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Computer predicts crimes, sends cops ahead of time.


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This is cool. I hate myself slightly but it is.


yep. It's not like the women were simply charged for being in the area at the time either, they were found suspiciously looking into cars and one of them had warrents and the other one was carrying meth


The stupid thing about all this, is that you already have a far more advanced machine that can do this sort of predictive modelling.




A cop knows the parking garages that meth addicts target, cause him and his buddies are there doing it every fucking day.


This stuff is a stupid waste of money that will probably be used as an excuse to contract the police force. Firing good, hardworking police in favour of a smaller force that apparently knows where the crimes will happen. The problem with this is that, eventually with the removal of regular policing stats from the modelling inputs. The predictive data will start a feedback loop. As the remaining cops get sent back to the same 'high crime' areas (read the few places the models has settled on) time and again. You'll lose all that good data that comes from having bodies on the ground and driving around.


Sounds like a bit of hyperbolic media. The police are basically using an algorithm to distribute their 'resources' in an optimal way in a given area.


I agree with this, but you can see how it's usefulness could be overblown in an attempt to salve the minds of politicians hoping to justify budget their cuts.



I like it how you make yourself sound like you know what you're talking about.

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I like it how you make yourself sound like you know what you're talking about.


Pro Tip: next time, try to add some arguments. Bitching mods without any arguments usually doesn't go very well.

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Now, if there was only a program to predict when someone was going to act like a dumbass on messageboards... :emotawesomepm9:


Perhaps a program which calculates the relative amount of "you"'s in a post/sentence would be good enough. Curse words and use of capitals would add bonus points as well.


So minority report.

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I like it how you make yourself sound like you know what you're talking about.


Pro Tip: next time, try to add some arguments. Bitching mods without any arguments usually doesn't go very well.


hey, I was praising you, calm down.

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I like it how you make yourself sound like you know what you're talking about.


No more so than any other random douche on a messageboard, am i right. (meant in a good way. I'm over arguing, i'll just bike in and say what i think, then bugger off again. Whether you agree or disagree, it's all good.)

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I don' think that cops patrol a beat anymore though delet...although there have been calls to get back to that sort of community policing (at least that's my understanding) in some of the bigger cities in North America.

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Innocent til proven guilty, huh.


Well, all the people it predicts that will commit crimes are still all innocent of any wrongdoing since the crime has yet to happen...


it's not actually minority report...i don't think it predicts crimes that people are going to commit, just helps deploy officers in more crime worn areas...


saying the women were arrested on the report just makes you want to read it, i don't think it has relevance to the computer...she must've done something wrong.


....basically what i was going to say. It will probably be excellent for making better use of resources


Well, the article said they were suspiciously peering into cars. Meaning they were detained initially for acting weird. They were arrested for having outstanding warrants and carrying drugs. One thing to wonder, though, is how they got the woman to show them she had drugs on her, since [at least from what I recall] in California you need to arrest the person or have a warrant [which actually isn't too insanely hard to get] to search them. You can always tell them 'no' if you think you'll incriminate yourself for something in your pockets.


I'm just worried that this will snowball into something similar to Minority Report. A future where people are arrested before they even commit a crime.

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