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things to do with a shitty computer

Guest disparaissant

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Guest disparaissant


so i've finally gotten around to getting that new computer i made a thread about

so now i have an old one laying around. im giving my mom my 8 year old computer since it's much better than hers, but i'll have hers to mess around with now!


check out these specs

1.7ghz Pentium 4 processor

some crazy Matrox industrial strength video card

128 megabytes of ram.

that's it. 128mb. and it's some weird type of ram that you can't even find anymore.


so what can i do with this thing? ideally i'd like to turn it into a media server/seedbox, but im not sure if that's really possible with such a measly amount of ram. might it be possible with some linux distro? i know fuck all about linux so that might be a pain in the ass but i could try it! what would you nerds do with it?

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up until recently i was using this piece of shit as a seedbox




the specs on it are abysmal, same amount of RAM but an infinitely shitter CPU (it is a VIA CPU, which are complete and utter shit). was running Windows XP on there that I had customised with nLite to get rid of all the shite that isn't required, and it worked just fine as a seedbox. it wouldn't have been good for anything else, but your machine should probably be capable of a bit more.


you could definitely do some stuff with it using Linux. do you have a lot of spare time? you could use it as a little project, could be awesomely geeky

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Guest disparaissant

i'm gonna have about a week to futz around with it before school starts, so yeah. could be a fun nerdy project. i've used linux before in VMWare when i was trying to learn python but i sucked at both using linux and python so i gave up.


basically my plan is to take my mom's 10 gig hard drive and pop it into my computer before i give it to her, since she only uses a computer for word processing and email anyway, and so i can put my ~300 gigs total internal storage in it, along with my 1.5tb external, should be a pretty decent server i guess. for free, anyway.

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it's worth playing around with, definitely. if you can persevere with Linux, you'll have a rather capable server on your hands that you can do all sorts with. even if you're just wanting to smack Windows XP on there, it'll still be a pretty decent seedbox. if you're going to use Windows XP though, i highly recommend not installing Service Pack 3 on there, as that seemed to make low end machines rather sluggish. stick with service pack 2 and you should be golden.

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well it depends on how hardcore you wanna go...


if you want a relatively easy time with it all, I would probably go with Mint Linux, as it is relatively easy on resources but still has enough gubbins and stuff to help out newcomers. it's been a long time since I messed around with Mint Linux though so I might have to look it up.


If you want to go along a slightly more hardcore route, but still have an element of user friendliness, i'd go with Crunchbang Linux. that has been my go-to Linux distro for a while now.


if you wanna go super hardcore, you could try Arch Linux and build up your system from scratch. This could be the best approach if you wanna squeeze as much as you can out of your system, but of course you'll need to set up and configure everything yourself. although, Arch does have package management like a Debian based system (so that would be stuff like Ubuntu), so you've at least got that helping you. gone are the days of having to build everything from source. i remember those days.

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Guest disparaissant

cool beans, im gonna check all those out. this is either gonna be awesome or awesomely frustrating i suppose!

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thanks Baph, i couldn't remember the name of the Ubuntu based distro that uses LXDE as the window manager.


that would probably be the best one to go for if you're wanting to get up and running pretty quick and painlessly

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cool beans, im gonna check all those out. this is either gonna be awesome or awesomely frustrating i suppose!

Linux can be great to play around with, it depends on how geeky you are I suppose. back in 1997 when I first discovered Linux, I was about 14 or 15. I had a lot of time and patience to be messing around with it, and it was a good thing I had patience - back then you had to actually build your sound card drivers from source, and then compile the kernel to accept it. took me about 2 weeks to figure it out and get sound working. but hallelujah when i did get it working.


times have changed, and for the most part a lot of hardware is autodetected, and you have modules now for loading kernel related stuff. having said that, my netbook has a couple of issues with WiFi and sound, things that these days I rarely have the patience to arse around with. but then I'm a couple of years away from 30. You have youth on your side!

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sorry to butt in here you two, but osc, 30 is not old (+ cranky) !


personally i feel a lot better now than i did when i was 21!!


anyway, carry on... :)

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sorry to butt in here you two, but osc, 30 is not old (+ cranky) !


personally i feel a lot better now than i did when i was 21!!


anyway, carry on... :)

i didn't say that at all, i was merely pointing out that i personally had more patience when i was younger, and now that i am older i do not.

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sorry to butt in here you two, but osc, 30 is not old (+ cranky) !


personally i feel a lot better now than i did when i was 21!!


anyway, carry on... :)

i didn't say that at all, i was merely pointing out that i personally had more patience when i was younger, and now that i am older i do not.



I know how that feels, man. I know how that feels.



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sorry to butt in here you two, but osc, 30 is not old (+ cranky) !


personally i feel a lot better now than i did when i was 21!!


anyway, carry on... :)

i didn't say that at all, i was merely pointing out that i personally had more patience when i was younger, and now that i am older i do not.


err, yeah you did. you were saying that now you're a couple of years off 30, you have less patience, as if getting older means you/one gets less patient... and that because diss has 'youth on her side' she should have more patience, etc.


anyways...... nevermind. but 30 aint so bad, yo! haha ;)

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sorry to butt in here you two, but osc, 30 is not old (+ cranky) !


personally i feel a lot better now than i did when i was 21!!


anyway, carry on... :)

i didn't say that at all, i was merely pointing out that i personally had more patience when i was younger, and now that i am older i do not.


err, yeah you did. you were saying that now you're a couple of years off 30, you have less patience, as if getting older means you/one gets less patient... and that because diss has 'youth on her side' she should have more patience, etc.


anyways...... nevermind. but 30 aint so bad, yo! haha ;)

read into it whatever you want, it's your internet

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sorry to butt in here you two, but osc, 30 is not old (+ cranky) !


personally i feel a lot better now than i did when i was 21!!


anyway, carry on... :)

i didn't say that at all, i was merely pointing out that i personally had more patience when i was younger, and now that i am older i do not.


err, yeah you did. you were saying that now you're a couple of years off 30, you have less patience, as if getting older means you/one gets less patient... and that because diss has 'youth on her side' she should have more patience, etc.


anyways...... nevermind. but 30 aint so bad, yo! haha ;)

read into it whatever you want, it's your internet


tut. :rolleyes:

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