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undeserving people on benefits


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Guest Coalbucket PI

yeah, incapacity benefit, disability living allowance etc - if you know what you're doing there's fucking loads you can claim. a good tactic is to go down the jobcentre and go totally fucking mental, like have a complete breakdown in the middle of the floor - they'll class you as unstable and unable to work and all that and probably give you a few hundred extra a month. i know someone who has done this and it works.


I'm sure it would. I can accept that there will always be some people abusing a disability benefits system, I'd rather that than some genuinely incapacitated people being deprived. You can only police it so far before you start dragging people out of wheelchairs as in the Big Lebowski. Although yes it does seem odd to continue giving him that money if he's admitted in court that he spends so much on weed. To be honest I still think it's odd that you can admit that in court and the police don't pop round the next day and have a word, or watch you for a bit and catch your dealer. It wouldn't take a great deal of police work.


But anyway £800 a month is still nothing really if you genuinely can't work and have to fully support yourself and pay for rodent funerals every time your girlfriend makes fun of your bizarre collapsing features.

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that's not very much


(@ 67.50 a week)

yeah, it equates to £270 a month income. it's not much at all, but then again it's not meant to be - it's meant to be the absolute bare minimum, so that it is an extra incentive to get a job.


but if there aren't any jobs around, or you keep getting rejected, can't really do much about that...

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i know a guy who's on benefits and driving a nice brand new car... his mum also on benefits galore, incapacity benefit and mobility allowance... she doesn't even live in this country! shes out in gran canaria baking her leathery hide while her son drives this fancy car that she scammed but wouldn't even deserve if she was a UK resident. there's absolutely fuck all wrong with her.


the world's gone mad.

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i must have been doing things wrong cause i ended up with £17 a week between me and my ex. claiming as a couple probably wasn't savvy, she wasn't approved but still had to sign on (added cost of bus, which became weekly after a while) and couldn't find anywhere taking couples with bills included in rent... expensive bills in devon... and stuff. ugh


i'm not complaining though. i don't care.

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Guest 277: 930-933

i know a guy who's on benefits and driving a nice brand new car... his mum also on benefits galore, incapacity benefit and mobility allowance... she doesn't even live in this country! shes out in gran canaria baking her leathery hide while her son drives this fancy car that she wouldn't even deserve if she was a UK resident. there's absolutely fuck all wrong with her.


the world's gone mad.


That is fucked up, I just always assume that people who are on welfare and drive really nice cars or own other expensive items had some sort of illegal income on the side, not at all saying that's ok but I just have trouble imagining someone getting so much welfare that they are able to afford an expensive car and still buy food etc.


Anyway, I pretty much agree with what Coalbucket PI is saying and he's much more articulate than I am so I'll just shut up now.

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iunno maybe that's his only entertainment

entertainment!? is that what benefits are for? the world's gone mad.

Do you pay taxes, disparaissant? I'm curious how much. Because considering this statement,


the problem isn't the poor, anywhere. the problem is the rich. period.

You seem to forget that your taxes pay for welfare and other programs for low-income households. And in some cases...


"The court heard that he received £800 a month in benefits, including disability living allowance because of a knee injury suffered two years ago, and that he has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and episodes of "psychosis" for which he has been receiving help."

Goodwin, who has a £70 per week cannabis habit and receives £800 a month in benefits...

Your tax dollars contribute to total opposite of the help he should be getting, which pisses me off to no end. Even low-level psychoactive drugs are terrible for mental conditions.





Well the test is bullshit. If someone passed you a joint you could fail a test weeks later. If you hang around enough secondhand pot smoke you can fail the test.

I also heard that a smoked joint only shows up in your system for 1-2 days.



So in conclusion:


if he's admitted that he spends this much on weed, it should be subtracted from his benefits until he can provide some clean piss. i mean the world's gone mad when i have to pay taxes so people like this can lie around all day being ugly as fuck and smoking joints to their hearts content!


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its like people have this idea that poor folks should do nothing but work like slaves until they are no longer poor and THEN they can relax a bit which just does not jive with the current socioeconomic system we have in place.


this definitely doesn't describe my thoughts regarding "poor folks". i just think it is crazy that this dude is getting benefits and using some of those benefits to buy a 1/4oz a week. there is a difference between relaxing a bit and getting baked everyday.


£70 = 1/2oz


depends what he's buying i suppose.


it's not even a shocking amount of weed/week. i smoked more than that in my day but i worked for it.




actually yeah if he's smoking hash £70 = 2oz



what kind of ganky toenail are you buying at £35/oz?



Not me. I gave up a couple of years ago (apart from special occasions or when I'm fucked up on other drugs) but the ugly scrote in debate - I can see him buying nasty rocky with little bits of polythene and shit in it.

And that was available for about £40 an ounce a few years back so it's probably like £30 or something now.

ive not seen anyone pick up an ounce of anything smokable for 140 quid in about 3 years. having said that ive also not smoked for a few years now.

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I was on income support for about 6 weeks back in April, it sucked hard.


The most frustrating part of it was the regular trips to the job centre, where you are grunted at by a brainless twunt who couldn't care less about actually trying to find you a decent job.


aside from a few months here n there when I've been away for gigs etc. I've been in full time employment since 17. 28 now and I've got the most impressive collection of uniforms and name badges ever!


I've ended up declaring myself as self employed, and signed off from income support. I now get what's called tax credits which are a small amount of money based on my previous years tax contributions. Not much, less than the dole, but enough to cover my food. Rent and bills are very low as I'm in a Camelot property, just about cover that with gigs and so on.


Plan is to take the opportunity to finish these releases I'm busy with, and I'm starting to get bits of paid freelance work. I honestly wouldn't have time to commit to this if I was working in an office (I'm doing about 70 hours a week self employed) and with a bit of luck I'll be completely self dependent soon enough. can't wait!


but I do consider myself lucky to have the opportunity to do such a thing. For someone with no passions or abilities, the option of self employment just isn't available. When you look at the jobs open to people with no qualifications or experience, it's honestly not a surprise that they're reluctant to work.


Just as an example, If you're getting the full amount of income support £240 per month, and you're also receiving housing benefit which would cover your rent bills and council tax, you'd be getting only a little less than what I've earned in some full time jobs. while I wouldn't condone just slacking off, it's pretty understandable that some people just cannot be bothered.


I think the government needs to seriously crack down on people claiming such huge amounts of money, but I think the bigger concern should be raising the minimum wage. The job Market is so competitive that if you don't have a degree you don't get a good job.. Fact.. If you can't get a well paid job, one that offers you considerably more than what income support will, where is the motivation to start working?

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people in this thread will hate me, im on benifits simply because it works out to be more profitable than working.


full time work week = about 30-35hrs x £6 so 180-200 quid, then deduct tax to leave 160 a weekish.


now consider the dole with housing and council tax benefit, 50 pound per week, plus 300 per month for rent, plus free council tax, plus the ability to work 15 hours a week legally, and also do cash in hand flyering work.




50 from the dole

70 from the housing

100 from the 15 hours

50-60 from the flyering


= about 260, no tax applies due to the dole.


this also leaves me plenty of time to get on with my music, excersize, and socialising.



only a stupid person would work in that situation.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I was on income support for about 6 weeks back in April, it sucked hard.

Ugh. Try being there for over 6 months. I'm about ready to kill myself.

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people in this thread will hate me, im on benifits simply because it works out to be more profitable than working.


full time work week = about 30-35hrs x £6 so 180-200 quid, then deduct tax to leave 160 a weekish.


now consider the dole with housing and council tax benefit, 50 pound per week, plus 300 per month for rent, plus free council tax, plus the ability to work 15 hours a week legally, and also do cash in hand flyering work.




50 from the dole

70 from the housing

100 from the 15 hours

50-60 from the flyering


= about 260, no tax applies due to the dole.


this also leaves me plenty of time to get on with my music, excersize, and socialising.



only a stupid person would work in that situation.

i think legally you're supposed to declare your earnings if you work 15 hours or less, and they deduct it from your jsa... it's not taxable, so they don't notice, but i'm pretty sure you're supposed to declare it.

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british people in this thread will hate me, im on benifits simply because it works out to be more profitable than working.




btw what jobs were you finding that only paid £6/hr? any college education? what industry were you working in?

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people in this thread will hate me, im on benifits simply because it works out to be more profitable than working.


full time work week = about 30-35hrs x £6 so 180-200 quid, then deduct tax to leave 160 a weekish.


now consider the dole with housing and council tax benefit, 50 pound per week, plus 300 per month for rent, plus free council tax, plus the ability to work 15 hours a week legally, and also do cash in hand flyering work.




50 from the dole

70 from the housing

100 from the 15 hours

50-60 from the flyering


= about 260, no tax applies due to the dole.


this also leaves me plenty of time to get on with my music, excersize, and socialising.



only a stupid person would work in that situation.


er, full time work is actually 40 - 48 hours a week (30 hour week...i fucking wish), plus you should certainly declare your other work and not do any cash in hand. you are officially a benefit cheat. congratulations!


edit: also, why do you think you'll only earn £6 an hour? you could earn much more than that in loads of jobs (and not where you need a specific skill or anything - nightshifts in a factory pay like £13 per hour and shit).

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My father works in a job centre and he checks the eligibility for benefits demands. There are countless cases of benefiters who seem to mysteriously get money from somewhere else or not showing up to the interview when it's time for a followup. He is starting to despair of immigrants and society, lol.

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people in this thread will hate me, im on benifits simply because it works out to be more profitable than working.


full time work week = about 30-35hrs x £6 so 180-200 quid, then deduct tax to leave 160 a weekish.


now consider the dole with housing and council tax benefit, 50 pound per week, plus 300 per month for rent, plus free council tax, plus the ability to work 15 hours a week legally, and also do cash in hand flyering work.




50 from the dole

70 from the housing

100 from the 15 hours

50-60 from the flyering


= about 260, no tax applies due to the dole.


this also leaves me plenty of time to get on with my music, excersize, and socialising.



only a stupid person would work in that situation.


er, full time work is actually 40 - 48 hours a week

maybe in London.

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people in this thread will hate me, im on benifits simply because it works out to be more profitable than working.


full time work week = about 30-35hrs x £6 so 180-200 quid, then deduct tax to leave 160 a weekish.


now consider the dole with housing and council tax benefit, 50 pound per week, plus 300 per month for rent, plus free council tax, plus the ability to work 15 hours a week legally, and also do cash in hand flyering work.




50 from the dole

70 from the housing

100 from the 15 hours

50-60 from the flyering


= about 260, no tax applies due to the dole.


this also leaves me plenty of time to get on with my music, excersize, and socialising.



only a stupid person would work in that situation.


er, full time work is actually 40 - 48 hours a week (bloody students think you only have to work a 30 hour week...i fucking wish), plus you should certainly declare your other work and not do any cash in hand. you are officially a benefit cheat. congratulations!

hahaha yeah i forgot to mention the 40+ hr work week messiaen miscalculated, lol

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people in this thread will hate me, im on benifits simply because it works out to be more profitable than working.


full time work week = about 30-35hrs x £6 so 180-200 quid, then deduct tax to leave 160 a weekish.


now consider the dole with housing and council tax benefit, 50 pound per week, plus 300 per month for rent, plus free council tax, plus the ability to work 15 hours a week legally, and also do cash in hand flyering work.




50 from the dole

70 from the housing

100 from the 15 hours

50-60 from the flyering


= about 260, no tax applies due to the dole.


this also leaves me plenty of time to get on with my music, excersize, and socialising.



only a stupid person would work in that situation.


er, full time work is actually 40 - 48 hours a week

maybe in London.


no, like everywhere - 9 - 5, 5 days a week is 40 hours I think.

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Guest underscore

yeah, in the states working 30-35 hours or less is considered part time, where the "basic" full time work week is five days at eight hours a piece

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people in this thread will hate me, im on benifits simply because it works out to be more profitable than working.


full time work week = about 30-35hrs x £6 so 180-200 quid, then deduct tax to leave 160 a weekish.


now consider the dole with housing and council tax benefit, 50 pound per week, plus 300 per month for rent, plus free council tax, plus the ability to work 15 hours a week legally, and also do cash in hand flyering work.




50 from the dole

70 from the housing

100 from the 15 hours

50-60 from the flyering


= about 260, no tax applies due to the dole.


this also leaves me plenty of time to get on with my music, excersize, and socialising.



only a stupid person would work in that situation.


er, full time work is actually 40 - 48 hours a week

maybe in London.


no, like everywhere - 9 - 5, 5 days a week is 40 hours I think.




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