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what will the world be like in 2100

Guest yikes

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i think within the next 50-100 years people will get sick of this current technology boom / moore's law mania and go back to living in log cabin communities, actually meet in real life and playing boardgames. this will most likely happen post world war 3, which will probably be caused by technology run amok. also top hats will be back in style for some reason.


I dont think that at all. I do think there will be small groups of luddites though.

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The going back to nature won't work because someone is going to keep records of how to build machines and that person will eventually rule the world again so why bother. Unless you manage to destroy all memory of technology and recreate it as a religion where only the chosen ones will be allowed to use it masked as warrior magicians to the populace, but then we will live in Star Wars and I'm sure it won't be as fun as it looks on the screen.

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All of NASA's rubbish will block out the sun therefore killing all living things.


A new type of dinosaur will evolve from something(??) and the whole evolutionary cycle will start again.

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humans will be grown as batteries and those of us that manage to escape will be rebels with ripped clothes in makeshift spaceships of sorts. we will have access to amazing computer simulations and programs. inside that will be a world where disbelief is suspended and anything is possible. the problem there will be these agents though but us humans will have one hope...





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teenage girls will run everything in cooperation with dolphins. obviously they won't all be teenage but they'll look and behave as though they are, and ride dolphins for transport. pretty much no men.

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I will of expanded my small gallery of catnip plants to a whole warehouse full and cats from miles around will come to my temple and drool while catflipping themselves dizzy.

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Squids and Octopi will evolve into land dwelling creatures. They will swing from trees and buildings, performing acrobatic stunts that would make Spiderman shit himself.

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i always wondered about virtual reality. if everyone will be strapped in for the majority of their day as they fly through cyberspace having meetings with people that are across the world. then wake up to your bleak boring real life and go to bed.

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Guest Pennywise

i always wondered about virtual reality. if everyone will be strapped in for the majority of their day as they fly through cyberspace having meetings with people that are across the world. then wake up to your bleak boring real life and go to bed.


I see this as a certainty. It's definitely the way we are headed. sad but true

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I'm curious about what will be around in 10 years and even 20-40 years too. I don't know if it's just me but it feels like we've hit a little bit of a progress bump right now. We have computers, the web is evolving and we have touch interfaces, but where to go from now? Is it going to be twitter, google plus and youtube in 10-20 years? And iOS 20? You know, it seems unlikely. In that regard I also wonder where the web will be seeing as it's so prevalent now and there are these fundamental concepts and mechanisms in place... WIll it just be websites with different functionality in 10 years? I hope new 'fundamental' concepts will come forth and those would be the ones to drive the future (examples would be touch interfaces or even the microchip/cellphone).


I do appreciate the changes I've seen in my lifetime though, the rise of the internet, the way bittorrent changed everything and online video/social networking. Now waiting on the next big thing:O

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i always wondered about virtual reality. if everyone will be strapped in for the majority of their day as they fly through cyberspace having meetings with people that are across the world. then wake up to your bleak boring real life and go to bed.


I see this as a certainty. It's definitely the way we are headed. sad but true



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teenage girls will run everything in cooperation with dolphins. obviously they won't all be teenage but they'll look and behave as though they are, and ride dolphins for transport. pretty much no men.



sounds brilliant

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It's going to be a matriarchy.


I, for one, welcome our future female overlords.


Probably tongue in cheek but to answer that one seriously i think there will be a male backlash at some point in the near future. There's definitely a tension building amongst males in general in my opinion. So far, we seem to be incapable as a species in find a balance. Ultimately i dont think it will be about men or women because the future will be much weirder than that due to the self directed evolution that's about to kick in.

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WATMM will finally have content :emotawesomepm9:


I think it should have a reviews/ratings section. That way we could have a list of the best electronic music from this year and past years, based on WATMM's tastes. Also a nice articles section.


I agree with this. I'd happily write the odd feature here and there for WATMM.


Start a thread!

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It's going to be a matriarchy.


I, for one, welcome our future female overlords.


Probably tongue in cheek but to answer that one seriously i think there will be a male backlash at some point in the near future. There's definitely a tension building amongst males in general in my opinion. So far, we seem to be incapable as a species in find a balance. Ultimately i dont think it will be about men or women because the future will be much weirder than that due to the self directed evolution that's about to kick in.


Naw. The women will take advantage of our anger and use it against us. They are clever like that.

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Naw. The women will take advantage of our anger and use it against us. They are clever like that.


Oh obviously, men are retards if you ignore virtually all the most impressive intellectual feats achieved by humans. Yeah they wouldn't stand a chance. I love this self hating bullshit that is so in vogue lol.

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Guest disparaissant

well you cant really point to the accomplishments of men as though they were made with any fairness re: gender equality. so that's a bit shit.


but yes, hating on one's own gender is p. stupid.

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well you cant really point to the accomplishments of men as though they were made with any fairness re: gender equality. so that's a bit shit.


but yes, hating on one's own gender is p. stupid.


You could say the same for the last 20 years. It will be the same for the next 20 as well. Just saying......

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by the way, just to be clear, i'm not trying to say men are superior to women. I'm just responding to what root said that's all.


As i said, humanity seems to be completely hopeless when it comes to equality. We same to favour one or the other.

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