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Rick Perry is an asshole

Rubin Farr

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that was cringe worthy, yeah.



Plus Huntsman speaks Mandarin-he is a Chinese spy.



I know these arguments sound stupid as all hell, but these really are the arguments sane candidates will be faced with in or out of the Republican party.



he might have a chance only because everyone seems to have a glaring weakpoint in their platform/background history


Cain-is black


Huntsman-mormon and pro-science

Santorum-completely batshit insane but not eloquent,

Paul-awesome on foreign policy, domestic seems great in theory, but im still debating over that..

Perry-Looks and talks like W., probably going to be elected

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You forgot Bachmann?


I don't see Perry coming back though. Even Fox is over Perry. (or perhaps i missed something?) Glenn Beck is hot for Santorum, so maybe he'll get his face all over the media in a couple of weeks. But because Ayers dropped Beck, I'm sure Santorum doesn't stand a chance as well. At this point, only one opinion seems to count: Ayers' opinion. If Ayers says left, Fox and the GOP follow like little puppies.


Except for Paul. Paul is different. Perhaps Paul should start wearing black turtlenecks, 501's and gray sneakers. Think different.

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Perry has a crippling problem. He was a democrat. He's obviously just talking the talk because of his ambition in politics.


Being a democrat is worse than being a Mormon in this case.


I'm predicting that Romney gets it.


Also, I'm pretty sure Huntsman is name dropping himself so that he'll be on the front line when/if the Republicans sober up.

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Being a democrat is worse than being a Mormon in this case.

Nah, it's a lot worse than that. I think republicans at this point can tell from his debates that he his flat out incompetent.


I was watching a lot of Fox News republican coverage yesterday, and apparently Herman Cain won a recent poll by a landslide. I doubt he'll win it. Ron Paul has been winning polls too.


It's between Romney, Cain, and Paul at this point. Although Santorum (for some reason) is gaining too. Bachman and Perry are out of the picture. They've been shown as too crazy and stupid for anyone to take them seriously anymore.

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Being a democrat is worse than being a Mormon in this case.

Nah, it's a lot worse than that. I think republicans at this point can tell from his debates that he his flat out incompetent.


I was watching a lot of Fox News republican coverage yesterday, and apparently Herman Cain won a recent poll by a landslide. I doubt he'll win it. Ron Paul has been winning polls too.


It's between Romney, Cain, and Paul at this point. Although Santorum (for some reason) is gaining too. Bachman and Perry are out of the picture. They've been shown as too crazy and stupid for anyone to take them seriously anymore.


Being a democrat is worse than being flat out incompetent.


As I view it, Romney is the obvious front runner. Cain and Paul don't have hopes, but people like to flirt with the idea of voting for them right now. Perry might be able to fool people that he's an American loving texan, and Bachmann might get some more funding, so they are possibilities, but it's really Romney's to win or lose at this point.

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i mean, a lot of people thought GW was an idiot when he was running didnt they?

They did the second time. But he had no republican competition. Only Kerry. Can't remember the first tour of duty.

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Also, I'm pretty sure Huntsman is name dropping himself so that he'll be on the front line when/if the Republicans sober up.

That makes sense. Assuming the Bama wins this time around (which I think he will), 2016 will be a level playing field & the Republicans (hopefully) won't be quite so desperate as to go after the Friggin Insane demographic.

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I'll be the first to point out the obvious flaw in my own argument, which is that Romney used to be pretty Democrat-ish, although he wasn't a card-carrying democrat like Perry. So I guess I have no idea who'll win the nomination.

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Yes but the theory is that he was spruking some liberal policies in order to win and retain massachusetts. Underneath, he just likes playing politics and won't upset the corporate controlled status quo.

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Being a democrat is worse than being a Mormon in this case.

Nah, it's a lot worse than that. I think republicans at this point can tell from his debates that he his flat out incompetent.


I was watching a lot of Fox News republican coverage yesterday, and apparently Herman Cain won a recent poll by a landslide. I doubt he'll win it. Ron Paul has been winning polls too.


It's between Romney, Cain, and Paul at this point. Although Santorum (for some reason) is gaining too. Bachman and Perry are out of the picture. They've been shown as too crazy and stupid for anyone to take them seriously anymore.


Being a democrat is worse than being flat out incompetent.


As I view it, Romney is the obvious front runner. Cain and Paul don't have hopes, but people like to flirt with the idea of voting for them right now. Perry might be able to fool people that he's an American loving texan, and Bachmann might get some more funding, so they are possibilities, but it's really Romney's to win or lose at this point.

i mean, a lot of people thought GW was an idiot when he was running didnt they?

Perry is a new level of stupid. Big GW new how to hold his own against republicans, but sucked pretty hard when he went up against democrats. Perry takes so much shit from other republicans, mainly Romney.


Yea, you're probably right about cain and paul. And I agree that Romney has the best chance. I'm mostly quoting polls.

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I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian, but you don't need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school As President, I'll end Obama's war on religion. And I'll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage. Im not ashamed to say I can't make a rational argument about the over-exaggerated holiday political correctness debate, or that I'm simply a homophobic asshole. As president, I'll do absolutely nothing productive, continue to blame corruption and greed on Obama, and make life for non-right-wing Christian nutjobs absolute hell. Fuck off to our gay soldiers and Merry Christmas!
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“Just when you thought Barack Obama couldn’t get any more out of touch with America’s values, AP reports his administration wants to make foreign aid decisions based on gay rights. This administration’s war on traditional American values must stop,” Perry said in the statement. “Promoting special rights for gays in foreign countries is not in America’s interests and not worth a dime of taxpayers’ money.”


Ah yes, those "special rights" that allow gay people be treated like human beings and not get murdered, can't have any of that. What sort of world does Perry want to live in where rights like those are "special".

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Slate: Do you have a particular favorite era of Beefheart?

Huntsman: I'd have to say that I like Trout Mask Replica, which came out in '68, all the way through Bat Chain Puller-- I mean, they represent the diversity of Beefheart. I'm a fan of the really innovative spirit of Beefheart came with the Magic Band, and they really hit it off in '68.

Slate: Which songs on the record?

Huntsman: Ella Guru, China Pig Hammer -- the whole double album. Part poetry, part improvisation. All cutting edge. And then when you get to Bat Chain Puller, it's a little more accessible.

Slate: But Trout was the one they put together when Beefheart forced them to practice in that house...

Huntsman: Yeah, when he played with Zoot Horn Rollo and Mascara Jimmy, and Mascara Snake -- these were great players. He didn't hold onto them very long. The crew he put together for Ice Cream for Crow was good, too, but it was less experimental.

Also, how do you know about this?

Slate: Well, you tweeted about it.

Huntsman: I didn't think anyone would read that! I put it out there to see if anyone was actually paying attention.

wow huntsman for coolest gop nominee?

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I and others have reported that youtube video for hate speech. let's see if it gets taken down.


the stuff he says about kids not being able to celebrate christmas or pray in school isn't true. the end of school prayer meant that schools can no longer lead students in prayer. of course, according to christian fundies not forcing students to pray to jesus is the reason for all the crime, sex, and drugs in the country. how could they possibly keep kids from praying silently anyway? and what school doesn't put up christmas decorations?

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Slate: Do you have a particular favorite era of Beefheart?

Huntsman: I'd have to say that I like Trout Mask Replica, which came out in '68, all the way through Bat Chain Puller-- I mean, they represent the diversity of Beefheart. I'm a fan of the really innovative spirit of Beefheart came with the Magic Band, and they really hit it off in '68.

Slate: Which songs on the record?

Huntsman: Ella Guru, China Pig Hammer -- the whole double album. Part poetry, part improvisation. All cutting edge. And then when you get to Bat Chain Puller, it's a little more accessible.

Slate: But Trout was the one they put together when Beefheart forced them to practice in that house...

Huntsman: Yeah, when he played with Zoot Horn Rollo and Mascara Jimmy, and Mascara Snake -- these were great players. He didn't hold onto them very long. The crew he put together for Ice Cream for Crow was good, too, but it was less experimental.

Also, how do you know about this?



Slate: Well, you tweeted about it.

Huntsman: I didn't think anyone would read that! I put it out there to see if anyone was actually paying attention.

wow huntsman for coolest gop nominee?


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