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Gaddafi's death


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Brutalizing the man and throwing his carcass around in the streets does not bode well for promises of a democratic government.


yeah, i pretty much agree with this. but then again, people get treated like animals and theyre going to react like animals.. its that whole breaking the cycle of violence and brutality thing..


i found the images of them parading around the half dead dictator pretty sickening, but i guess it was inevitable


It was only inevitable if you realise that they were just hired thugs.


Killing a POW is not cool. It's murder and they committed a warcrime.


And i'm extremely disappointed with any human that supports what happened, this isn't nazi germany we've morphed into is it?


having lots of troubles with your line of thought here, but whether you think they were hired mercenaries or not, i doubt the outcome would have been different if they were proven to be just average citizens.


They certainly weren't average citizens of the town he was in. Which was full of the most loyal to the regime. They were just fucking scum, paid to do a very dirty job, for a bunch of sadistic voyeurs sitting in london and washington.


yeah well im arguing the reaction would have been the same, "scum" or citizen (providing they werent loyalists of course..)


the problem that i have with your take on things is that it completely ignores the fact that this man was a brutal sociopath. now i have serious problems with the wests involvement in this as well, but it bothers me that you dont mention this mans horrible, selfish past actions.

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its honestly not that ridiculous, drones provide some sort of psychological relief from societies that employ them, no longer grieved by the fact that THEY are committing a violent act; instead its conveniently taken care of by drones. I mean this is turning into some Metal Gear Solid shit, i could certainly see only needing a handful of technicians and a good bit o' capital to run a military campaign a few decades in the future.

well it's hardly a new thing if you think about it, dropping nukes on japan didn't require involvement of that many people either after the technology became available, a pilot pushed a button and ~100k people disappeared.

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yeah but hes talking about the depersonalization of combat through technology as not being a new concept.. perhaps through technology this might be becoming more rampant, but its nothing new.

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Stop trying to confuse people. The use of robots in battle is the scariest thing in warfare since the Atomic bomb. And it is NEW technology.

what's confusing you ? im merely saying that having very little people involved in doing a very serious damage is not a new thing.

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i dont really see the reason for the communication failure here

im clearly responding the last part of sr4's post, but mustcontrol assumes that i overlook the psychological issue also brought up in sr's post, is that it ?

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I mean this is turning into some Metal Gear Solid shit, i could certainly see only needing a handful of technicians and a good bit o' capital to run a military campaign a few decades in the future.


haha totally, look what Peter Jackson built up from just a handful of SGIs out in new Zealand from the money given to him for the Frighteners, the guy made LOTR and kicked GLucas's balls into his stomach as far as film-making cost efficiency

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As Erik prince said about Blackwater in 2007, when you want a package to be delivered efficiently and quickly do you use the USPS or Fedex?


The problem with this is that the contractors over the past 10 years have been notoriously the opposite of cost effective. Of course then you won't need a standing army when there's no war. But i'm sure the new mercenary elite will manage to lobby the US government to maintain a level of military action high enough to keep their shareholders satisfied with the return on investment.


Yes, but I don't think they need to lobby. They're expensive as hell but they are convenient, and more effective (they're often ex-spec ops) at fighting and getting deployed. They're better trainers as well, which might keep them around even during "peacetime;" I wouldn't be shocked if the Green Berets essentially become privatized. I have a co-worker whose son just finished working a Xe (Blackwater) contract in Afghanistan training the army and he's worried about the US army taking over their specific operation because most personnel are careless and indifferent to results. He said it's not uncommon for regular US army troops to "accidentally" kill Afghan recruits in training, whereas private contractors are under constant scrutiny from all parties involved.


Biggest advantage? They fuck up and they lose a contract, at worse reorganize and rename their business. Much easier than the damage control required to cover-up and distract from regular military war crimes. They also don't have disclose the numerous contracts they have outside of US and NATO operations. Oh, and they don't get counted in the "troop levels" we hear about it political debate and discourse.


I actually often hear people who are of the liberal persuasion knee-jerking against the Bush administration by saying things like 'Obama knows how to fight the war on terror intelligently'



I know a few of those. Most have been Dem campaign staff or volunteers at some point. It's like "oh wow, you guys pander war and bullshit better!"



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As Erik prince said about Blackwater in 2007, when you want a package to be delivered efficiently and quickly do you use the USPS or Fedex?


The problem with this is that the contractors over the past 10 years have been notoriously the opposite of cost effective. Of course then you won't need a standing army when there's no war. But i'm sure the new mercenary elite will manage to lobby the US government to maintain a level of military action high enough to keep their shareholders satisfied with the return on investment.


I actually often hear people who are of the liberal persuasion knee-jerking against the Bush administration by saying things like 'Obama knows how to fight the war on terror intelligently'


That's cause their childlike minds won't allow them to admit that they erred in choosing obama as the commander in chief.


The mercenary group Executive Outcomes was surprisingly cost efficient in Angola and Sierra Leone - but of course they were only involved short term. The long term use of Blackwater for example, is nowhere near as cost efficient as regular military.


Maybe you just misheard - perhaps they said "Obama knows how to fight the war on terror intellectually" ;)

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So, the latest is that Al-Santana is currently sprawled on a bloody mattress in a grocery store walk-in cooler that normally stores onions and other produce. Guards have set up different shifts of letting visitors stream into the freezer and "see the dog" as they are saying. There are high-definition, what-is-this-I-don't-even pictures available but you can fetch them yourself. From a forensic perspective, he's totally fuxated. Multiple gunshot wounds, lacerations, bruises, etc. There is no way for a non-Libyan to adequately comment on this because we were all lucky enough to not live under a guy like him but still....this whole thing is starting to give me the willies.


Come on now xxx, we've all seen the good ol' pictures of dead men sat up like they're still alive since the wild west days.



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As Erik prince said about Blackwater in 2007, when you want a package to be delivered efficiently and quickly do you use the USPS or Fedex?


The problem with this is that the contractors over the past 10 years have been notoriously the opposite of cost effective. Of course then you won't need a standing army when there's no war. But i'm sure the new mercenary elite will manage to lobby the US government to maintain a level of military action high enough to keep their shareholders satisfied with the return on investment.


Yes, but I don't think they need to lobby. They're expensive as hell but they are convenient, and more effective (they're often ex-spec ops) at fighting and getting deployed. They're better trainers as well, which might keep them around even during "peacetime;" I wouldn't be shocked if the Green Berets essentially become privatized. I have a co-worker whose son just finished working a Xe (Blackwater) contract in Afghanistan training the army and he's worried about the US army taking over their specific operation because most personnel are careless and indifferent to results. He said it's not uncommon for regular US army troops to "accidentally" kill Afghan recruits in training, whereas private contractors are under constant scrutiny from all parties involved.


Biggest advantage? They fuck up and they lose a contract, at worse reorganize and rename their business. Much easier than the damage control required to cover-up and distract from regular military war crimes. They also don't have disclose the numerous contracts they have outside of US and NATO operations. Oh, and they don't get counted in the "troop levels" we hear about it political debate and discourse.


I actually often hear people who are of the liberal persuasion knee-jerking against the Bush administration by saying things like 'Obama knows how to fight the war on terror intelligently'



I know a few of those. Most have been Dem campaign staff or volunteers at some point. It's like "oh wow, you guys pander war and bullshit better!"




I don't even know where to start with this post so I won't comment at all.

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So, the latest is that Al-Santana is currently sprawled on a bloody mattress in a grocery store walk-in cooler that normally stores onions and other produce. Guards have set up different shifts of letting visitors stream into the freezer and "see the dog" as they are saying. There are high-definition, what-is-this-I-don't-even pictures available but you can fetch them yourself. From a forensic perspective, he's totally fuxated. Multiple gunshot wounds, lacerations, bruises, etc. There is no way for a non-Libyan to adequately comment on this because we were all lucky enough to not live under a guy like him but still....this whole thing is starting to give me the willies.


Come on now xxx, we've all seen the good ol' pictures of dead men sat up like they're still alive since the wild west days.



Id agree with xxx here. I dont need mangled pictures of a dead man all over the paper. There are worse ones on internet articles.

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Zombie Gaddafi


The surreal thing about these events is seeing the guy alive and healthy one week and then seeing those photos.

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So, the latest is that Al-Santana is currently sprawled on a bloody mattress in a grocery store walk-in cooler that normally stores onions and other produce. Guards have set up different shifts of letting visitors stream into the freezer and "see the dog" as they are saying. There are high-definition, what-is-this-I-don't-even pictures available but you can fetch them yourself. From a forensic perspective, he's totally fuxated. Multiple gunshot wounds, lacerations, bruises, etc. There is no way for a non-Libyan to adequately comment on this because we were all lucky enough to not live under a guy like him but still....this whole thing is starting to give me the willies.
Come on now xxx, we've all seen the good ol' pictures of dead men sat up like they're still alive since the wild west days. christie2.jpg?w=300&h=385
Indeed, you got lenin_in_tomb.jpg and jesse_dead.JPG But, maybe it's the remoteness of the pictures, the grainy resolution...it doesn't punch you in the mind like ACHTUNG! NSFW OR LIFE UNSPOIL AT OWN RISK GORE INSIDE ASK PARENTS FIRST ETC.



I found this difficult to masturbate to

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