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Tottenham riots


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Guest Al Hounos

economic problems are a cause of, but not an excuse for, these riots. clearly there is no political motive for the morons and thugs who are doing this, but at the same time, would people be doing this if they had jobs?

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economic problems are a cause of, but not an excuse for, these riots. clearly there is no political motive for the morons and thugs who are doing this, but at the same time, would people be doing this if they had jobs?

there is a rather famous picture of a Currys employee being caught red handed, looting the store she works at.



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wow no legitimate political grievances huh.


very interesting perspectives from some of you.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as I don't believe you're intentionally trolling people, but you might want to be less dismissive of people's opinions who actually live and work in the communities affected, and are therefore directly affected themselves. And therefore experiencing it for themselves rather than through a media filter.


It comes down to the 10-80-10 thing. I used to think this was too simplistic but the older I get the truer it gets. No matter how you arbitrarily decide to pigeonhole people, whether it be by race, gender, profession, whatever, the group can be divided up into 3.


10% of people are cunts. This group includes psychopaths, thugs, bullies, the French. How this cuntishness actually manifests itself will largely be determined by their socio-economic/political circumstances.


80% are sheople. On the whole decent and honest, but also mostly self serving, self-affirming and easily led, some are liable to succumb to demagoguery, and when society goes bad a proportion have a tendency to atavism and mob mentality.


10% of people have a true sense of agency and a coherent and moral self, and able to retain these attributes under stress.


The majority of the rioters are cunty 10%ers with some 80%ers thrown in. The school bullies with their sycophants. The pricks who would be out mugging if they weren't doing this. The fact that there's 10 million people in London creates the impression of a seemingly large number of idiots. But the only thing they are representative of is that a certain percentage of society are cunts, and always will be.


The real shame of this is that the people who have genuine grievances, like income inequality and lack of social mobility, are the ones being shafted. The vast majority of poor/black/kids aren't rioting. And people trying to shoehorn a certain social narrative onto it is going to be totally counter productive.


Forget martyrs, remember victims.

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wow no legitimate political grievances huh.


very interesting perspectives from some of you.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as I don't believe you're intentionally trolling people, but you might want to be less dismissive of people's opinions who actually live and work in the communities affected, and are therefore directly affected themselves. And therefore experiencing it for themselves rather than through a media filter.


It comes down to the 10-80-10 thing. I used to think this was too simplistic but the older I get the truer it gets. No matter how you arbitrarily decide to pigeonhole people, whether it be by race, gender, profession, whatever, the group can be divided up into 3.


10% of people are cunts. This group includes psychopaths, thugs, bullies, the French. How this cuntishness actually manifests itself will largely be determined by their socio-economic/political circumstances.


80% are sheople. On the whole decent and honest, but also mostly self serving, self-affirming and easily led, some are liable to succumb to demagoguery, and when society goes bad a proportion have a tendency to atavism and mob mentality.


10% of people have a true sense of agency and a coherent and moral self, and able to retain these attributes under stress.


The majority of the rioters are cunty 10%ers with some 80%ers thrown in. The school bullies with their sycophants. The pricks who would be out mugging if they weren't doing this. The fact that there's 10 million people in London creates the impression of a seemingly large number of idiots. But the only thing they are representative of is that a certain percentage of society are cunts, and always will be.


The real shame of this is that the people who have genuine grievances, like income inequality and lack of social mobility, are the ones being shafted. The vast majority of poor/black/kids aren't rioting. And people trying to shoehorn a certain social narrative onto it is going to be totally counter productive.


Forget martyrs, remember victims.


fucking A.


also, hope all the manchester watmmers are OK!

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There's been built too large gaps between the social classes. These are the effects. Kind of like what happend in L.A. in 92. It also seems too unlikely that the news of further finicial troubles and riots happening at the same time, has notning to do with eachother. But I don't wan't to act like a expert or anything. I just think there has to be more to it, than a bunch of brats being bored and it escalating to a riot. There's been alot of nervousness and tension in the western world in recent years, ecspecially created by the media. I think that affects people. I mean, these riot things seems to be happening all the time nowadays.


Hopefully I don't sound a conspiracy nut or something like that. :facepalm:

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thing is, i'm angry about all the financial trouble and budget cuts etc (just been told i'm in danger of being made redundant for one thing), but i'm not fucking rioting about it...you just get on with things don't you? try and find another job, make sacrifices etc. plus it seems the majority of the rioters are school-age anyway so probably haven't even had a job yet or pay taxes or anything like that.

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just heard on radio 6 some tosser's started a "start a riot in glasgow" facebook page.


i saw this happen, it was actually pretty funny, idiot guy starts riot events, immediately most people come on saying 'you are a stupid tit, why are you inciting violence'. he then starts claiming its all just a big joke, as more and more people came on claiming to have reported him to the police, etc, and then you could hear the fear trickle into his text as he was told inciting riots, especially considering the day he decided to do it on, is completely illegal and very likely he will end up in court.

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I heard a theory today that the London police corps were tightening up their routines to clean the streets of London with the eye on the Olympics. The first guy that was killed supposedly was some gang-chief or something.

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There's been built too large gaps between the social classes. These are the effects. Kind of like what happend in L.A. in 92. It also seems too unlikely that the news of further finicial troubles and riots happening at the same time, has notning to do with eachother. But I don't wan't to act like a expert or anything. I just think there has to be more to it, than a bunch of brats being bored and it escalating to a riot. There's been alot of nervousness and tension in the western world in recent years, ecspecially created by the media. I think that affects people. I mean, these riot things seems to be happening all the time nowadays.


Hopefully I don't sound a conspiracy nut or something like that. :facepalm:


No, you're right, but it's simply in the way that it creates a perceived norm. In the same way that the suicide rate jumps following a highly publicised suicide. Even idiots(nature) have an internal narrative dictated by the external(nurture).

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The first guy that was killed supposedly was some gang-chief or something.


You always need to take the press reports on stuff like this with a pinch of salt as police pr are quite machiavellian, but that's been known from the start.

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righto but bcm was implying that it was about looting from the start. things turned ugly because people wanted to loot. which is kind of ridiculous. as far as i heard things turned ugly because people weren't being heard, then the police started doing random stop-searches and people got really fucking mad.


seriously, don't comment on stuff you don't understand. this has nothing to do with the police doing "random stop searches" - sounds like you've heard a media filtered, chinese-whispers version of events from TV/newpapers. and not British TV/newspapers at that. I like, actually live in London and have heard and seen first hand what is happening. Absolutely this is just about idiot thugs wanting to get free shit and break stuff. End of.

I'd avoid generalising human behaviour like that

There are multiple root causes

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economic problems are a cause of, but not an excuse for, these riots. clearly there is no political motive for the morons and thugs who are doing this, but at the same time, would people be doing this if they had jobs?

there is a rather famous picture of a Currys employee being caught red handed, looting the store she works at.




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Just for the lulz?





Good job last night guys. Lets have another one like that tonight. Remember to stay away from the residential areas. Keep it in the commercial areas. Work in pairs or groups. Use the buddy system. Have a plan and a place to regroup if separated. Lets go over supplies.



-Bottled water (4)


-Ski Mask or Similar


-Lighter and Matches

-Lighter Fluid

-Club (lead pipe, screwdriver or everyone's favourite, the crowbar)

-Spray Paint

-Do Not Bring ID

-Do Not Bring Money


Note to all the pussies:

This is not about race. This is not about a dead retard. No one cares about the guy the coppers shot. This is not a result of the "criminal element". This is the revolution. This is Citizen vs The Man. This is Patriot vs Corrupt Government and Central Banking System. No one will hurt you. We are your neighbors, friends and countrymen. Patriots join us! Countrymen join us! All races, all colors and all people of England, join us! This is the revolution!


Things to burn:


-Police Stations

-Government Buildings

-Banks (all of them)

-Corporate Offices

-Chain and Franchise Stores (after you have done some shopping of course)


Thing not to burn:




-Residential Buildings

-Small family businesses


Most importantly have fun. Happy hunting /b/rothers.


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