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Canadian Advice

Guest uptown devil

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Guest uptown devil

okay, so tomorrow morning i am supposed to cross the border into canada from america, but i'm worried about an unpaid ticket i got in vancouver in 2008. i think it was for public intoxication or something of the like. I ended up losing the ticket during the trip and never paying it, and i haven't been back to canada since.


anybody have any idea if they are gonna give me shit for it tomorrow at the border? i'm supposed to be traveling with one of my best friend's girlfriend's family, so if i get the whole car turned around at the border i'm going to look like an epic douchebag. i should mention that i am crossing in buffalo, which is a good 3,000 miles away from where i got the ticket in vancouver.



any canadian advice is welcome.

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Guest uptown devil

I just called the Border Agency here but nobody answers phones on the weekend.




thanks dude, very nice of you to make the effort :flower:


that'll teach to you act disorderly in our country ;)

trust me, i learned my lesson. the whole trip was one disaster after another, i'd definitely like to go back someday and enjoy the city a bit more responsibly.


as a result of this thread they are tipped; you are screwed! :flower:

haha, i had that same exact thought on the way over to the border.


So what's the verdict?

i decided to drive separately and made it through without any mention of the ticket. the guy at the border asked me questions for a good five minutes though, i don't think he trusted my beard.


anyway, i had an awesome time at a beach house on lake erie and it was well worth the risk.




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good to hear they didn't fuck with you. There really is no rhyme or reason with border crossing, it's all up to the person sitiing in the booth. I go back and forth a few times a year and have had a range of experiences. One time I was driving into the states and I had my snow shovel in the back seat and the dude was like "why are you bringing a shovel with you?" and I said that I live in an apartment and don't have a garage to keep it in. well, he searched the entire car including around the engine. I guess he thought I was going to bury something in the U.S.


my buddy got fucked with last year. He'd driven in to Canada twice before with limited hassle but was denied this time. back in the late 90's he was arrested with 6 lbs of weed in texas. felony shit. he finished all the probabtion but of course it sticks on your record. The 2 times he came to Canada he said he got pretty cool border guards who were joking about it (but still searched his car anyway) and let him through. Last year he was sent to the little room where they asked him a bunch of questions then said nope, you're not coming in because you're too much of a risk. He brought to their attention that he had been admitted twice before but they didn't seem to care and stated he was "lucky" the past 2 times.

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