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Secular Folk: How do you react when someone says they'll pray for you?

Fred McGriff

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Guest abusivegeorge

I never tell anyone I'm going to pray for them


hmm. not so long ago... i guess it wasn't for me directly but... know what i mean?


Absolutely, but I would never make the comment "I'll pray for you" off the bat and wouldn't have taken offence or been dishearted at all if the answer had been a negative response.



AA is religious George, even it pretends not to be. How else could they appear at any roadside so quickly? Godspeed. They're car angels.



I prefer it when a hot christian girl says she'll pray for me (happened), despite the sad circumstances i liked to imagine it was a one-handed prayer.


fake edit: sorry for being a knob



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Sorry if im going over old ground, i haven't read every single post but militant atheists are easily as annoying as the hardcore deists. I have more sympathy for hardcore atheists that live in America though because they are often pushed in that direction by people around them.

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So something happened to me today that resulted in a lot of people that I had no idea were spiritual people saying "you are in my prayers," "your family is in our prayers," "i'm praying for you," etc etc. It got me thinking, let's say you don't believe in god or prayer or faith or ghosts and things of that nature. Let's say that your beliefs are based on the limits of human knowledge and observation. How do you take such a comment? Do you think "ew, back off jesus freak," or are you genuinely flattered that someone cares for you in their own irrational way of dealing with things?


its just their way to say something nice and show that they care. Just be friendly and say thanks for the gesture not for agreeing with them




I generally prefer religious associates to keep that stuff quiet but you can't help but appreciate the sentiment, although it makes me pity them slightly




I don't mind, but it does make me question their sanity.

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