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Music/Animation Collab

Guest rumbo

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Guest rumbo

I'm looking for sources of music to combine with my animation. I have no plans set for the content, but just want to 2D animate an abstract character piece to some dynamic music. Because it will be a short piece, I think the music should be progressive and tell it's own story.


Are there any sites out there where musicians and film makers collaborate? Would any WATMM'ers be interested in collaborating? Who would you suggest?

Post some music in here too if you feel like it.



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I'm looking for sources of music to combine with my animation. I have no plans set for the content, but just want to 2D animate an abstract character piece to some dynamic music. Because it will be a short piece, I think the music should be progressive and tell it's own story.


Are there any sites out there where musicians and film makers collaborate? Would any WATMM'ers be interested in collaborating? Who would you suggest?

Post some music in here too if you feel like it.



I'd be interested in collaborating. I've always wanted an animated piece to go along with this track:



Plus I see you're from Melbourne too! How did I not see that before?

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Guest rumbo

hehe "decent so far" is a pretty good endorsement here. :sup:


I dunno how I missed another Melbournite either. I like that track, it has a very early 90's PC game crack feel to it. Like something you click through before playing a Psygnosis game. Your logo feels that way too. Are these you influences? Those were the days. I get a feeling of constant speed when listening to it, and there are certain images it conjures up and how I would tackle them. One concern is the length. I should have mentioned that I think 2 mins is a good length as 2D animation is quite a lengthy process. While I may incorporate motion graphics elements, the focus will be on a very fluid character shape which will constantly morph and transform. Intense animation-wise, and not a lot of still moments. I wish I had something to show, but the only relevant work was from my student days back in 2005 and since then the industry has sapped all of my energy into commercial rubbish, which is one of the reasons I want to get back into producing some creative original art. The track has a lot of potential and I'll have a few good listens to it again and see what it inspires in me. I'll also check out your other stuff and stay in touch.


I think there should be more of this kind of collab work at WATMM. Would love to see the results.

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Guest rumbo

No animation yet. The idea is to let the music lead the visuals. Rather than have a retrofit score, which is more common.

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hehe "decent so far" is a pretty good endorsement here. :sup:


I dunno how I missed another Melbournite either. I like that track, it has a very early 90's PC game crack feel to it. Like something you click through before playing a Psygnosis game. Your logo feels that way too. Are these you influences? Those were the days. I get a feeling of constant speed when listening to it, and there are certain images it conjures up and how I would tackle them. One concern is the length. I should have mentioned that I think 2 mins is a good length as 2D animation is quite a lengthy process. While I may incorporate motion graphics elements, the focus will be on a very fluid character shape which will constantly morph and transform. Intense animation-wise, and not a lot of still moments. I wish I had something to show, but the only relevant work was from my student days back in 2005 and since then the industry has sapped all of my energy into commercial rubbish, which is one of the reasons I want to get back into producing some creative original art. The track has a lot of potential and I'll have a few good listens to it again and see what it inspires in me. I'll also check out your other stuff and stay in touch.


I think there should be more of this kind of collab work at WATMM. Would love to see the results.

Cool, yeah definitely inspired by 90s cracktro music. And yeah the logo is a pretty blatant ripoff of the psygnosis logo, hah!

If you want something shorter, I could perhaps write something for you - or could use an excerpt from my work in progress album, perhaps a finished version of this segment:



Or this one, if you want something a bit more slow:



Both are highly unfinished though!

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Guest rumbo

Nice. Both of those tracks are ace. I am really digging the cracktro theme now. Perhaps with a breakdown or something it will help mix it up and create some cool visual opportunities. I'll listen to these some more over the weekend and let it stew down to some ideas.


Springy, I'll see if I can dig up some some 2D studies/exercises I've done. I'll need to trawl through and external HDD.

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Nice. Both of those tracks are ace. I am really digging the cracktro theme now. Perhaps with a breakdown or something it will help mix it up and create some cool visual opportunities.

I'll listen to these some more over the weekend and let it stew down to some ideas.

Awesome. Well the two I posted above are from the same piece, just different 'movements'. I've worked on a bit more of the dnb-ish section, hopefully I can make a concise version of it because the end piece will probably be around 8-10 minutes long, haha. A concise version would be useful though as a nice little teaser for the album.


edit: Could always use a section of this as well, for something more Unreal Tournament style:



.. but it's not very dynamic!

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Ugh I'm kinda drunk and in a random restaurant in NYC at the moment but I'd love to contribute. You can check out my recent work at James-works.com or vimeo.com/jamesworks/lightworks/. Uhhhhhh I didn't read this thread sorry lol but I'm probably up for whatever this is about

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Guest rumbo

Hey James. I really enjoy your mograph work. I'm a big fan of that kind of stuff. I'm primarily a character animator, but am quite comfortable in After Effects. Ijust haven't put the time in to develop the super know-how. Perhaps this collab can develop into a small team of specialists.


Data, is that your stuff? It's really cool. I love the ambience of the first track.

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Guest rumbo

I just put together a short vid with some examples of my 2D animation. These are mainly studies/exercises/tests and are not indicative of what I intend for this collab. Although I am leaning towards it being a silhouette animation. Click on it to watch the original size version at Vimeo. For some embedded vids are smaller.



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I just put together a short vid with some examples of my 2D animation. These are mainly studies/exercises/tests and are not indicative of what I intend for this collab. Although I am leaning towards it being a silhouette animation. Click on it to watch the original size version at Vimeo. For some embedded vids are smaller.



Wow, nice stuff! I like the big silhouette hammer guy

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I just put together a short vid with some examples of my 2D animation. These are mainly studies/exercises/tests and are not indicative of what I intend for this collab. Although I am leaning towards it being a silhouette animation. Click on it to watch the original size version at Vimeo. For some embedded vids are smaller.




I really like your animation style and would love to collab any time. There's a song of mine linked in my sig (within the spoiler tag), and another here:

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I just put together a short vid with some examples of my 2D animation. These are mainly studies/exercises/tests and are not indicative of what I intend for this collab. Although I am leaning towards it being a silhouette animation. Click on it to watch the original size version at Vimeo. For some embedded vids are smaller.





Cool man... I like it, good stuff :) I know very well the intense, long hours it takes to do this sorta stuff, but I look forward to seeing a full project from you.

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Guest rumbo

William and Zephyr, these are great tracks. Bookmarked.

Springy, do you have an animation website?


I feel like I know some of you a bit better after you posted your music in here. I have been hanging out in General Banter while I wait for news of a new BoC album to drop, so inevitably I have been spending all my time in GB and will for a long time yet. But the quality of music being made by some people here forces me to go check out more of the sub forums. Talented muthafuggaz...


I will spend some time letting it all sink in and see what I can develop. There is a huge pool of resources here at WATMM and it's a shame more group collabs aren't taking place. There must be plenty of visual artists who hang here because they love listening to great IDM. Has anything been developed in the past that I'm not aware of?

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William and Zephyr, these are great tracks. Bookmarked.

Springy, do you have an animation website?


I feel like I know some of you a bit better after you posted your music in here. I have been hanging out in General Banter while I wait for news of a new BoC album to drop, so inevitably I have been spending all my time in GB and will for a long time yet. But the quality of music being made by some people here forces me to go check out more of the sub forums. Talented muthafuggaz...


I will spend some time letting it all sink in and see what I can develop. There is a huge pool of resources here at WATMM and it's a shame more group collabs aren't taking place. There must be plenty of visual artists who hang here because they love listening to great IDM. Has anything been developed in the past that I'm not aware of?


This is probably the only worthwhile thing I have to show:




If you check out the rest of the stuff on the Rhubarb Zoo channel there's a few more things (I'm still quite proud of Ectype's End too, but I mainly did music and sound for that, although I did a fair bit of the visual side too).


There was an old online community called The Electronic Foundation of Sound and Vision or TEFOSAV, similar to WATMM but smaller. I had grand visions of audio-visual collaborations, stuff that sort of blurred the lines between film and music video (I guess along the lines of Animal Collective's ODDSAC). But it died off before I even learnt how to animate properly.

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Guest rumbo

Great animation springy. Nice perspective. And the visual design is appealing.

TEFOSAV sounds like it was a perfect opportunity for artists to collab. What a shame it's now defunct.

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