and now he feels like he can finally do something actually useful and productive with his accumulated wealth and power? And from here on out he'll use what he's got to produce good things that wouldn't get produced otherwise? And maybe he wiretapped Rupert's phone and knows where the bodies are buried?


If not, this will suck.


If he had anything on the rupe and planned to do something with it. He'd not be anymore. I think that they just trust him to make cash yaknow. And he's fronting some of the bill. A show like that if done properly would screen around the world and endlessly repeat on this or that cable channel, so he doesn't have much to worry about.

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I know he doesn't have anything on Rupspurt, I was just trying to make myself sort of like him.


Really, though, if this is halfway decent, even by US science programming standards, I'll thank him for fronting the $ to produce.

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I know he doesn't have anything on Rupspurt, I was just trying to make myself sort of like him.


Really, though, if this is halfway decent, even by US science programming standards, I'll thank him for fronting the $ to produce.



Yeah, i wasn't seriously debating your point as though you were serious. I did think that it was worth pointing out though, the bit about rupert. :rdjgrin:

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