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Rick Perry is an asshole

Rubin Farr

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Please ignore the media. If people stop paying attention to the amount of crap the media creates, it'll stop all by itself. Giving them attention basically tells them it's profitable to create even more rubbish.


Do not encourage them. Please.

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I read an interesting article on the economist about "Manufactured Relevance/Irrelevance" regarding Ron Paul and Bachmann. Rick Perry is already getting heat for a Bank of America executive offering their "help" on video. He also has been trying to rile up the right/conservative base by saying that it's "not about who is president in 2012, it's about making jesus king".

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Please ignore the media. If people stop paying attention to the amount of crap the media creates, it'll stop all by itself. Giving them attention basically tells them it's profitable to create even more rubbish.


Do not encourage them. Please.

commentary on commentary on commentary on commentary on commentary on commentary on commentary

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liberal think-tank and worldwide organization Bilderberg invited Rick Perry in 2007 which he attended. This is the same group that invited John Edwards just one month before he was chosen to be the VP running mate for Kerry. Bill Clinton was also invited to the group when he was governor of Arkansas.



this guy is most definitely being groomed, Bachmann on the other hand doesn't stand a chance, there is no way in hell the RNC would allow someone like that to take the nomination, similar to Sarah Palin, they gave her the VP slot because A) they knew it was a losing race B) they knew it would generate a lot of excitement within the party again and it did.


edit: luckily there is no sexual euphemistic insult we could level at Perry

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The republicans have especially terrible candidates this year. I would have never voted for John McCain, but he's looking pretty great in comparison to Perry, Bachman, and Romney.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

The republicans have especially terrible candidates this year. I would have never voted for John McCain, but he's looking pretty great in comparison to Perry, Bachman, and Romney.


the party's gone so absurdly far right that I doubt they have a chance at the presidency this time. at least I hope not.

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Ya'll a bunch a liberals on here!


i'd say democrats is a much more apt label. If we were a bunch of liberals in here we'd have a lot more people arguing against new wars like Libya

most people in general now democrat or republican are at best center-right, actual glimpses of strong liberalism are rare these days

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liberal |ˈlib(ə)rəl|adjective1 open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values: they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people.• favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms: liberal citizenship laws.• (in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty inpolitical and social reform: a liberal democratic state.• ( Liberal )of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.• ( Liberal )(in the UK) of or relating to the Liberal Democrat Party: the Liberal leader.• Theology regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.2 [ attrib. ] (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.3 (esp. of an interpretation of a law) broadly construed or understood; not strictly literal or exact: they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation.4 given, used, or occurring in generous amounts: liberal amounts of wine had been consumed.• (of a person) giving generously: Sam was too liberal with the wine.


So yeah, Watmm currently does not believe in gay-marriage? Legalisation of soft-drugs? And what exactly is non-liberal about helping out rebels against a totalitarian regime?

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I would assume that Awepittance probably has me in mind when he refers to these "Democrats". For the record, I identify myself as "liberal" before "democrat". As luck would have it, more democrats happen to be liberal, so I end up voting for them.


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I would assume that Awepittance probably has me in mind when he refers to these "Democrats". For the record, I identify myself as "liberal" before "democrat". As luck would have it, more democrats happen to be liberal, so I end up voting for them.

Yea. I'm sure he does, judging by posts in the Bachman's Cunt thread. I also generally vote democrat, I don't necessarily completely agree with them, but in a two-party system, I choose to vote for the people who are most liberal AND have a chance. Until laws are passed that enable 3rd party candidates to win (for example, let them debate during the big presidential debates and some ballot laws) I will probably always vote democrat.


Local government is a different story, but I luckily live in Minnesota, and Al Franken and Mark Dayton are pretty awesomely liberal. (I don't live in Bachman's district)

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I would assume that Awepittance probably has me in mind when he refers to these "Democrats". For the record, I identify myself as "liberal" before "democrat". As luck would have it, more democrats happen to be liberal, so I end up voting for them.

Yea. I'm sure he does, judging by posts in the Bachman's Cunt thread. I also generally vote democrat, I don't necessarily completely agree with them, but in a two-party system, I choose to vote for the people who are most liberal AND have a chance. Until laws are passed that enable 3rd party candidates to win (for example, let them debate during the big presidential debates and some ballot laws) I will probably always vote democrat.


Local government is a different story, but I luckily live in Minnesota, and Al Franken and Mark Dayton are pretty awesomely liberal. (I don't live in Bachman's district)

Let's tongue kiss and make gay, liberal saliva babies.

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ima go ahead and start shit by saying I am probably far, far, far more liberal than any of you hippie freaks.




flame war throwdown

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As a Texas state employee, I could write a book about how fucking awful Rick Perry. He's literally been campaigning unofficially the entire year, he actually broke precedent and forced our state into an extended session to hammer out a budget deficit he help create so he could get on with his campaign.


Couple of points:


- He went to Texas A&M and received mostly C's and D's, and barely graduated. He literally has a worse academic record than W, who attended a fucking Ivy League college (albeit as a legacy)

- He voted for Al Gore in 1988 and only switched parties because Texas was going from being conservative Dems to conservative Republicans.

- Since the official Governor's mansion was burned and now undergoing a lengthy restoration, Perry has been renting a mansion in an expensive gated community in west of Austin. It's being paid by taxpayers and maintained by State Capitol workers.

- He doesn't have an accent. I've heard him in person on multiple occasions off mic walking in the capitol and he sounds like any typical American politician. The Texas drawl is for show.

- During the massive budget shortfall crisis this year (which he help oversea the creation of) Perry opted for no new revenues and massive cuts, with the exception of the Texas Enterprise Fund, which literally awards tax revenue to select private businesses, with the idea that they'll "create" jobs. It's literally a state slush fund which mostly awards funds to business that have ties to his political donators and collegues. Not to mention it's the complete antithesis of a free market system he claims to idealize.


The really shitty stuff:

- Perry mandated all Texas girls receive HPV vaccines in 2007, allowing exceptions after if parents filed tedious op-out paperwork. The vaccine isn't covered by insurance, is notably dangerous, and only made by Merck, which contributed to his campaign in 2006.

- He signed a bill into law in 1999 that allows Texas hospitals to terminate life support for patients who can no longer afford care or arrange for a new facility to be used after 10 days of such care. It's literally the closest thing to a "death panel" anywhere in the United States.

- There's the secessionist bullshit you're probably already familiar with.

- He has continued to support the cover-up of a death penalty case where an innocent man was executed by rarely utilizing his few major constitutional powers as a governor to appoint new members of commissions.

- He has referred to Social Security as an "illegal ponzi scheme" but since his bid for GOP candidacy he's already distancing himself from such statements, just like all of his Tea Party colleagues.

- He opposes gay marriage, thinks evolution and global warming are myths, etc but more annoyingly lumps this under his "states rights" rhetoric instead of just saying he's a ignorant social conservative.

- He hates the Federal Government, yet 45% of federal job growth was in Texas alone.

- He supported the Trans-Texas corridor, which finally was canceled last year. It was going to cost at least 145 billion dollars, install toll roads on currently public highways, aquire 500,000 acres of private land through eminent domain, and serve as a NAFTA oriented trading route. Basically the most hypocritical proposal for a tea-bagger wannabe candidate to support.

- Last year, Rick Perry claims he shot and killed a wild coyote while jogging with his dog in West Austin, with a laser guided .380 Ruger. It should be noted that no body of the coyote was ever picked up and that coyotes tend to shy away from people when encountered. That same year in Colorado, a 100 pound woman scared off a wild coyote by simply yelling at it and waving her arms (following well known tactics in avoiding an attack). So basically Perry is either a lying sack of shit or a fucking pussy who kills random wild animals. On that note, fuck him and fuck any ignorant hype around this asshole.


I'm a cynical pragmatic moderate with whose socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I can't wait to vote for Obama over whatever batshit crazy douchebag the GOP is likely to settle with.

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