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what will the world be like in 2100

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I'll be 109 (I'd say there's a decentish chance I'll be alive because members of my family tends to live a long time if we don't get the beetus)

4chan, South Park, & Gangsta rap will be considered quaint relics of a bygone age

The internet/computers will probably be replaced or have evolved into something totally unrecognisable


The USA will have long since accepted its place as a multi-cultural former-superpower.

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We will almost certainly be cyborgs at that point. If not, it will be because something happened that provided a superior option for us.


I think most people on this forum will be part machine when they die

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I'm tempted to say someone will have reached 150 by then, but that would mean the person is already in their 60s, so maybe not. In any case I think we'll be well on our way to 1000 year lifespans unless some sort of hard NO U CAN'T DO THAT law of nature is discovered.

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I'm tempted to say someone will have reached 150 by then, but that would mean the person is already in their 60s, so maybe not. In any case I think we'll be well on our way to 1000 year lifespans unless some sort of hard NO U CAN'T DO THAT law of nature is discovered.


One of my roommates is a biology scientist, and she was telling me there's a coating on your mitochondria or something that degrades over time, and if we could figure out a way to keep it intact, we wouldn't age. I don't remember the specifics, since it was a while ago, but it's something along those lines.

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if you think about the fact that most of your bodily functions quite happily regenerate, i can see ageing as something that could be massively slowed down. but then again would we even want it? theres more than enough people as it is anyway

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if you think about the fact that most of your bodily functions quite happily regenerate, i can see ageing as something that could be massively slowed down. but then again would we even want it? theres more than enough people as it is anyway

did they not make a crappy movie about this? paying to live longer and such...

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will humans be extinct ?


imagine how insane and out of control technology will be by then


i don't think technology will be out of control, but rather in control, of everything!

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i think within the next 50-100 years people will get sick of this current technology boom / moore's law mania and go back to living in log cabin communities, actually meet in real life and playing boardgames. this will most likely happen post world war 3, which will probably be caused by technology run amok. also top hats will be back in style for some reason.

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WATMM will finally have content :emotawesomepm9:


I think it should have a reviews/ratings section. That way we could have a list of the best electronic music from this year and past years, based on WATMM's tastes. Also a nice articles section.

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