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Tottenham riots


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    ITV Reporter: Is rioting the correct way to express your discontent?
  • Young Londoner: You wouldn't be talking to me now if we didn't riot, would you?
  • ITV Reporter: ...
  • Young Londoner: Two months ago we marched to Scotland Yard, more than 2,000 of us, all blacks, and it was peaceful and calm and you know what? Not a word in the press. Last night a bit of rioting and looting and look around you.

he went on to point out that the last time there were riots in the area, in 1985, afterwards they got a pool.




I like this kid.

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I live in Croydon, we were playing football then saw a huge smoke cloud in the distance with helicopters flying overhead. I'm fucking furious, this has no political agenda and is completely unrelated to what happened in Tottenham, it's vermin spotting the opportunity to cause havok and rob what they can. Nothing good will come of this.

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I'm a ten minute walk from central Brixton. Went down to check if my favourite shops were ok earlier, but Brixton Road was closed off. Sirens have died down now, but that possibly simply means the overstretched police are elsewhere. Total and utter cunts. I wouldn't be complaining if the Paras were put on the streets.

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Is there a good news feed for this for ppl not living in the UK.


You're of course talking about a feed of good news right? Just upbeat, quirky stories? I'd really like that right now to bat back the onslaught of retarded posts people keep putting on their Facebook pages.


"The police should all have guns and should be shooting to kill these looters"


"This is because we have mixed races" - That was my fucking brother. Fucking EDL supporting cunt. Fuck that guy.

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I've just returned from Hackney riots and was ambushed just off Essex Road and had my bike snatched by a group of six masked teenagers waiting on Ecclesbourne Road who were shouting "take the bike, take the bike".I was forced to swerve away from them but crashed to the ground. Just as one of the thieves grabbed my bike from under me a red van raced screeched around the corner and smashed into a parked car. Two young men then got out and the man in passenger seat then put his hand in his pocket and threatened to pull a on knife on the thieves, accusing them of stealing his bike earlier.A violent scuffle broke out and the thieves gave up the stolen bikes. Everyone seemed to walk away from the incident, but criminal minded local youths seem to be taking advantage of the lack of police presence due to trouble elsewhere.



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!! latent racism still so close to the surface omG!!


Is there a good news feed for this for ppl not living in the UK.




chiz, youtube vids too ay.


hrmm, that vid made me annoyed, also seeing the number of places torched. idiots.


But there's always idiots, you just have to redirect and curb their lunacy with education and jobs and sports and hobbies and doing so for several generations.


Also reminds you that the police only seem to be able to manage peaceful protesters that give them weeks notice, with their tactics of truncheons and watercannons and horses. When things actually get ugly they're useless. Therefore it's more the idea of policing that controls people than it's actual weak arse power.

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Its spreading to Worthing now


Child's bike torched in Worthing


A child's mini moto was set alight. It was torched outside the Royal Oak pub in Brighton Road, Worthing, at 8.50pm this evening. A Worthing firefighter said: "Locals put it out and by the time we got there it had been extinguished."

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mob rushing riot police, rather disheartening ost ay the least




Oh for fucks sake.


I really can't stand this. I know so many people in the areas where this is going down. A close friends dads business has been hit.


Hope all London WATMMers are alright.

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At the child's bike thing, i like this comment.


george smith , brighton says...

9:41pm Mon 8 Aug 11

Good, they don't have insurance, they are ridden by small kids, I don't blame the kids; the parents shouldn't allow the kids to have them unless they are on a specialist site


This one was particularly odd,


Richard Joyce , says...

11:27pm Mon 8 Aug 11

I thought for a moment it was another Mini and Child story but it was not. Phew, I was going to lynch someone... Or at the very least beat someone off through a car window whilst wearing Tennis Shorts...


^^ new fetish revealed

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Guest Coalbucket PI

mob rushing riot police, rather disheartening ost ay the least




Oh for fucks sake.


I really can't stand this. I know so many people in the areas where this is going down. A close friends dads business has been hit.


Hope all London WATMMers are alright.

I know, I would have been ecstatic if those policemen had brutally beaten those fucking cunts
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