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Being really, really poor thread


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It was a rough February, I'll admit. I think I lost like 40 pounds that winter.



thanks for the advice, all.


how does one cook beef hearts and livers to make them yummy? (i dont think ive ever had any)



good thing is i found a sale on chicken as they had overstocked, less than 2 bucks a pound....fucking score!!

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does anyone know how to keep the blowflies from drinking the last dregs of moisture from my cracked lips? Thanks a lot in advance!



find better shelter


i see what you did there

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Apply for foodstamps man. You have payed into that with every taxable paycheck you have earned. That program is in place to help those of us who, despite being hard workers, aren't making enough money to sustain themselves. I have no doubt you will get over $100 a month for food. You deserve a little recreation now and again, and you don't have to feel guilty about cheating the system, as even now you still contribute to that system every time you get paid. It should take you maybe an hour in the office, and you'll get your card in the mail within a week. That's how it worked for me at any rate.

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how does one cook beef hearts and livers to make them yummy? (i dont think ive ever had any)

Livers I generally fry up with onions/mushrooms/etc. Some people like to put ketchup on them. Also if you have a blender you can blend them up, mix in flour, & make meat dumplings.


Hearts I find kind of chewy in their natural form, but when blended they become a lot like hamburger (but sweeter tasting).

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one note: back in my starving student days I used to eat a lot of organ meat too, chicken livers were ridiculously cheap. But then I heard that they have a ton of antibiotics and other crap stored in them. I'm not sure if that's true, but it seemed to make intuitive sense, that all the stuff the industry pumps into our food animals ends up in their livers. Now that we have the internet, I'd recommend doing some digging online regarding this issue...though maybe hearts should be ok? That's just a muscle after all...

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Someone mentioned the Krishna temples - totally good. They have mad feasts.

For household stuff - the dollar stores are good.


Do you really need your car? Sell that if you can live without it.

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I'm not poor, so maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about. But I was just trying to think of really cheap foods that fills you up and are reasonably healthy, and I'm wondering why bananas have not yet been mentioned. I can get them for 59 cents a pound, and they're very filling.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I'm very low on funds at the moment but I'm just trying to cut down on spending so I haven't bought anything like clothes or whatever for a long time. if I could just stop drinking booze I would probably be a lot more moneyed up. I'm essentially trying to weather out a cashflow problem so I should be in slightly more comfortable territory by November.


My cheap food solution is basically to get involved in fruit and vegetables. I think going for cheap meat as a way to save significant amounts is a risky strategy sometimes. I like to make big stews with loads of beans and vegetables and some beef. If you stew it good you'd swear those beans are made of meat by the end. Then just freeze it down into portions and you're set for ages. Eat more fruit instead of more expensive and less filling snacks. It's almost ridiculous how cheap fruit is and you know you can eat as much of it as you want and still be being healthy. If you are potentially not eating as much as youd like in your main meals then you're better off with a load of apples lying around than crisps and chocolate to try and fill you up.

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Guest Otto Krat

Wait a second what's the minimum salary in the USA?


Here in France I get 638 euros a month for 18h30m of work (8,5 euros/h which is slightly more that the minimum 7euros/h) plus 200 euros a month for 2h a week (private courses, being paid more dans 20euros/h).


I pay 400 euros for a room (in Paris it's expensive, yes) but the State gives me 200 euros back because I am a "young" student. Plus it (the State) pays the university, which is 500 euros a year (I am talking about Sorbonne, the best one here). Medical insurance is comprised in those 500 euros.


So in the end it's 838 (salaries) - 400 (rent) + 200 (state help) = 638 euros a month after the rent, for 20h30 hours of work per week. And I feel relatively poor, compared to my friend who gets paid 200 euros a day just for being 1st assistant of a fashion photographer.

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I'm very low on funds at the moment but I'm just trying to cut down on spending so I haven't bought anything like clothes or whatever for a long time. if I could just stop drinking booze I would probably be a lot more moneyed up. I'm essentially trying to weather out a cashflow problem so I should be in slightly more comfortable territory by November.


My cheap food solution is basically to get involved in fruit and vegetables. I think going for cheap meat as a way to save significant amounts is a risky strategy sometimes. I like to make big stews with loads of beans and vegetables and some beef. If you stew it good you'd swear those beans are made of meat by the end. Then just freeze it down into portions and you're set for ages. Eat more fruit instead of more expensive and less filling snacks. It's almost ridiculous how cheap fruit is and you know you can eat as much of it as you want and still be being healthy. If you are potentially not eating as much as youd like in your main meals then you're better off with a load of apples lying around than crisps and chocolate to try and fill you up.



sorry my man, but fruit is NOT cheap where I live. I get applesauce on sale when I can...but a fresh apple goes for about 2 dollars. I am not kidding. One apple.

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Wait a second what's the minimum salary in the USA?


Here in France I get 638 euros a month for 18h30m of work (8,5 euros/h which is slightly more that the minimum 7euros/h) plus 200 euros a month for 2h a week (private courses, being paid more dans 20euros/h).


I pay 400 euros for a room (in Paris it's expensive, yes) but the State gives me 200 euros back because I am a "young" student. Plus it (the State) pays the university, which is 500 euros a year (I am talking about Sorbonne, the best one here). Medical insurance is comprised in those 500 euros.


So in the end it's 838 (salaries) - 400 (rent) + 200 (state help) = 638 euros a month after the rent, for 20h30 hours of work per week. And I feel relatively poor, compared to my friend who gets paid 200 euros a day just for being 1st assistant of a fashion photographer.


yeah, im not even close.


I mean, if you can pull down a job with a 24k salary these days, you are in good shape.


The past three years I have earned well below the poverty line, roughly 8-10 grand a year...but the first two years that was due to the fact that I was a full time student and only working a 20 hour part time job.


Right now with my teaching job and part-time job i am earning about 700 a month, which normally would work out, but loan payments are now due, sucking up the rest of the expendable income.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I'm very low on funds at the moment but I'm just trying to cut down on spending so I haven't bought anything like clothes or whatever for a long time. if I could just stop drinking booze I would probably be a lot more moneyed up. I'm essentially trying to weather out a cashflow problem so I should be in slightly more comfortable territory by November.


My cheap food solution is basically to get involved in fruit and vegetables. I think going for cheap meat as a way to save significant amounts is a risky strategy sometimes. I like to make big stews with loads of beans and vegetables and some beef. If you stew it good you'd swear those beans are made of meat by the end. Then just freeze it down into portions and you're set for ages. Eat more fruit instead of more expensive and less filling snacks. It's almost ridiculous how cheap fruit is and you know you can eat as much of it as you want and still be being healthy. If you are potentially not eating as much as youd like in your main meals then you're better off with a load of apples lying around than crisps and chocolate to try and fill you up.



sorry my man, but fruit is NOT cheap where I live. I get applesauce on sale when I can...but a fresh apple goes for about 2 dollars. I am not kidding. One apple.

Shit, son. £5 can buy me so much fruit I feel like Henry VIII when I lay it all out
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Someone mentioned the Krishna temples - totally good. They have mad vegetarian feasts.




Does it matter that they're vegetarian? They're great no matter which way you slice it. Smetty is not a vegetarian, and he won't care if the food is vegetarian if it's as awesome as the food at the Krishna temple is.

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I think local grown fruit and vegetables plus rice / beans would be the best solution. I fucking hate organ meat so I would rather eat plants / tuna and save cash for nice boneless chicken for weekends or something. Oh and forget about fast food, snacks, cigarettes, soda, chocolates, expensive alcohol, etc. You can cheat yourself into thinking you are doing this out of health / environmental reasons and it will make you feel a bit better I think, as if you are living like a Spartan soldier or whatever silly adventure sparks your interest and fancy. If you manage to do this for a week then you have to give yourself a present. That's what I do anyway haha.

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can you sell your car? That's gotta be a huge drain - plus you can put the financial compensation toward stocking your pantry with lots of canned goods (and maybe a tie).

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Someone mentioned the Krishna temples - totally good. They have mad vegetarian feasts.




Does it matter that they're vegetarian? They're great no matter which way you slice it. Smetty is not a vegetarian, and he won't care if the food is vegetarian if it's as awesome as the food at the Krishna temple is.


at this point every time i make any post you have some problem with it

fuck off

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