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life without caffeine


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I gave up caffeine about 3 or 4 years ago and things are much better all around. but I love the taste of very strong bitter coffee. espresso is something I miss dearly so when I go out for a nice meal I usually cap it with a decaf espresso but now I pay the price and will be up for hours and hours. it's amazing how strong you find caffeine after not having it on the reg. what a bitch.

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I used to drink a few pots of coffee a day until my acid reflux got to the point where the pain was immobilizing. i now partake in coffee only a couple of times a week, if that. I would also rather drink tomato juice instead of cola.


The shitty thing is that tomato juice is also a trigger for heartburn/reflux. FUCK YEAH

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Never touch the stuff as it triggers migraine. I can't eat cholcolate or dairy products either lol. So hot drinks wise I am pretty stuffed! So I drink what they drink in Nepal/India which is hot lemon, with ginger and honey.


If I need to stay awake I give Tony Montana a ring, or Bob as he's known round here.

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I worked at night for 3 months this summer and I didn't consume any caffeine during that period. It almost killed me.

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I have an almost zero caffeine intake. I sometimes drink a coffee when visiting someone but I rarely if ever make it myself. I barely drink tea. I thought the idea of needing a cup of coffee to wake up seemed like a rather pointless habit.

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I gave up caffeine a few years back, but am back on now. Acid reflux represent.

When I was off, I had substituted grapefruit juice. After about a month or two, I found it easier and easier to wake up early. Actually, it was quite amazing. I remember showing up at work and everyone looked like a zombie and I was ready for anything.

What also is amazing how quickly that comes to a halt and resets as soon as you have that first cup of morning Joe again. Shit is fo real.

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Guest Sprigg

Haven't had coffee in months. Never understood the whole 'drink coffee in the morning' thing. It's good, but I always drank it after waking up a bit. Cut out soda a while back and generally I feel much better, drinking orange or grapefruit juice instead.

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Guest MortstoX

I get a headache when I don't have any. A very unpleasant, "clenchy" feeling. Probably not a good sign


You should def reduce your intake. I drank about 1-1,5 litres a day one period as a student. Suddenly I had a reflux problem, and one day I just had to quit drinking coffee. I had a terrible headache for several days in a row, and didn´t realise why. A friend told me to try a cup of coffee, so I had one or two with plenty milk, and the headache disappeared after a short time. Now, several years later, I´m still a coffee junkie (normally 2 cups in the morning, and two right after dinner), but now and then I have a "no coffee day" just to check that I don´t have a caffeine addiction.

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Guest Gary C

I don't drink tea or coffee at work and I probably drink ~5 cups a week at home.


I feel like I should drink coffee at work, though, because I usually have a massive slump around 1pm.


Watching Twin Peaks put me on a coffee-tip.

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Guest dese manz hatin

i know a girl who likes neither coffee, nor espresso and all the likes, nor tea... how the fuck do i ask her out for coffee :wtf:


srs not drinking caffeine is fucking ruthless

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i know a girl who likes neither coffee, nor espresso and all the likes, nor tea... how the fuck do i ask her out for coffee :wtf:


srs not drinking caffeine is fucking ruthless


She probably drinks smoothies or elderflower cordials...

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I cut out caffeine for a few months once just to see what happened, and I suppose I might have felt a bit perkier but I don't think it really made much difference. I usually have a cup of tea in the morning and a coffee after lunch to fight the afternoon drowsiness. It's only sitting still at a computer all day that makes me need the coffee, if I am on my feet I won't even think about it. More than two strong cups in a day and I feel a bit jangly and uncomfortable.

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Since classes have started back up I drink at least a cup or two most days of the week. I've never got the jitters from coffee, only from too many energy drinks (which I rarely drink any more).

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i used to get so jittery and anxious with too much caffeine. now that happens from 2 decafs.


Same. I used to do the 5 Shots of espresso on ice + a cup or 2 of coffee a day thing. really helped with creativity. but the anxiety was horrible. i even would say that i got 'paranoid' in the same way someone on meth gets paranoid.


so i slowed down and now i get pretty similar effects from a single cup. i'd like to cut all coffee and go with tea but it's not that simple. pretty addicting.


eventually in life i'd like to be off all ulterior chemicals

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i used to get so jittery and anxious with too much caffeine. now that happens from 2 decafs.


Same. I used to do the 5 Shots of espresso on ice + a cup or 2 of coffee a day thing. really helped with creativity. but the anxiety was horrible. i even would say that i got 'paranoid' in the same way someone on meth gets paranoid.


so i slowed down and now i get pretty similar effects from a single cup. i'd like to cut all coffee and go with tea but it's not that simple. pretty addicting.


eventually in life i'd like to be off all ulterior chemicals


better quit eating then

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Coffee is so damn good. Got some nice stuff back from Zanzibar.


My life without coffee would be a living hell.



I gave up caffeine about 3 or 4 years ago and things are much better all around. but I love the taste of very strong bitter coffee. espresso is something I miss dearly so when I go out for a nice meal I usually cap it with a decaf espresso but now I pay the price and will be up for hours and hours. it's amazing how strong you find caffeine after not having it on the reg. what a bitch.


This doesnt make any sense, decaf has nearly no caffeine. 1-2%, which is less then some coke. I think its more the placebo of coffee. You know when you have the 1st sip of coffee and you already feel more awake, even the smell has this effect sometimes. Which is bullshit, because caffeine in coffee is natural and take a while to get consumed into the system.

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i know a girl who likes neither coffee, nor espresso and all the likes, nor tea... how the fuck do i ask her out for coffee :wtf:


srs not drinking caffeine is fucking ruthless


She probably drinks smoothies or elderflower cordials...


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