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Secular Folk: How do you react when someone says they'll pray for you?

Fred McGriff

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reddit's r/atheism is a cesspool of self-righteous little sub-dawkins fucks who give the rest of us heathens a bad name.

just throwin that out there.


i'll pee for u

Haha, This.

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"Instead of praying for me, how about you suck the cancer out of my bones?" is what I say. But then I don't have cancer, so guess prayer works.

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I don't believe in it, but I still appreciate it because as other people said it's the thought that counts. It's basically someone wishing you well, no point in making a big deal about it.


Sometimes it gets a lot sillier than it should though like that Rick Perry prayer rally. Obviously the people attending had their hearts in the right place, but you can't rely solely on prayer to fix things.

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"well, you know what they say... two hands in action can accomplish more than 1000 hands in prayer."


of course, it depends on what the problem is, but generally there's a lot more useful things someone could spend their time on.

That's fucking great and I've never heard that before...probably because of the fanatically Evangelical conditions I grew up in.


It's a fairly new quote, afaik, spawned from the depths of Reddit in response to the heroic efforts of a few Japanese men during the recent nuclear crisis. The idea was all these people praying for Japan accomplished nothing in comparison to one guy going in and risking his life to seal up the leaking reactor (or whatever).


The trick is to phrase it like "well, you know what they say...", gives it that aire of commonly accepted wisdom.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I react with laughter. not because I'm trying to make them feel bad, I just find it funny that they believe in magical thoughts. so, really, they should feel good that they managed to cheer me up.

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Apparently I do this:




I think the point is the fucking duckling.


The whole point is the fucking duckling.


This wasn't a Louie Goes to War episode, it was a FUCKING DUCKLING Episode.


And if you don't love ducklings, you probably don't even love Amerrka.

I'll pray for you.

To whom?


Can I request Ishtar?

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reddit's r/atheism is a cesspool of self-righteous little sub-dawkins fucks who give the rest of us heathens a bad name.

just throwin that out there.


Bleh militant atheists...cult of non-belief. Most atheists I know are good people who really don't bring it up to people they don't know well. I'm sure most of the forum is annoying teenage fuckers who casually listen to old NIN and pick fights with anyone they deem "conformist."


I find the idea that lack of belief in a deity is somehow less moral by default one of the more annoying trends in American society. I'd love to see an openly atheist president or PM in office before I die...and it'd be an interesting test of this thread's question.


As far as "prayer" goes, far more offensive examples are pretty easy to find, I saw the idiotic friend of friend on FB in Alabama thank "god" for answering her prayers and having that devastating Tuscaloosa tornado not hit her home and town. So I guess the other bible-belt town didn't pray hard enough? >_<

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I don't believe in it, but I still appreciate it because as other people said it's the thought that counts. It's basically someone wishing you well, no point in making a big deal about it.


Sometimes it gets a lot sillier than it should though like that Rick Perry prayer rally. Obviously the people attending had their hearts in the right place, but you can't rely solely on prayer to fix things.


Yeah speaking of, we still haven't received any rain he prayed for. :emotawesomepm9:


"well, you know what they say... two hands in action can accomplish more than 1000 hands in prayer."


of course, it depends on what the problem is, but generally there's a lot more useful things someone could spend their time on.

That's fucking great and I've never heard that before...probably because of the fanatically Evangelical conditions I grew up in.


It's a fairly new quote, afaik, spawned from the depths of Reddit in response to the heroic efforts of a few Japanese men during the recent nuclear crisis. The idea was all these people praying for Japan accomplished nothing in comparison to one guy going in and risking his life to seal up the leaking reactor (or whatever).


The trick is to phrase it like "well, you know what they say...", gives it that aire of commonly accepted wisdom.



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