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life without caffeine


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Probably couldn't survive without caffeine.


Used to drink loads of coffee, like 5 years ago. Would drink a couple really strong cups, get really hyped and make music at 240 bpm all day. Decided to try and go without for a few months and my musical output dropped by about 70 bpm within a week.


Was while visiting china, drinking loads of green and black tea (remember spending about 3 hours in a tea shop in Shanghai testing tea, left the shop buzzing like a goon) I got a taste for caffeine again.


After that it was Tea and Redbull for a couple years. My rider for gigs was Redbull, and I would neck a couple of them before I played.


Knocked Redbull on the head while I was in the states, and reduced my coffee intake quite a lot too. Mainly because I found it quite hard to find nice coffee over there.


Still get through a few cups in a day, but not enough to get really hyper like before.


Fair play if you're living without caffeine, but there's so many things that have it in, even in small amounts. I think I could go without coffee, but Green Tea, chocolate etc? No chance!

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fortunately they've never really stuffed up the order yet, I watch them take the beans from a specific decaf jar.


I like your style. If only i knew about jars and being able to know which one was which. -sie- */sips cocoa mournfully

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Guest dese manz hatin

Does anyone know this magnificent beverage?



Best caffeine-containing drink ever. Edit: I'm not even joking

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stopped drinking all things caffeinated when i made the decision to stop the intake of all uppers a few months ago.

drank a cola a couple days ago around 5 pm and i got excited about something. shit kept me up ALL night unable to sleep.

since then its been hard not to drink caffeinated soda even tho i hate acidic, carbonated drinks.

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The uncaffeinated life is not worth living.

The uncaffeinated life is not worth living.






This should be the thread that helps you quit.


If oxygen is the petrol I run on, then coffee is the oil that keeps everything running smoothly.


Plus, scientists seem to discover new things that coffee is good for every week now. There's no way I'm reducing my coffee consumption.

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Plus, scientists seem to discover new things that coffee is good for every week now. There's no way I'm reducing my coffee consumption.


The thing is with the 'discovering something good about coffee'. Is that we have a long list of everything that is terrible about it, and that hasn't gone away. And all the negatives outstrip the positives by much and many. Unfortunately there's an huge industry been built around caffeine and most of the media are it's addicts. So you won't hear the negatives mentioned in balance very often.


My latest favourate is using caffeine on the skin, read up what injesting it does for your skin. And the halo that that story provided for the drink is more than dulled.

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I refuse to take any drug that makes me more productive.


it doesn't make you more productive though. If you take it regularly you need it just to get back to sub-normal. heh, but whatever. Have terrible skin and get heart disease, it's all good.




*/leaves thread wanting a cup of tea -sie-

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I used to drink heavily caffeinated drinks all the time, but gave it up several years ago. I have a coffee if I know I'll need to be up and alert for a long period of time, though. I already have insomnia, so the caffeine doesn't really help it...


I drink green tea almost daily though.

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yes, and when i drank it i used to just open the tea bags and let it infuse in the bottom as the leaves opened up. Note how i said bags, plural. heh. That's how it is with caffeine and me ;=-] heh

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isn't there caffeine in green tea as well?


Yeah, but it's like a third of a cup of coffee. I said "I used to drink heavily caffeinated drinks"

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i am the dopiest fucker in the world and can sleep whenever i want


i need coffee


i actually find the decafes in this thread to be a bit neurotic about coffee which i guess means it's not good for them. like i can't smoke weed, hyper people can't drink coffee.. edit: and hyper people probably do well smoking weed


edit: coffee does make me mental and get shaky, but i'd just fall asleep without it

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hmm, actually that's not true. i didn't fall asleep when i stopped drinking coffee. basically, i was better at social interaction but just really slack...

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i bet you guys that completely rely on caffeine would feel so much better after it is out of your system. i found that i was more alert for a longer period of time.


im blown away by people who use those stackers and energy shots. that shit must make you crash horribly.

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