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Gaddafi's death


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So now we got Uganda on the table, what wars will we get involved in next (because as we all know with Iraq, Libya is now mission accomplished, the war is over)


Well maybe they will do iran after all.

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Guest Gbiscuit
except that the rebels hate black people


I find this to be simple reactionism prompted by the circumstances. In time I'm sure the Black African population will meld back in to regular old Libyan society, similarly to the Asian population of the states during WW2.

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killing people like bin laden and gaddafi saddens me mostly because i really would have liked to hear what they may have had to have said. i know that the chances are high that they would spout bullshit, lies or silence, but my curiosity is overwhelming.


it's too bad they murdered him but what ever. he was a massive cunt. i don't see this as a large leap forward; he hasn't be in control since the start of the uprising and his death doesn't change that. i guess only time will tell in which direction this leads.

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Brutalizing the man and throwing his carcass around in the streets does not bode well for promises of a democratic government.


Revolution is a nasty affair, even the oft idealized American Revolution was riddled with guerrilla warfare, harassment of fellow citizens, mob violence, and tar and feathering...which was actually quite a brutal form of public torture.


killing people like bin laden and gaddafi saddens me mostly because i really would have liked to hear what they may have had to have said. i know that the chances are high that they would spout bullshit, lies or silence, but my curiosity is overwhelming.


it's too bad they murdered him but what ever. he was a massive cunt.


I know what you mean, it's always the surreal factor that these infamous figures are dead that interests me. Gaddafi has been around for such a long time it will be strange not having him in the background of world politics. I was born on RAF Lakenheath just months before the 1986 air strike that almost killed him. He had palaces, a guard unit of young females, comical outfits, gave ridiculous ideological speeches, recklessly started wars with neighbor countries. He was the quintessential larger than life cold war era dictator.





Gaddafi was casually spoofed as a public figure until this year. Before the uprising Italy was getting fairly cozy with him, the US had been becoming less hostile and even cooperative with his regime in the 90s and 00s. With massive oil reserves and a loyal government and army, it seemed he would of been a outspoken despot until his dying day, yet today he was found hiding in a drainage ditch, pleading for his life. I'm glad he's dead, but I too wonder what he would of had to say, and whether he would of been formally be charged for his past crimes.

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

Gaddafi was casually spoofed as a public figure until this year. Before the uprising Italy was getting fairly cozy with him, the US had been becoming less hostile and even cooperative with his regime in the 90s and 00s. With massive oil reserves and a loyal government and army, it seemed he would of been a outspoken despot until his dying day, yet today he was found hiding in a drainage ditch, pleading for his life. I'm glad he's dead, but I too wonder what he would of had to say, and whether he would of been formally be charged for his past crimes.


his government wasn't very loyal, the minister for foreign affairs betrayed him with the help of the french

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Gaddafi was casually spoofed as a public figure until this year. Before the uprising Italy was getting fairly cozy with him, the US had been becoming less hostile and even cooperative with his regime in the 90s and 00s. With massive oil reserves and a loyal government and army well paid off base of cronies, it seemed he would of been a outspoken despot until his dying day, yet today he was found hiding in a drainage ditch, pleading for his life. I'm glad he's dead, but I too wonder what he would of had to say, and whether he would of been formally be charged for his past crimes.


his government wasn't very loyal, the minister for foreign affairs betrayed him with the help of the french



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Brutalizing the man and throwing his carcass around in the streets does not bode well for promises of a democratic government.


yeah, i pretty much agree with this. but then again, people get treated like animals and theyre going to react like animals.. its that whole breaking the cycle of violence and brutality thing..


i found the images of them parading around the half dead dictator pretty sickening, but i guess it was inevitable

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Brutalizing the man and throwing his carcass around in the streets does not bode well for promises of a democratic government.


yeah, i pretty much agree with this. but then again, people get treated like animals and theyre going to react like animals.. its that whole breaking the cycle of violence and brutality thing..


i found the images of them parading around the half dead dictator pretty sickening, but i guess it was inevitable


It was only inevitable if you realise that they were just hired thugs.


Killing a POW is not cool. It's murder and they committed a warcrime.


And i'm extremely disappointed with any human that supports what happened, this isn't nazi germany we've morphed into is it?

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Yes, and maybe if all his dirty secrets were revealed through a trial he wouldn't have (m)any supporters left either. Well.. now that I think about it I'm not sure anyone in Libya will dare say they support him these days, you'd probably end up dead/robbed/raped.

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Brutalizing the man and throwing his carcass around in the streets does not bode well for promises of a democratic government.


yeah, i pretty much agree with this. but then again, people get treated like animals and theyre going to react like animals.. its that whole breaking the cycle of violence and brutality thing..


i found the images of them parading around the half dead dictator pretty sickening, but i guess it was inevitable


It was only inevitable if you realise that they were just hired thugs.


Killing a POW is not cool. It's murder and they committed a warcrime.



revolution is lawless. it'll be impossible to pin the execution (that's what it was) on anyone in particular.


on the way to work this morning i heard obama making a smug victory speech... paraphrasing - "we have successfully achieved our objectives without having to deploy our own troops on the ground..." or something like that... what? the objective was to execute him and drag his lifeless body around the streets?


the more i see of obama in these type of situations the more dangerous he seems. think he's getting drunk on power.

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One could argue this so-called Obama-doctrine of leading from behind instead of actively being involved at the front, is some sort of progression from the old "we lead from the front" mentality. Emphasis on "could".

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Brutalizing the man and throwing his carcass around in the streets does not bode well for promises of a democratic government.


Revolution is a nasty affair, even the oft idealized American Revolution was riddled with guerrilla warfare, harassment of fellow citizens, mob violence, and tar and feathering...which was actually quite a brutal form of public torture.


killing people like bin laden and gaddafi saddens me mostly because i really would have liked to hear what they may have had to have said. i know that the chances are high that they would spout bullshit, lies or silence, but my curiosity is overwhelming.


it's too bad they murdered him but what ever. he was a massive cunt.


I know what you mean, it's always the surreal factor that these infamous figures are dead that interests me. Gaddafi has been around for such a long time it will be strange not having him in the background of world politics. I was born on RAF Lakenheath just months before the 1986 air strike that almost killed him. He had palaces, a guard unit of young females, comical outfits, gave ridiculous ideological speeches, recklessly started wars with neighbor countries. He was the quintessential larger than life cold war era dictator.





Gaddafi was casually spoofed as a public figure until this year. Before the uprising Italy was getting fairly cozy with him, the US had been becoming less hostile and even cooperative with his regime in the 90s and 00s. With massive oil reserves and a loyal government and army, it seemed he would of been a outspoken despot until his dying day, yet today he was found hiding in a drainage ditch, pleading for his life. I'm glad he's dead, but I too wonder what he would of had to say, and whether he would of been formally be charged for his past crimes.




The American Revolution had some very nasty bits yes, but not a very comparable example. It wasn't in England, for one, and two, if Washington had captured King George, he would not have beaten him to death and paraded his corpse around American townships. Its about the message that doing something like that sends...the Dutch would have surely reprimanded the U.S. government, and France certainly would have went apeshit. Also, Burgoyne and Cornwallis weren't executed when they were captured...this is a bad example.


and oh yeah, you're right~!!! the French Revolution! what a great democratic movement that was! Nevermind the fact that actual representation in the French government appeared more than half a century later after devastating the entire European continent and giving political ammunition for autocracies to be as brutal as necessary to ensure "democratic" uprisings fail. Who is being the romantic here?

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its hard to compare it to a "legit" democratic revolution as of yet, because its still a small military elite overthrowing a dictator ....especially when you have the CIA and other such orgs involved, someone said it in here earlier, one only needs to look at the US or British-backed African coups over the past few decades to see how well these countries have fared.

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