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what will the world be like in 2100

Guest yikes

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in 2100 when you find a song you like there are people waiting for the one time you are extremely drunk and listening to a really good tiger & woods edit you click on find people and there is a party waiting for you with fellow travelers including those from space and from the past so you have a good time before you need to sleep and next day there is NO hangover.

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the world will be like this:









































































































































































































































































































































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Most likely we will have either destroyed our self's or destroyed by nature.


If that doesn't happen then we will have teleportation (which Google chrome currently doesn't recognize as a word, so I assume they will fix that by 2100) and the world will be a great place with very few poor people (Maybe none) since the advance technology of today will become commonplace and cheap (And even more advance) like OLED newspapers and stuff like that. As well as better sources of energy more "free" like our sun and hopefully we will be exploring space easier as well, perhaps even be beginning tearing up other planets for their resources or have Hotels on the moon/mars.The "white" race will have blended in with everything else (More than likely), less racial jokes/problems.

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lumpendrol has born with a genetic disorder that made him have 2 right hands, so he can high-five himself. :sup:

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How would everybody feel about a one world language?


I have a feeling this is one of those ideas that gets a kneejerk angry reaction, but as much as I love other languages, I do wish that there was just one global language we all spoke. It would make life so much easier, guarantee it would mean less conflict as well.


I don't think we will have one language in 90 years.. but just thinking out loud here.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I'm tempted to say someone will have reached 150 by then, but that would mean the person is already in their 60s, so maybe not. In any case I think we'll be well on our way to 1000 year lifespans unless some sort of hard NO U CAN'T DO THAT law of nature is discovered.


One of my roommates is a biology scientist, and she was telling me there's a coating on your mitochondria or something that degrades over time, and if we could figure out a way to keep it intact, we wouldn't age. I don't remember the specifics, since it was a while ago, but it's something along those lines.

Yeah you're sort of right. I think what you mean is telomere shortening? It is a phenomenon of how DNA replicates that means a little bit is lost at the ends every time it copies itself to divide. There is a bit of extra DNA stuck on the ends (the telomere) to allow for this but ultimately a cell will have divided too many times and will have run out of telomere. This number of cell divisions is called the Hayflick Limit. There are also things in place to preserve telomeres (particularly an enzyme called telomerase), in some cases longevity can be linked to hyperactivity of this enzyme. Unfortunately as is always the case, it's not that simple. The first red flag is that hyperactive telomerase is found in a lot of cancer cells too, as you might expect, since they don't die when they ought to. If you could solve this telomere shortening effect you'd quite likely be giving people full body cancers.
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teenage girls will run everything in cooperation with dolphins. obviously they won't all be teenage but they'll look and behave as though they are, and ride dolphins for transport. pretty much no men.

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Guest hahathhat

Ron Paul will be plugged into a wall socket.

just like jesus is plugged into my kitchen wall socket ???






teenage girls will run everything in cooperation with dolphins. obviously they won't all be teenage but they'll look and behave as though they are, and ride dolphins for transport. pretty much no men.

you've obviously never heard how wrong some of lilly's experiments went.




For 10 weeks in 1965, Lilly’s young, female research associate, Margaret Howe, live with a dolphin named Peter. The two shared a partially flooded, two-room house. The water was just shallow enough for Margaret to wade through the rooms and just deep enough for Peter to swim. Margaret and Peter were constantly interacting with each other, eating, sleeping, working, and playing together. Margaret slept on a bed soaked in saltwater and worked on a floating desk, so that her dolphin roommate could interrupt her whenever he wanted. She also spent hours playing ball with Peter, encouraging his more “humanoid” noises and trying to teach him simple words.


As time passed, it became clear that Peter didn’t want a mom; he wanted a girlfriend. The dolphin became uninterested in his lessons, and he started wooing Margaret by nibbling at her feet and legs. When his advances weren’t reciprocated, Peter got violent. He started using his nose and flippers to hit Margaret’s shins, which quickly became bruised. For a while, she wore rubber boots and carried a broom to fight off Peter’s advances. When that didn’t work, she started sending him out for conjugal visits with other dolphins. But the research team grew worried that if Peter spent too much time with his kind, he’d forget what he’d learned about being human.


Before long, Peter was back in the house with Margaret, still attempting to woo her. But this time, he changed his tactics. Instead of biting his lady friend, he started courting her by gently rubbing his teeth up and down her leg and showing off his genitals. Shockingly, this final strategy worked, and Margaret began rubbing the dolphin’s erection. Unsurprisingly, he became a lot more cooperative with his language lessons.


Discovering that a human could satisfy a dolphin’s sexual needs was the experiment’s biggest interspecies breakthrough. Dr. Lilly still believed that dolphins could learn to talk if given enough time, and he hoped to conduct a year-long study with Margaret and another dolphin. When the plans turned out to be too expensive, Lilly tried to get the dolphins to talk another way—by giving them LSD. And although Lilly reported that they all had “very good trips,” the scientist’s reputation in the academic community deteriorated. Before long, he’d lost federal funding for his research.


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How would everybody feel about a one world language?


I have a feeling this is one of those ideas that gets a kneejerk angry reaction, but as much as I love other languages, I do wish that there was just one global language we all spoke. It would make life so much easier, guarantee it would mean less conflict as well.


I don't think we will have one language in 90 years.. but just thinking out loud here.


we have one and it's called english!

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i started learning Chinese a couple of years ago and it made me realise how good English is. I'm sure we could in theory do much better but still, it was an eye opener.

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I think lots of people myself included spend lots of time living in an exciting simulation wheter it's TV or Internet or mainstream culture and then return to a bleak boring life and also the one language thing is already here so we need fellow watmmers futurists to advance this lifestyle 100 years into the future

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