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the need(?) for self-censorship on the internet


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Anything I say online I would say out loud and in person. I'm not somebody who holds back, I'll say what's on my mind regardless. That goes for any situation, politics, morality, comedy etc. The only comment I have with regards to the censorship and legal problems is there's no evidence to suggest when you've said something in person, the only back is up that if several people heard you say it and are witnesses. Online however, the proof is here for all to see.


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Guest hahathhat

Possibly illegal is not the same as fucked in the head. I would venture to say that there are plenty of things and opinions that are taboo in corporate culture for a variety of reasons that people could use against you if they need to. Kind of what politics do to each other but in the future it's going to be used against everyone because information will be so easy to get. Just think of what you type into the Google ecosystem or Facebook and the fact that both are US-American companies that don't really owe you anything. This is why I say our current generation is fucked in this aspect but what can we do we were the first people discovering this new continent called Internet.


i agree, especially the corporate part. on the other hand, if everyone's private little naughty thoughts are online, perhaps they will cease to be a big deal!


another defense is simply being good at your trade. once you get some reputation and credibility, people won't be as concerned about your background. the assumption is that someone with a good professional reputation has that stuff sorted out!

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Guest analogue wings

don't cry bro, there's a new coldplay album coming


you can go be an edgy rebel on the coldplay messageboards

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too many variables and personalities but to answer the question, censoring my own beliefs or specifically changing my thoughts because of some sort of permanence seems cowardly. if I was more emotionally reactionary, if I was constantly going to an extreme and I was out of control with my statements and actions, then I would naturally need to be cautious about saying or doing whatever immediately becomes processed. thats not to say being emotionally reactionary is bad, but it can be realized later as an illogical process. unfortunately I also see the process of communication through the internet as a spontaneity discourager. at least in the context of a message board, but it probably applies to all communication through text. every single post exists with little sense of place or pacing, other than its linear progression... our memories of these encounters will therefore be less valuable and they will also be observed differently by others. its difficult to have any sort of control over this, so that is why its best to simply not give a fuck and say/behave as you naturally would. assuming you are respectful and aren't distorting the discussion for selfish entertainment purposes. be honest and shut your mouth if you don't intend in giving truth

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