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Some asshole stole my bike


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Was it a nice bike?


that's the thing: it was a shit bike but it looked awesome. I always joked around about how it's gonna get stolen for the cool looks, yet it was only a year old and I had to have it fixed four times already. I even made a post about it before, look:


I got this mountain bike thing now but it's a rather cheap Japanese one (The one I broke the front wheel of on my first ride while Listening to VHS Head), it was some kind of special offer for 127 bucks. Apart from its tendency to easily break, it looks very nice (which isn't really a good thing, like fiznuthian pointed out) but it gets me where I want to go, plus allows me to ride off-road which I like to do. It's alright.




It was a piece of junk from METRO (something like Tesco) but I'd still like it back cause I was gonna use it as a camera dolly due to the relatively smooth springing and the way it stirs. It was this model in way too cool looking lime green:




In Holland you just steal a bike back.


I might try that. I can identify my bike, I made various changes, some of which will probably remain unnoticed by whoever took it.


It's especially annoying cause I was gonna go and get the bike, but my other friend suggested I could just leave it there cause we'd be back later with the car anyways and could get it then. And I thought about it for a sec and even said "I hope it's still gonna be there by then" :facepalm: But I never expected someone would actually crack open my heavy iron lock on a semi-busy road on Friday evening. There seems to be some organized thing going on in this street where my friend lives (as my other friend told me yesterday, AFTER my bike got stolen - thank you very much)



I'm feeling a little Sherlock-y, I might place a decoy bike there and hide a GPS transmitter inside it. I might even find mine again that way. Anyone knows an affordable one (+ receiver)? I was thinking about getting one for one of my film projects anyway.


Did I mention it all happened next to a Police Station? :sleep:

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I got my bike stolen right outside my school in highschool. It had a heavy duty lock on, and there were 3 other bikes right next to it without locks, but they had a good eye I guess... I was fucking pissed. my condolences to you.


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Guest futuregirlfriend

if i looking for bike

him name lime green bike

i lost my bike

ps. i'll find my bike.

who took my bike

love, terpy

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