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Nintendo 3DS?

Guest The Bro

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Anyone here got a Nintendo 3DS? I've just got one on order from Amazon and am well looking

forward to it!! I also have Super Street Fighter 4 and Puzzle Bubble Universe in the post

too! Yay. :D

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SSFIV got decent reviews, but Puzzle Bobble Universe was critically panned. Hope you enjoy it though.


I take it you got it with the new price? I hope you realize you ordered a bit late to take advantage of the free Nintendo eShop games...


Unless the 3DS gets their AAA tiles out soon (Mario Kart and Super Mario Land 3DS can't come soon enough), I fear the 3DS is going to go way of the Virtual Boy.

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Guest Billov

Get Zelda ocarina of time... even if you've played it before.


Almost completed it, its beeen the most nostalgic trip ever. I'm looking forward to playing Metal gear solid 3 again, and cannot wait for the new Paper Mario 3d...


Also, looking forward to these free oldschool games.

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I tried a 3DS out at a Best Buy and I almost threw up my pesto chicken sub until I found the switch to turn 3D off.


It was a close call.

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i'm gonna buy the 3ds lite


I'm wondering how soon (if ever) Nintendo's gonna drop this one - if it's even announced within a year of the 3DS' release, it will further alienate the faithful that bought it at full price AND those who decided the price drop was worth getting it, only to have their investment smeared under their noses like a finger coated with accidental poo.

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I tend to move my hands a little when playing games, and that fucked my eyes up good when playing the 3ds. You have to keep it completely still at a certain angle, or you get no 3d and double images.

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Yeah wasn't hugely impressed when I tried one, the 3D is fun but soon the novelty goes and you bang it straight off. Fun little device though and they're already pretty cheap, my housemate's partner got a new one for £130 I believe.

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Iwata Asks said there won't be a Lite model, this is it, it's already jam packed and "Lite", maybe only a redesigned XL model with a larger battery. I'll probably get one for the N64 remakes, specially StarFox 64, that game was so much fun back then when rumble was new.

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Guest bitroast

Got one last weekend after the recent price drop.

Ocarina of Time is >>> AMAZING <<< in 3D. i was seriously tripping out the first few times playing it (complete with verbal "Woah"s and "Awwww"s!). Definitely does not feel like a gimmick when a game like OoT can look and play that good. Also, I completely understand the headache complaints that people make, but it's manageable. Especially with the 3D slider bar and option to turn the 3D completely off if wanting to.

Quite honestly, I'm blown away by the hardware. The battery life is bit of a problem, and the lack of good games. Cannot wait for Super Mario 3D Land, and Kid Icarus, and Mario Kart, and any other tasty surprises that I'm sure will come out soon enough ^_^

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